

单词 assessment
释义 assessment|əˈsɛsmənt|
Also 6–7 assessement. See aphet. sessment.
[f. assess v. + -ment, prob. in AF. assessement.]
The action of assessing; the amount assessed.
1. The determination or adjustment of the amount of taxation, charge, fine, etc., to be paid by a person or community.
1548Hall Chron. Hen. VIII, an. 24 (R.) The assessement of whiche fines were appoynted to Thomas Cromwell.1591in Heath Grocers' Comp. (1869) 85 That 8000l. should be levied out of the Halls of the Cittie, by an equal and indifferent assessmente.1764Burn Hist. Poor Laws 196 Charges..to be raised by an assessment on the several parishes, in proportion to the number of poor they send to the said house.1861Pearson E. & Mid. Ages Eng. 181 Even adultry is still matter of assessment.
2. The scheme of charge or taxation so adjusted.
a1700in Somers Tracts I. 509 Such of the said Corporation as usually join in making By-laws, Assessments or Rates.1865H. Phillips Amer. Paper Curr. II. 26 An assessment was prepared, based upon the supposed population of the Colonies.
3. The amount of charge so determined upon.
1611Cotgr., Quottité, an even assessement, a rate or to⁓quot imposed.1662Pepys Diary 15 Dec., To speak about my assessment of 42l. to the Loyal Sufferers.1867Pearson Hist. Eng. I. 48 To see that these assessments were not excessive.
4. Official valuation of property or income for the purposes of taxation; the value assigned to it.
c1540Plumpton Corr. 239, I marvill greatly that your said manor shold be so highley charged..I could never se no writing of the sesment therof.1600Holland Livy 31 (R.) The manner of equall contribution..proportionably to the assessment and rate of men's goods.1842Penny Cycl. XXIV. 112/1 Income arising from some sources, being capable of direct assessment, cannot be concealed.
5. a. fig. in gen. sense: Estimation, evaluation.
a1626Bp. Andrewes Serm. (1856) I. 458 It hath been held no way safe for us to make our own assessment.1853Grote Greece ii. lxxxvii. XI. 367 In the comparative assessment of Hellenic forces.
b. Educ. The process or means of evaluating academic work; an examination or test. Cf. continuous assessment s.v. continuous a. 3.
1956H. Loukes Secondary Modern iv. 112 What is needed is..to find new means of assessment.1965Nursing Times 5 Feb. 205/1 Agreement was reported upon the payment of {pstlg}5 to nurses in non-psychiatric hospitals upon passing the preliminary or hospital examination or assessment.1972N.Z. News 26 Jan. 3/5 The Post Primary Teachers' Association is pressing for internal assessment in place of the examination at fifth form level.1985Washington Post 18 June b4/5 Test scores and core curriculum are not the answers... That is why individual assessments are necessary.
6. attrib. and Comb., as assessment board, assessment centre; assessment-work: (see quot.).
1870Daily News 18 Apr., Establishing County Assessment Boards, with power to hear..appeals from the Union Assessment Committees.1881Raymond Mining Gloss., Assessment-work, the work done annually on a mining claim to maintain possessory title.1948Assessment of Men (U.S. Office of Strategic Services) x. 473 As a means of training graduate students as well as physicians..we cannot conceive of a better system than that provided by an *Assessment center.1976West Lancs. Even. Gaz. 8 Dec. 3/4 Members of the county committee accepted a report which included a {pstlg}403,000 new assessment centre for the school.1983Listener 4 Aug. 24/3 Debbie had been sent to the assessment centre to escape her father's incestuous attentions.




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