

单词 prebiotic
释义 I. prebiotic, n. and a.2
Brit. |ˌpriːbʌɪˈɒtɪk|, U.S. |ˌpriːbaɪˈɑdɪk|
[‹ pre- prefix + -biotic (in probiotic adj.1, probiotic n.).]
A. n. A non-digestible food ingredient that selectively promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microorganisms (probiotics). Cf. probiotic n.
1995G. R. Gibson & M. R. Roberfroid in Jrnl. Nutrition1251401 Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacterial species already resident in the colon.1998Independent 3 Mar. i. 14/7 When you've been on the diet a while, some people use probiotics (eg live yoghurt) and prebiotics (specialised fibre food) from health food stores to encourage growth of good bacteria.2001Observer 1 Apr. (Life Suppl.) 45/1 The two main prebiotics are the non-digestible oligosaccharides inulin and oligofructose, the richest nutritional sources of which are chicory root, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, salsify, onions, wheat, bananas and other fruits, vegetables and grains.
B. adj. Promoting the growth of beneficial (probiotic) intestinal microorganisms; of or relating to prebiotics. Cf. probiotic adj.1
1996Carbohydrate Res.287183 The dianhydrides and related oligomers are thought to have a prebiotic effect by stimulating the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the large intestine.1997Scand. Jrnl. Gastroenterol. (Suppl.)22232 Several different types of in vitro fermentation systems are currently employed to investigate pro- and prebiotic activities in the human large intestinal microbiota.2001Jrnl. Med. Microbiol. 50 833 Supplementation of the human diet with prebiotic substances such as inulin and non-digestible oligosaccharides..has been associated with various health benefits.
II. prebiˈotic, a.
[pre- B. 1.]
= prebiological a.
1958New Statesman 23 Aug. 214/2 The dust is prebiotic, that is, before the formation of life, but with all the biochemical elements, from which life originated, waiting to be ‘organised’ into a chemistry of reproduction.1962F. I. Ordway et al. Basic Astronautics vi. 250 Lightning..may have originally been responsible for the creation of the first organic molecules from prebiotic molecules.1968New Scientist 29 Aug. 437/1 Studies on prebiotic synthesis—the way in which the chemicals of life may have originated on the primitive earth—generally have an esoteric ring to them.1973B. J. Williams Evolution & Human Origins vii. 94/1 It was a closed system containing only water, the gases assumed to be present in the prebiotic atmosphere, and an energy source.




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