

单词 protectorate
释义 protectorate, n.|prəʊˈtɛktərət|
[f. protector n. + -ate1; cf. doctorate; so F. protectorat (18th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), = L. type *prōtectōrāt-us.]
1. The office, position, or government of the Protector of a kingdom or state; the period of administration of a Protector; spec. in Eng. Hist. the period (1653–9) during which Oliver and Richard Cromwell held the title of Lord Protector of the Commonwealth.
1692Wood Ath. Oxon. II. Fasti 797 He [Richard Cromwell] being designed to be his Fathers successor in the Protectorate, was..sworn a Privy Counsellour.1770Guthrie Geog. Hist. & Comm. Gram. (1771) 314 During the continuance of his protectorate, he was perpetually distrest for money, to keep the wheels of his government going.1836H. Coleridge North. Worthies (1852) I. 18 The Short Parliament of 1658–9, summoned after the death of Oliver, during the brief Protectorate of Richard Cromwell.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire (1854) II. 379 During the Protectorate the university [of Dublin] was nearly extinct, but was revived again,..according to its previous forms, at the Restoration.
2. The office, position, or function of a protector or guardian; protectorship, guardianship. In Internat. Law:
a. originally, The relation of a strong to a weaker state to which it gives its protection.
b. The relation of a suzerain to a vassal state; suzerainty.
c. now spec. The relation of a European power to a territory inhabited by tribal groups lacking political organization, and not ranking among the nations as a state.
With a. cf. protection 1, quot. 1809; protected, quot. 1836. In sense c. the term acquired international recognition in the proceedings of the Berlin Conference of 1885. See also Ilbert Govt. India (1898) vii. 427, Encycl. Laws Eng. (1908) XII. 42.
1836Wheaton Elem. Internat. Law 64 The city of Cracow in Poland, with its territory, was declared by the congress of Vienna to be a free, independent, and neutral state, under the protection of Russia, Austria, and Prussia... Its sovereignty still remains, except so far as it is affected by the protectorate which may be lawfully asserted over it in pursuance of the treaties of Vienna.1844Times 30 July 4/5 Queen Pomane [of Tahiti] had been forced to accept the ‘Protectorate’ of the French flag.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. II. 387 The King of England, it was hoped, would accept the protectorate of the alliance.1851Gallenga Italy i. 51 Not a word more was said about the high protectorate hitherto exercised by Austria on the minor Italian States.1860Motley Netherl. (1868) I. ii. 64 To request England and France to assume a joint protectorate over the Netherlands.1864Woolsey Introd. Internat. Law App. ii. (1879) 485 The seven Ionian islands—..Great Britain's abandonment of her protectorate having been accepted—are to form a part of the Greek monarchy.1884Daily News 18 Oct. 3/1 The setting up of a British protectorate over south-eastern New Guinea, as announced..a few days ago.1885tr. Acte Générale Confer. Berlin 26 Feb. in Parl. Papers Eng. (1886) XLVII. 110 In all parts of the territory..where no Power shall exercise rights of sovereignty or Protectorate, the International Navigation Commission of the Congo..shall be charged with supervising the application of the principles proclaimed..by this Declaration.
3. A state or territory placed or taken under the protection of a superior power; esp. a protected territory inhabited by tribal peoples.
1860E. B. Andrews in G. E. Metcalfe Gt. Brit. & Ghana (1964) 285/1 The Protectorate on this side of the Volta.1871Act 34 Vict. c. 8 Whereas the inhabitants of certain territories in Africa adjoining Her Majesty's settlements of Sierra Leone, Gambia, Gold Coast, and Lagos, and the adjacent protectorates.1884Daily News 18 Oct. 3/1 The coasts even of our new protectorate [in New Guinea] are incompletely known.1889Pall Mall G. 18 Nov. 5/2 H.M.S. Egeria has..just completed a remarkable cruise of annexation, formally declaring as protectorates of Great Britain no fewer than thirteen islands in the South Pacific.1891Times 9 Jan. 3/2 The missionaries appealed to the Governor of the Protectorate.1899C. W. C. Oman Eng. 19th Cent. x. 256 The programme sketched out by Mr. Rhodes, of drawing a continuous chain of British protectorates from Cape Colony to the Nile valley.1908Whitaker's Almanack 557 The islands of Zanzibar and Pemba form a British Protectorate, and the East Africa Protectorate extends from the Umba to the river Juba.1921Brit. Year Bk. Internat. Law 1921–2 114 Virtually colonies; constitutionally foreign soil—that is the definition of ‘protectorates’: juridical monsters.1923Publ. Permanent Court Internat. Justice B. iv. 27 The extent of the powers of a protecting State in the territory of a protected State depends, first, upon the Treaties between the protecting State and the protected State establishing the Protectorate, and, secondly, upon the conditions under which the Protectorate has been recognised by third Powers as against whom there is an intention to rely on the provisions of these Treaties.1955Sci. Amer. Mar. 60/2 The protectorate borders on the vast jungle belt of central Africa in which yellow fever is endemic.1961L. van der Post Heart of Hunter i. vii. 110 Although Lobatsi was in a British Protectorate the railway itself belonged to Southern Rhodesia.
4. attrib. (all in senses 2, 3), as protectorate force, protectorate form, protectorate idea, protectorate land, protectorate law, protectorate official, protectorate ordinance, protectorate regiment, protectorate system, protectorate troops, etc.
1897Daily News 16 Feb. 6/2 It was arranged that the Protectorate force..should occupy the next place in the marching order.Ibid. 19 Oct. 7/5 An extraordinary change..in the Benin country owing to the energy of Sir Ralph Moor and the Protectorate officials.1899Westm. Gaz. 12 Apr. 5/2 A strong body of Protectorate troops has set out for the interior of Benin to capture Ologbosheri.1901Daily Chron. 13 Dec. 4/6 Political questions..arising out of the Protectorate Ordinance of 1896.1936Discovery June 189/1 Nigeria is in the peculiar state of having both mandated and protectorate lands within its boundaries.1961L. van der Post Heart of Hunter i. vii. 112 The provincial commissioner..would have up the station-master and draft instructions to ensure that the station was run in the spirit as well as the letter of Protectorate Law.
Hence proˈtectorate v. trans., nonce-wd. to assume or annex as a protectorate.
1881Gordon Let. 21 May in Pearson's 76th Catal. (1894) 25 England to Protectorate Egypt, France to do Ditto to Tunis.1884W. G. Lawes in Nonconf. & Indep. 24 Apr., If we are to be annexed, attached, appropriated, or protectorated, it should be by the Imperial rather than by any Colonial Government.




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