

单词 ask
释义 I. ask, v.|ɑːsk, æ-|
Forms: α. 1 ásci-an, ácsi-, áhsi-, áxi-, áhxi-, áhxsi-, áxsi-an, -ᵹan, -ᵹean, æcsian; 2–3 axien, acsien, 3 æxi, axi, 4 acsi, acsy, oxi, oxy, oxsi, oksi, 3–5 axen, (5 axse, exe,) 4–6 axe, ax, (6–dial. ax). Also β. 2 esci-, eski-en, 3 easki, (Orm.) asskenn, 3–5 ask-en, 3–7 aske, (5 haske, ascke, axke,) 4– ask. Also γ. 3–4 esch(e, esse, 3–5 asch(e, 5 ashe, 5–6 asshe, (north. asse, pa. tense ast).
[Common Teut.: OE. áscian was cogn. w. OFris. âskia, OS. êscôn, êscan, OHG. eiscôn, MHG. eischen, Ger. heischen, OTeut. *aiskôjan: cf. Skr. ish to seek, ichchhā wish. The original long á gave regularly the ME. (Kentish) ōxi; but elsewhere was shortened before the two consonants, giving ME. a, and, in some dialects, e. The result of these vowel changes, and of the OE. metathesis asc-, acs-, was that ME. had the types ōx, ax, ex, ask, esk, ash, esh, ass, ess. The true representative of the orig. áscian was the s.w. and w.midl. ash, esh, also written esse (cf. æsce ash, wæsc(e)an wash), now quite lost. Acsian, axian, survived in ax, down to nearly 1600 the regular literary form, and still used everywhere in midl. and south. dialects, though supplanted in standard English by ask, originally the northern form. Already in 15th c. the latter was reduced dialectally to asse, pa. tense ast, still current dialectally.]
General senses: I. To call for; II. To call for an answer; III. To call for a thing desired, to make a request; IV. Pregnant and special uses; V. fig. as predicated of things.
1. trans. To call for, call upon (a person or thing personified) to come. Obs.
a1000Beowulf 2417 He for wlenco wean ahsode.a1000Cædmon's Gen. (Gr.) 2453 [Hi] comon corþrum miclum cuman acsian.1205Lay. 19967 He lette axien anan Men þat cuðen hæuwen stan.
II. To call upon any one for information, or an answer; to question, inquire.
* trans. With the thing asked as object:
To call for an answer to (a question or inquiry).
2. without mention of the person asked:
a. with the thing asked as an object sentence or clause (in indirect, or, less commonly, direct oration).
c1000Ags. Ps. xiv. [2] Ic ahsiᵹe, Hwa þær eardað?a1038Charter of Eanwene in Cod. Dipl. IV. 54 Ðá ácsode ðe bis⁓ceop hwá sceólde andswerian for his módor.c1200Ormin Teȝȝ sholldenn..asskenn what he wære.a1300Cursor M. 7887 He askes, quat was þat leuedi?c1305St. Crist. 149 in E.E.P. (1862) 63 Þis gode man..eschte what hi wolde.c1386Chaucer Wife's Prol. 21, I axe, why the fyfte man Was nought housbond to the Samaritan?c1420Avow. Arth. xxiv, Gauan asshes, ‘Is hit soe?’1455E. Clere in Four C. Eng. Lett. 5 He askid what the Princes name was.1549Coverdale Erasm. Par. Rom. Prol., He axeth not whether good workes are to be done or not.1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, iii. ii. 71 May I aske, how my Lady his Wife doth?1711Steele Spect. No. 454 ⁋6 To ask what I wanted.Mod. Ask who it is. He asks if you are ready. I merely ask, ‘Is it true?’
b. with the question expressed by a n. or pronoun: To ask a question, this, something. to ask (a horse) the question: to call upon him for a special effort.
c1320R. Brunne Medit. 430 Some axen questyons to do hym wrong.1387Trevisa Higden (1865) I. 67 Þre questiouns beeþ i-axed.1803Pegge Anecd. Eng. Lang. 114 A true born Londoner, Sir, of either sex, always axes question, axes pardon, and at quadrille axes leave.1850Tennyson In Mem. xiv, And ask a thousand things of home.1894H. Custance Riding Recoll. vi. 88 Until the last ten strides, when I really asked ‘King Lud’ the question.
c. with the question indicated by its subject or object: To ask the way, the price, a name, an age, etc.
1382Wyclif Gen. xxxii. 29 Wherto askist [v.r. axist] thou my name?c1420Chron. Vilod. 689 Ryse up..and þe way asshe, To Wyltone.1502Arnold Chron. (1811) 208 To answere him that axith the lawe of the Lorde.1549Latimer 7 Serm. bef. Edw. VI (Arb.) 27 The other axed ye price, he sayed: xx. nobles.1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, i. i. 39 He ask'd the way to Chester.1842Tennyson Dream Fair Women 93 Ask thou not my name.
3. with the person asked introduced by a preposition:
a. at a person. Obs. exc. dial.
1297R. Glouc. 16 Heo aschede at Corineus, how heo so hardi were.c1325E.E. Allit. P. B. 924 Als Abraham..hit at himself asked.1535Coverdale Ecclus. xxi. 17 It is axed at the mouth of the wyse.1753Stewart's Trial 197 To ask any question at Allan Breck about the murder, which he now related to them.1843A. Bethune Scot. Peasant's Fireside 47 ‘Why do you ask that question at me?’
b. to a person. (Cf. Fr. demander à.) Obs.
c1314Guy Warw. 27 Than axed anon Sir Gii To the barouns that oned him bi.1483Caxton G. de la Tour D vij b, Asking to her why she had trespaced his commaundments.1663Gerbier Counsel 13 Asking to passengers what weather it was without doores.
c. of a person.
1366Mandeville v. 61, I asked of the monkes..how this be⁓felle.c1380Sir Ferumb. 1124 Þe Amyral of hym axeth..wat tydynge þay had y-broȝt.c1450Merlin ii. 36 Axe of hem whi that that toure fill.1562Turner Herbal ii. 51 a, The sherif axed diligently of them..what they had done.1667Milton P.L. ii. 957 [One] of whom to ask Which way the neerest coast of darkness lyes.c1735Pope Hor. Epist. ii. ii. 211, I ask these sober questions of my heart.Mod. A farmer of whom I asked the way.
** trans. With the person asked as object:
To call upon (a person) for information or an answer; to put a question to, to question.
4. with personal obj. only: To ask a person.
a. simply.
c1000Ags. Gosp. Mark xii. 28 Hine ne dorste nan mann ahsian.Ibid. John ix. 21–23 Ahxsiað hine sylfne [v.r. acsiað, ahxiað, Lindisf. ᵹefraiᵹnas, Rushw. ᵹefræᵹnas].a1300Cursor M. 1001 Syn þou askis me..I wille þe telle.1382Wyclif Job xii. 7 Aske the bestis, and thei shul teche thee.1535Coverdale Job xii. 7 Axe the catell, & they shal enfourme the.1591Shakes. Two Gent. ii. v. 36 Aske my dogge.1611Bible 1 Cor. xiv. 35 Let them aske their husbands at home.1732Pope Ess. Man ii. 205 Ask your own heart; and nothing is so plain.1842Tennyson Dora 142 I ask'd him, and he said, He could not ever rue his marrying me.
b. with the question introduced by ‘saying,’ etc.
c1000Ags. Gosp. John i. 19 Hi axsodon hine [Hatton axeden hym] and þus cwæðen, Hwæt eart þu?Ibid. Matt. xii. 10 Hi ahsude[n] hyne, þus cweðende, etc.1388Wyclif Luke xxiii. 3 Pilat axide hym, and seide, Art thou Kyng of Jewis.1611Bible John ix. 19 They asked them, saying, Is this your son?
c. I ask you, exclamatory phr. indicating disgust or asseveration.
1855Dickens Dorrit i. ii. 12 ‘Now, I ask you,’ said Mr. Meagles... ‘I ask you simply, as between man and man,..did you ever hear of such damned nonsense as putting Pet in quarantine?’1898G. B. Shaw Arms & Man 111 in Plays Pleasant & Unpl. II. 73 Now, I ask you, would a woman who took the affair seriously have sent me this?1902Conrad Youth 44 Now, I ask you, can anybody stand this kind of thing?1932Punch 18 May 536, I ask you—not a taxi in sight!1937C. Day Lewis Starting Point i. iii. 41 ‘My God, look at these people! Just look at them—I ask you,’ he exclaimed.
d. colloq. phr. if you ask me: in my opinion.
[1856Dickens Dorrit ii. ix. 394 And if you ask me for my advice, it is that you set off tomorrow.]1910Galsworthy Justice 11, If you ask me, I don't think he was quite compos when he did it.1930J. B. Priestley Angel Pavement ii. 65 Girls are a bit silly, if you ask me, and it's a good job for the men they are.1932Punch 14 Dec. 654/2 If you ask me, a little of that sort of thing would brighten up the trade wonderfully.
5. with the thing asked as a second object: To ask a person a question.
a. with the question as an object sentence or clause.
c1000Ags. Gosp. John xxi. 12 Nan þæra..ne dorste hine axian hwæt he wære.c1175Lamb. Hom. 25 Þe preost me walde eskien..hwa me scriue.Ibid. 35 Esca hine hwet he habbe biᵹeten.a1230Juliana 257 He easkeð ham, ȝef ham biluueð to heren him.c1275Passion of Our Lord 567 in O.E. Misc. 53 Vre louerd hire gon axi, For hwi and for hwan wepestu?a1300Cursor M. 1125 Aske his fader quere he be.c1314Guy Warw. 98 He gan oxy what it might be, He hem oxed what it were.c1420Chron. Vilod. 939 And how he was..he dude hym asshe.1584Three Ladies Lond. i. in Hazl. Dodsl. VI. 296 My lady axes you, when will you take possession of your house.1601Shakes. All's Well ii. ii. 38 Aske mee if I am a Courtier.1711Addison Spect. No. 10 ⁋5, I have heard them asking the first man they have met with whether there was any news stirring.1849Dickens Dav. Copp. xxi. (C.D. ed.) 181, I..asked him what o'clock it was.
b. with the question expressed by a n. or pronoun: a question, this, something.
c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. xxii. 46 Ne man ne dorste hyne nan þing mare axiᵹean [Rushw. ᵹeasciᵹan; Hatton axien].c1315Shoreham 136 Ich acsy the a questioun.c1386Chaucer Knt.'s T. 489 Now lovyeres axe I this question.1598Shakes. Merry W. iv. i. 16 Aske him some questions in his Accidence.1611Bible Jer. xxxviii. 14, I will aske thee a thing; hide nothing from me.1773Goldsm. Stoops to Conq. iii. 111 Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no fibs.Mod. Which of them asked you that?
c. with the question asked indicated by its subject or object: To ask a person the way, the time, his name, age, etc.
1593Shakes. Rich. II, i. iii. 9 Aske him his name.1605Lear v. iii. 117 Aske him his purposes, why he appeares Vpon this Call o' th' Trumpet.1709Pope Ess. Crit. 436 Ask them the cause.Mod. She asked me the reason.
d. colloq. phr. ask me another: I do not know (the answer to your question). Also ask me, ask me a harder, etc.
1910A. Bennett Clayhanger iii. ii. 344 ‘Why's he wearing his best clothes?’ Clara demanded... ‘Ask me another!’ said Edwin.1912A. Brazil New Girl at St. Chad's ix. 139 ‘Then who was it?’ Honor shook her head. ‘Ask me a harder!’ she said briefly.1915Mrs. H. Ward Eltham House xii. 212 ‘Tell me about Madge Whitton. There are all sorts of rumours..’ ..Lewson shrugged his shoulders—‘Ask me another, Duchess.’1928E. Wallace Gunner ii. 24, I hope you are wearing warm undies. Why are undies indelicate and sable coats ladylike? Ask me. It's one of the mysteries.1933I. Compton-Burnett More Women xiii. 202 ‘Devoted?’ said Josephine, raising her brows. ‘Ask me another. I am not in a position to give you an account of their feelings.’
6. with the matter introduced by a preposition:
a. To ask a person of (arch.), about, in OE. be, ymb (= about), a matter.
b. (To ask one after or for a person: see 7.)
c885K. ælfred Boeth. xxxix. §4 Þæt is þæt ic þé ær ymb acsade..Ðisse spræce ðe ðu me æfter ascast.c1000Ags. Gosp. Luke ix. 45 Hi ne dorston hine be þam worde ahsian.c1220Hali Meid. 9 Aske þes cwenes..of hare liflade.a1300Cursor M. 1294 He asked him of his errand.c1300Beket 2 And eschte him of Engelonde: and of the manere there.1475Caxton Jason 40 b, Thauncient man axid one of the marronners of this matere.1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, ii. iv. 389 Knocking at the Tauernes, And asking every one for Sir John Falstaffe.1601All's Well iv. iii. 317 Why do's he aske him of me?1842Tennyson E. Morris 23 Once I ask'd him of his early life.Mod. Did you ask them about the books?
*** intr. With no object expressed:
To inquire, make inquiries.
7. To ask (of obs.) about (in OE. be, ymb = about). To ask after a thing missing, a person absent, his welfare, etc. To ask for a person; to ask to see; formerly (and still in dial.) = to ask after.
c885K. ælfred Boeth. xxxix. §4 Se ðe ymb þæt ascian wile.c1000ælfric Deut. iv. 32 Ahsiað be ealdum daᵹum ða wæron ær þonne ᵹe.c1230Ancr. R. 172 Axinde efter tiðinges.a1250Owl & Night. 711 Wi axestu of craftes mine.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. v. 542, I seygh neuere palmere..Axen after hym.1588Shakes. L.L.L. iii. i. 168 And Rosaline, they call her, aske for her.1671Milton Samson 40 Ask for this great deliverer now, and find him Eyeless in Gaza.1849Dickens Dav. Copp. xx. (C.D. ed.) 178 That shows the advantage of asking, don't it.1866G. Macdonald Ann. Q. Neighb. xxx. (1878) 524 To ask after their health when he met them.Mod. Did any one ask for me, while I was out? When you reach that point, ask again.
8. To ask of or at a person of a matter, i.e. from a person about a matter. Obs.
1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xxi. 127 Ayþer axed of oþer · of þis grete wonder.c1440Generydes 309 He asckid of Medeyn Of his ffader.1600Fairfax Tasso viii. liii. 152 To spie at whom to aske we gazed round.1611Bible 1 Sam. xxviii. 16 Wherefore then doest thou aske of me?
III. To make request for a thing desired.
* trans. With the thing asked as object:
To make request for.
9. simply. To ask a thing. (Now more familiarly to ask for: see 16.)
c1250Gen. & Ex. 1668 Aske it wið skil and ðu salt hauen.1340Ayenb. 114 Jesu Crist ous tekþ zuo to oxi uoryeuenesse.Ibid. 209 Verst oxseþ Godes riche.1370Lay-Folks Mass-Bk. App. iv. 510 Let him not · his offryng asch.c1374Chaucer Troylus v. 594, I naxe in guerdon but a boone.c1420Avow. Arth. iv, Thenne the kyng asshet a chekkere.c1460Towneley Myst. Coliphiz. 200 That is it that I ast.1509Hawes Conv. Swearers 26 Come nowe to me and axe forgyuenes.1570Play Wit & Sc. (1848) 10, I axe no more.1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, ii. vi. 69 Clifford, aske mercy.1644Milton Areop. (Arb.) 76 Asking licence to do so worthy a deed.1711Steele Spect. No. 6 ⁋2 The beggar disabled himself in his Right Leg, and asks Alms all Day.1837Dickens Pickw. xxvii, Ask a blessing, Mr. Stiggins.1859Tennyson Vivien 155 Ask your boon, for boon I owe you.
b. to ask a price: to ask so much as the price, to state the price.
1857Bohn Handbk. Prov. 323 Ask but enough, and you may lower the price as you list.1864Tennyson Brook 142 How he sent the bailiff to the farm To learn the price, and what the price he ask'd.Mod. What do you ask for this? How much did he ask?
10. To ask a thing (to obs., at obs. or dial.) of, from a person.
1340Ayenb. 110 Huet may þe zone betere acsy to his uader þanne bread?c1450Compl. Lover's Life lxix, That to my foo..Mot axe grace, mercy, and pite.c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. (1714) 134 Such as axen of the Kyng, Offices.1583Golding Calvin on Deut. cviii. 661 A charmer..that asketh counsell at spirites.1647Chas. I. Let. in Antiquary I. 97 To aske leave of y⊇ two houses to make a journey.1796Burns Let. in Wks. (Globe) 563, I am ashamed to ask another favour of you.1830tr. Aristoph. Acharnians 43 The request of the bride, which she earnestly asks at me!Mod. He asked a larger sum from me.
11. To ask to do, or be done to.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. iii. i. 63 I..axe gretely to heeren tho remedyes.1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 1, I had delyte & axed to rede some good historye.1647J. Sprigge Ang. Rediv. iii. iii. (1854) 149, I humbly ask to have this place slighted.1833I. taylor Fanat. vii. 221 The country..seemed to ask to be seized upon by men worthy to enjoy it.
** trans. With the person asked as object:
To make a request to.
12. To ask a person a thing. Obs., or arch. in ‘I ask you pardon, leave.’
1297R. Glouc. 16 He nolde no mon asche leue.Ibid. 196 Hii esseþ vs truage.a1300Cursor M. 3868 Jacob askid him his lemman.c1308Pol. Songs 200 What hast i-do, That thou me so oxist pes?c1450Lonelich Grail xxxvi. 493 Forto axen hem consaille.1538Bale God's Promises in Dodsley O.P. (1780) I. 11 Good Lorde I axe the mercy.1671Milton P.R. iv. 551 To stand upright Will ask thee skill.1749Fielding Tom Jones xvi. vii. (1840) 238/2, I ask Mr. Blifil pardon.
b. with the second object wanting.
a1564Becon Gen. Pref. Wks. (1843) 22 Christ saith: ‘Give to every one that axeth thee.’
13. To ask a person to do a thing.
a1300Cursor M. 3141 Nou es he askid..Til gode to make of sacrifise.c1400Destr. Troy i. (title) How King Pelleus Exit Iason to get þe ffles of golde.1860Tyndall Glac. i. §22. 152, I asked him to accompany me.1872Black Adv. Phaeton xxv. 350 He does not ask me to pay his bills.
14. To ask a person (of obs.) for a thing.
c1386Chaucer Pars. T. (Wr.) ⁋918 A man that..cometh for to axe him of mercy [Other MSS. aske mercy].1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 24/3 For this first they ought to axe echeone other.1590Shakes. Com. Err. ii. i. 61 He ask'd me for a hundred markes in gold.1600A.Y.L. iv. i. 138, I might aske you for your Commission.1735Pope Prol. Sat. 50 You know his Grace, I want a Patron; ask him for a Place.1810Scott Lady of L. v. vii, Ask we this savage hill we tread For fatten'd steer or household bread?Prov. Ask a kite for a feather, and she'll say, she has but just enough to fly with.
*** intr. With no object: To make request.
15. simply. To ask.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. (1871) III. 328 He is redy to ȝeve him if he ax worþily.c1400Rom. Rose 5243 Man that worthy is of name, To axen often hath gret shame.1535Coverdale Matt. vi. 7 Axe & it shalbe giuen you.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 402 Ask and haue.1611Bible Matt. vi. 7 Aske [Wyclif, axe ȝe] and it shalbe giuen you.Mod. It is rather those who ask loudest, than those who need most, that secure attention.
16. To ask (after obs.) for a thing.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 81 Iuel mennish..acseð after fortocne of heuene.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. vi. 298 Al hunger eet in hast and axed after more.1611Bible Micah vii. 3 The iudge asketh for a reward.1795Southey Joan of Arc ii. 246 Could hear a famish'd woman ask for food, And feel no pity.1865Dickens Mut. Fr. ii. vii. 202 I'll cut back and ask for leave.
b. phr. to ask for trouble (or the like), also (as slang or colloq. substitute) to ask for it, to act in such a way as to bring trouble upon oneself, to give provocation.
1902Captain VII. 549/2 The fly-away contingent were what is spoken of as ‘asking for’ bent spines and injured hearts.1909E. P. Oppenheim Jeanne of Marshes ii. xiv. 274 ‘Whatever happens to him,’ Forrest said, ‘he's asking for it.’1909Westm. Gaz. 16 Sept. 12/2 There are vainglorious players in this world who, to use a vulgarism, ‘ask for it’, and deserve it when they get it.1915Times Red Cross Story Book 71 Certainly we were ‘asking for it’, as my..offspring did not fail to remark.1916‘Boyd Cable’ Action Front 165 Silly fools... What do they want to hoist that huge Red Cross flag up there for, where any airman can see it? Fairly asking for it, I call it.1925E. F. Norton Fight for Everest, 1924 343 It is asking for trouble to give out any money except the daily ration allowance.1946‘M. Innes’ From London Far i. v. 42 ‘The damned scoundrels!’.. The girl was philosophical. ‘I asked for it, all right.’1960H. Pinter Room 1, I don't know how they live down there. It's asking for trouble.
IV. Pregnant senses and special uses.
17. To inquire into, examine, investigate. Obs.
c1000Ags. Ps. x. 5 His bræwas..ahsað manna bearn. Se ylca Drihten ahsað rihtwíse and unrihtwíse.c1175Lamb. Hom. 35 Oðer he heo hafð i-escad oðer hafð ifunden on boke.1382Wyclif Ecclus. xi. 7 Beforn that thou aske, ne blame thou any man.Ibid. Ps. x. 5 The eyelidis of hym asken [1611 trie] the sones of men. The Lord asketh the riȝtwis man, and the vnpitous.1612Arraignm. John Selman 14 Sir Francis Bacon..proceeded to judgment and asking on the prisoner, thus..hee spake.
18. To prosecute, exact from, oppress. Obs.
1388Wyclif Isaiah lviii. 3 Lo! ȝoure wille is foundun in the dai of ȝoure fastyng, and ye axen alle ȝoure dettouris.
19. To ask as by right, call for, demand.
1393Gower Conf. I. 36 They axen alle jugement Ayein the man.c1430Syr Generides 4795 His hors he ashed..his wey he nam.a1440Sir Degrev. 393 He axit justes of were And prays the of answere.c1460Townely Myst. 58 To worshyp me as I wylle asse.1509Barclay Shyp of Folys (1874) I. 141 Nought..to asshe agaynst right.1544Bale Sir J. Oldcastell in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) I. 258 God will axe no more of a Christen beleuer..but only to obey the preceptes of that moost blessed lawe.1580Baret Alv. A 594 To aske agayne that is ones owne, or in a maner due to him, Reposco.
b. esp. in to ask an account.
a1450Knt. de la Tour xxxix. 59 Of the which God wille axse hem accompte.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. ccclxxxiii. 645 They wolde aske accomptes of the Chancellour of Englande to knowe where all the good was become that he had leuyed through the realme.1559Myrr. Mag., Dk. Glouc. xxi. 5 To axe a reckening of the Realmes reuenue.
20. To make proclamation of a thing in church or other public place, calling upon any who have claims or objections to put them forward. Formerly of things found, stray cattle, etc.; still used of marriages about to be contracted (to ask the banns); in popular phrase the parties are said to be ‘asked in church.’
(The recognized expression is now to publish the banns; but ask is the historical word.) See bann.
1450Myrc 203 Aske the banns thre halydawes.1523Fitzherb. Surv. 28 b, They ought to aske them [stray cattle] thre sondayes in thre or four next parysshe churches and also crye them thre tymes in thre the nexte market townes.1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. ii. i. 181 The day When I shal aske the banes, and when be married.1606Wily Beguiled in Hazl. Dodsley IX. 304 We must be asked in church next Sunday.1662Fuller Worthies Westm. (1811) II. 105 (D.) His head was ask'd, but never married to the English Crown.1841J. W. Orderson Creoleana ii. 14 The fair sex..preferring to be ‘asked in church.’
21. a. ellipt. To ask (one) to come, to invite.
Mod. We ought to ask him to dinner. Why were you not at the ball? Because I was not asked.
b. colloq., with adverbs: to ask back, to reciprocate an invitation; to ask down, to invite (someone) to come and stay in the country; to ask out, to invite to something, esp. to an entertainment.
1834Dickens in Monthly Mag. Feb. 152 If I see him..tomorrow, perhaps I'll ask him down.1864H. C. Adams White Brunswickers x. 167 Billy moved heaven and earth to get asked out on the same days.1887Kipling Plain Tales from Hills (1890) 199 Now and again he was asked out to dinner.1888McCarthy & Praed Ladies' Gallery I. xii. 289, I was asked out in a kind of way.1922‘R. Crompton’ More William xiv. 231 But if he asks you to his you must ask him back.1934H. G. Wells Exper. Autobiogr. II. viii. 532 People, often strange people, were beginning to ask us out.
22. to ask away: to do away with by asking.
1649Milton Eikon. Wks. 1738 I. 112 His Prayer is so ambitious of Prerogative, that it dares ask away the Prerogative of Christ himself.
V. fig. Predicated of things.
23. To need, require, demand, call for (by its condition).
1340Ayenb. 54 Be þan þet hare zennes okseþ.1387Trevisa Descr. Brit. (Caxton) 36 Whan tyme and place axeth.c1400Destr. Troy xv. 7067 He þat tas not his tyme, when þe tyde askes.c1430Hymns to Virg. (1867) 61 Quod conscience, þat axiþ coost.1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. ii. i. 15 Signior Baptista, my businesse asketh haste.1598Barret Theor. Warres i. i. 7 These three matters handled would aske a great volume.1615Markham Eng. Housw. (1660) 81 The Veal will aske a double quantity of Suet.1623Sanderson Serm. Ad Mag. i. (1674) 89 It will ask some time, yea, and cunning too, to find it out.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iii. 478 Goats of equal Profit are..and ask an equal Care.1780Cowper Table T. 559 To give a Milton birth ask'd ages more.1880Cyples Hum. Exp. vi. 133 Limit of time asked for a sensation.
24. To invite, provoke. Obs.
c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iv. 91 Such crabyysh wordes do aske a blow.1605Camden Rem. (1637) 303 One ill word asketh another. One good turne asketh another.
25. To seek, direct itself toward (lit. trans. of L. petere). Obs. rare.
1432–50tr. Higden (1865) I. 63 The Redde see..is departede in to ij. armes, of whom the arme Persicalle..dothe aske the northe.

don't (even) ask: (as a reply or parenthetic statement) ‘you'd rather not know’, ‘I don't want to go into that’; implying that any explanation would be complicated, absurd, or unwelcome.
1977Washington Post 3 Jan. b1 Will 1977 be an exciting year? Don't ask.1985J. Sullivan Only Fools & Horses (1999) I. 1st Ser. Episode 4. 254 Denzil. So how's your luck? Del. Don't ask! Don't ask.1995Independent on Sunday 23 Apr. (Rev. Suppl.) 54/4, I had sweet potato, pink peppercorn and allspice bullas—don't ask, something West Indian.2001L. Rennison Knocked out by Nunga-nungas 37 Jimmy is a haggis with a scarf on. Don't even ask.
II. ask, n.1
Forms: 1 æsce, 3 axe, (?) as.
[OE. ǽsce, f. áscian (see prec.); cf. ODu. esch. As is prob. = ash or ask: see the vb.]
Asking, inquiry; thing asked, request.
a1000Laws of Athelstan §5 (Thorpe I. 230) Hæfdon ealle ða ǽscean.1205Lay. 1053 Eouer axe ich eou leue.a1230Juliana 16 He failed of his as.1781T. Twining Let. 8 Dec. in Recreat. & Stud. (1882) 108, I am not so unreasonable as to desire you to..answer all my asks.1886‘Cavendish’ Whist 127 When your three comes down in the next round, it is not an ask for trumps.

colloq. (orig. Austral.) (chiefly Sport). With modifying word or phrase, as a big (also huge, etc.) ask: something which is a lot to ask of someone; something difficult to achieve or surmount. Cf. tall order at tall adj. 8d.
1987Sydney Morning Herald 7 May 40/2 Four measly pounds is what the critics say. But according to his trainer, Johnny Lewis, that four pounds is ‘a big ask’.1994J. Birmingham He died with Felafel in his Hand (1997) viii. 177 I'd..get him to wear the underpants consistently for six weeks on the road. (This was not a big ask given Milo's unwashed jeans-wearing record at King Street.)2000Rugby World June 25/1 It was a huge ask of my players, but their attitude throughout the week prior to the game was superb.2003Gloucester Citizen (Nexis) 1 Feb. 48 Every week is a bit of an ask—but the squad is very strong.
III. ask, n.2|ˈɑːsk, æ-|
Also 4 arske, 4–6 aske, 5 awsk.
[Apparently worn down from OE. áðexe newt (= OS. egithassa, OHG. egidehsa, MHG. egedehse, mod.G. eidechse), the phonetic contraction being paralleled by the Ger. dial. edechs, egdes, eges, eckes, given by Grimm III. 83; but no intermediate forms between áðexe and aske, such as áðesce, aðsce, or aðxe, axe, have been found.]
A newt or eft; the common name in Scotland, and in the north and north-east of England as far as Morecambe Bay and Lincolnshire. Sometimes applied also to the lizard; always classed among venomous animals, an idea encouraged by a general confusion of ask with asp. See also asker2.
In the following Glossaries of the Eng. Dial. Soc., Cumberland, Swaledale, Mid Yorkshire, Whitby (Ask or Aisk: Fleeing-ask, the dragon-fly: cf. Flying Adder, Flying Dragon), Manley and Corringham (Lincolnsh.)
c1325Metr. Hom. 141 Snakes and nederes thar he fand, And gret blac tades..And arskes and other wormes felle.c1425Wyntoun Cron. i. xiii. 55 Nakyn best of venym..as aske or eddyre, tade, or pade.c1450Henryson (Jam.) Cum with me in hy, Edderis, askis, and wormis meit for to be.1501Douglas Pal. Hon. i. xxv, The water stank, the feild was odious Quhair dragouns, lessertis, askis, edders, swatterit.1611Florio, Magrasio, an Eft, a Nute, an Aske.1840J. M. Wilson T. of Borders (1851) XX. 31 He can lurk in the green moss like the yellow-wamed ask.1876Smiles Scotch Nat. ii. (ed. 4) 44 He looked at the beast. It was not an eel. It was very like an ask.




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