

单词 arsenic
释义 I. arsenic, n.1|ˈɑːsnɪk|
Forms: 4–5 arsnek, arsenyk, arcenyk, arsynek, 6 arsenik, arsnecke, 6–8 arsenick(e, 7 arsnic, -nike, 7–8 arsnick, 7– arsenic; also in Lat. form.
[a. OF. arsenic (14th c. in Littré), ad. L. arsenicum (arrenicum), a. Gr. ἀρσενικόν (ἀρρενικόν) ‘yellow orpiment’, subst. use of ἀρρενικός adj. ‘masculine, male’.]
1. Name of one of the chemical elements, and of some of its compounds, which are violent poisons.
a. orig. A bright yellow mineral (hence also distinguished as yellow arsenic), found native, and as a product of art, properly called orpiment (auri pigmentum of the Romans, ἀρσενικόν of the Greeks), which is chemically the trisulphide of arsenic (As2S3), and is used as a pigment under the name of King's Yellow.
c1386Chaucer Can. Yeom. Prol. & T. 245 Arsnek [v.r. arsenyk(e, arcenyk, arsynek], sal armoniak, and brimstoon.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xix. xxx. (1495) 878 Arsenicum hyghte Auripigmentum for the colour of golde and is gaderyd in Pontus.1567J. Maplet Gr. Forest 10 The stone Arsenick..which also they call the golden earth.1601Holland Pliny II. 521 As for Arsenicke..that which is best of this kind, resembleth burnished gold in colour.1634R. H. Salerne Regim. 158 Auripigmentum which some Arsenicke call.
b. Formerly, sometimes extended to the disulphide (As2S2), a native mineral and product of art, commonly known as realgar, or ruby sulphur, formerly also as red orpiment, and red arsenic (the σανδαράκη, sandaraca of the Greeks and Romans).
1591Percivall Sp. Dict., Rejalgar, poison, arsenicke, or ratsebane.1599Thynne Animadv. 36 This Resalgar is that whiche by some is called Ratisbane, a kynde of poysone named Arsenicke.1751Chambers Cycl. s.v., There are divers kinds of Arsenic. Orpiment is called native or yellow arsenic..Red arsenick is a preparation of the white or crystalline Arsenic.
c. in pop. use: A white mineral substance, native (as arsenolite) and manufactured, originally distinguished as white arsenic, which is chemically the trioxide of arsenic (As2O3). flowers of arsenic: the same substance sublimed.
1605Timme Quersit. i. vii. 26 White sublimate and arsnic..foster and hide most burning and deadly fire.1672Davenant Wits (1673) 193 Arsnick my Girl to strengthen thy Aunts Broth.1675News fr. Ring-Cross 3 Another time putting white Arsenick into her broth.1727–51Chambers Cycl. s.v., Arsenic is made by sublimation from cobalt.1788–9Howard Encycl. s.v., White arsenic, or arsenic strictly so called..is a most violent poison to all animals.1813Sir H. Davy Agric. Chem. ii. (1814) 49 Arsenic may be procured by heating the powder of common white arsenic of the shops strongly in a Florence flask with oil.1863Watts Dict. Chem. I. 374 The Tyrolese peasants are said to swallow arsenic in considerable quantities.1877Roscoe, etc. Chem. (1881) I. 516 White arsenic or the trioxide is first distinctly spoken of by Geber, who states that he obtained it by roasting the sulphide of arsenic.
d. Chem. and Min. The element: a very brittle semi-metallic substance, of steel-grey lustrous colour, crystallizing in rhombohedrons, and volatilizing without fusion, with an odour of garlic. It forms a link between the metals, and non-metallic bodies: see antimony. Symbol As.
native arsenic: the above element occurring as a mineral. antimonial a.: a native alloy of arsenic with antimony.
1812Sir H. Davy Chem. Philos. 453 A metal sublimes, and condenses in the upper part of the vessel, which is arsenic.1837–68Dana Min. 18 Native arsenic commonly occurs in veins in crystalline rocks and the older schists.1863Watts Dict. Chem. I. 360 Native arsenic forms botryoidal, kidney⁓shaped, spherical and conchoidal masses.1869Roscoe Elem. Chem. 163 Arsenic closely resembles phosphorus in its chemical properties.1879Academy 27 Dec. 467 Arsenic is definitely regarded as a non-metal.
e. fig. Poison.
1598Sylvester Du Bartas 69 Neither in Golden Platters doth he lick For sweet ambrosia deadly arsenick.c1630Drummond of Hawthornden Wks. 1711, 33 Since hell disgorg'd her baneful arsenick.
2. attrib. = Of arsenic, arsenical; esp. in Chem. in systematic names of compounds, as arsenic trihydride = trihydride of arsenic, arsenic pentoxide, arsenic disulphide. arsenic bloom, arsenic trioxide in native crystals, arising from the oxidation of elementary arsenic. arsenic glass, the same in a vitreous mass obtained from the powder by re-sublimation.
1656Evelyn Mem. (1857) I. 333 Deprived of their sulphur and arsenic malignity.1799G. Smith Laboratory I. 218 Add eight or ten ounces of arsenic glass.1860Roscoe (title) On the alleged practice of Arsenic eating in Styria.1881Chem. I. 528 The reasons which the arsenic-eaters give for the practice.Ibid., An antidote against arsenic poisoning.
II. ˈarsenic, n.2 Herb. Obs.
1552Huloet, Arsenicke herbe, Artonicum.1570Levins Manip., Arnsnick, herb, artonicum.1585Nomenclator 126 Water-pepper or arsenicke: some call it kill-ridge or culerage.
III. arsenic, a. Chem.|ɑːˈsɛnɪk|
[f. arsenic n.1, the ending being identified with -ic in nitric, phosphoric.]
Of or belonging to arsenic; in Chem. applied to compounds in which arsenic combines as a pentad. arsenic anhydride = arsenic pentoxide.
1801Chenevix in Phil. Trans. XCI. 219 It was found to contain arsenic acid.1876Harley Mat. Med. 295 Arsenic Anhydride is the highest state of oxydation of the metal.1881Roscoe &c., Chem. I. 530 The salts of arsenic acid, or the arsenates, are isomorphous with the phosphates.
IV. ˈarsenic, v. rare.
[f. the n.; cf. to physic.]
To mix or dose with arsenic; to arsenicate.
1844Tupper Heart iv. 34 How is it no housekeeper has arsenic[k]ed my soup?




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