

单词 precel
释义 preˈcel, v. Obs.
Also 6 Sc. presell.
[ad. L. præcell-ĕre to (rise above,) surpass, excel, f. præ, pre- A. 5 + *cellĕre to rise higher, to tower; cf. excel. Cf. obs. F. préceller.]
1. intr. To be superior; to excel, surpass.
c1400Apol. Loll. 59 If he precelle in sciens & holines.1430–40Lydg. Bochas i. i. (MS. Bodl. 263) 13/2 As we precelle in wisdam and resoun.1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. Tim. iii. 9 It is conueniente, that he whiche precelleth in honor, should also precelle in vertues.1550J. Coke Eng. & Fr. Heralds §54 (1877) 73 Malgo..precelled in beautye, puyssaunce, force, and strengthe, of all men in those dayes.15521756 [see precelling].
2. trans. To be superior to; to surpass, excel (another or others); = excel v. 2.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) IV. 31 Bledgarec kynge precellede alle other in musike.1530Lyndesay Test. Papyngo 26 As Phebus dois Synthia presell.1661Cressy Refl. Oathes Suprem. & Alleg. 91 Be subject to every humane creature, to the King as precelling all others.
Hence preˈcelling vbl. n.
a1532Remedie of Loue Prol. v, Flouring youth, which..a precelling haste aboue age In many a singuler commodite.




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