

单词 predication
释义 predication|prɛdɪˈkeɪʃən|
Also 6–7 præ-.
[ME. a. OF. predicaciun (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), mod.F. prédication, ad. L. prædicātiōn-em, n. of action f. prædicāre: see prec.]
1. The action of publicly or loudly proclaiming, declaring, or setting forth.
a. spec. Preaching; an instance of this; a sermon, discourse, exhortation, oration. Obs. or arch.
c1300Beket 1969 [He] stod and prechede that folc..In his predicatioun he gan to sike sore.c1386Chaucer Shipman's Prol. 14 For we shul han a predicacion This lollere here wol prechen vs somwhat.1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 101 The predicacion is not to be lawded that endureth ouer the power of the herkeners.1533J. Heywood Pard. & Friar in Hazl. Dodsley I. 235 Except that the preacher himself live well, His predication will help never a dell.1689Def. Liberty agst. Tyrants 14 The tribute of God is in Prayers, Sacraments, Predications of the pure word of God.1715M. Davies Athen. Brit. I. 116 To bring Predications upon particular Texts of Scripture, into a regular Body of Sermons.1827G. S. Faber Orig. Expiat. Sacr. 258 Doctrines..taught and held from the very first predication of the Gospel.1884Q. Rev. Apr. 312 During half a century of uninterrupted predication.
b. The action of crying up or extolling. Obs.
1528Roy Rede me (Arb.) 84 Then with grett commendacion In their flatterynge predicacion They will their actes magnify.1533Bellenden Livy ii. xxvi. (S.T.S.) I. 235 Þe small pepil..hard þarefore þe blasonyng & predicatioun als plesandlie þan, quhen he was dede.1628Gaule Pract. The. Paneg. 8 That is our prayse and predication of God.a1656Bp. Hall Rem. Wks. (1660) 16 This man..fell into a Hyperbolical predication of the wonderful miracles done newly by our Lady at Zichem.
c. Proclamation, announcement. Obs.
1613–18Daniel Coll. Hist. Eng. (1626) 154 Without delay predication should be made throughout the Kingdome.
2. The action of predicating or asserting, or an instance of this; assertion, affirmation.
1579Fulke Heskins' Parl. 325 Is this a proper and essentiall prædication to say, Christe is a spirituall rocke?a1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. i. iv. 109 It is as true a Predication to say that these were many, as it were in case they had all coexisted.1821Parr Let. to Maltby 27 Mar., A college testimonial, wherein the word learning and all predications about it, are omitted.
b. spec. in Logic: The assertion of something of or about a subject.
a1638Mede Wks. (1672) 253 A predication in casu recto is a predication of sameness, and therefore is used properly in things which are in a manner the same, as Genus and Species, Homo est animal.1692Norris Curs. Refl. 40 When..the Predicate is said of the whole Subject according to the full latitude of its Predication.1829Jas. Mill Hum. Mind (1869) II. xiv. 4 Predication..is a name for the combination of three words, ‘subject’, ‘predicate’, and ‘copula’.1843Mill Logic i. v. §3 (1856) I. 103 The most generally received notion of predication decidedly is that it consists in referring something to a class, i.e. either placing an individual under a class, or placing one class under another class.1863Bain Higher Eng. Gram. (1879) 63 The Verb is the part of speech concerned in predication; that is, in affirming or denying.1864Bowen Logic v. 126 This rule is evidently founded upon the doctrine that all predication is classification.
3. Erroneously = prediction.
1862N. Brit. Rev. May 290 The foreknowledge and predication of events.
[In Caxton Gold. Leg. 198 b/1 predycacyon appears to be misprinted for perdycyon.]




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