

单词 protectionist
释义 protectionist, n. (a.)|prəʊˈtɛkʃənɪst|
[f. as prec. + -ist. Cf. mod.F. protectionniste.]
One who supports the economic theory or system of protection; one who advocates the protection of domestic industries from foreign competition by the imposition of duties on imports, or by other means.
1844Ld. Fitzwilliam in G. Pryme Autobiog. (1870) 306 Protectionists, as they are now called, though I do not think it a good name to have given them, as I fear it will be rather a popular title.1845Ann. Rept. U.S. Treasury 483 The protectionist says, Tax us on, tax us on, until we have a home market for all our agricultural produce.1849Cobden Speeches 34 If there be protectionists who think that the old protection principle can be restored, I am willing that they should vote against me on this occasion.1876Fawcett Pol. Econ. (ed. 5) iii. vii. 393 In America and Australia the great body of the working men are ardent protectionists.1904A. J. Balfour Sp. at Edin. in Times 4 Oct. 4/3, I now proceed to say that I individually am not a protectionist... The Conservative party, indeed, after the Peelite split, was a protectionist party. It was based upon protection.
B. as adj. Favouring or supporting protection.
1846Sir R. Peel Speech 27 Jan. (Flügel) My plan will meet the approval of neither the freetrade nor the protectionist party.1861May Const. Hist. (1863) II. viii. 72 Sir Robert Peel..ventured in the face of a protectionist Parliament, wholly to abandon the policy of protection.1865Daily Tel. 28 Nov. 6/4 The repeal of protectionist duties is among the wisest measures embraced in our statute book.1880Disraeli Endym. III. xv. 153 The protectionist ministry were to remain in office, and to repeal the corn laws.




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