

单词 rewrite
释义 I. reˈwrite, v.|riː-|
[re- 5 a.]
1. trans. To write back; to reply in writing.
1567Drant Horace, Ep. vi. D ij, Straighte waye when he had searched his house rewrytte agayne this mome, That [etc.].
2. a. To write again, esp. in a different form. Also refl.
1730Young Ep. to Pope ii. 137 Write and re-write, blot out and write again.1806Southey Let. in Life (1850) III. 8, I acknowledge no fault.., except the struggle of the women.., which is clumsily done, and must be rewritten.1845M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 2 Every generation..demands that the history of its forefathers be rewritten from its own point of view.1880Swinburne Stud. Shaks. 103 The two tragedies..were thoroughly recast and rewritten from end to end.1928Manch. Guardian Weekly 5 Oct. 265/2 The events of the last four years in which the history of 1906 to 1914 was rewriting itself.
b. Linguistics. To write (an analysis of a phrase or sentence structure) in a different form, usu. by expansion. Also absol.
1955N. Chomsky Logical Struct. Linguistic Theory vi. 235 We can produce derivations from this linear grammar by applying the conversions Si (interpreted as the instruction ‘rewrite Xi as Yi’) in sequence.1957Syntactic Structures v. 40 These rules can be dropped if we rewrite..so that either C or M, but not both, can be selected.1970Canad. Jrnl. Linguistics XV. 95 Many contemporary linguists describe their data in terms of a system of rules which state that one string of symbols is to be rewritten as another string of symbols.Ibid. 97 We know that rule 1 must be the first rule executed because S is the initial symbol and rule 1 is the only rule that rewrites S.1972Archivum Linguisticum III. 14 A lexical redundancy rule could also be used to rewrite the semantic feature as a syntactic one.
Hence reˈwriter, one who revises or rewrites; reˈwriting vbl. n.; also attrib., as rewriting rule Linguistics, a rule that governs the rewriting of a structural analysis.
1838J. S. Mill Let. 19 Oct. in M. Fawcett Life Sir W. Molesworth (1901) x. 204 This winter..will see me through the whole of it except the rewriting.1854C. M. Yonge Heartsease I. ii. xii. 309 She has..given me some re-writing to do.1863Sat. Rev. 4 Apr. 446 There is nothing in them that cannot easily be remedied by a little re-writing.1892Athenæum 9 Apr. 468/3 ‘The Foreign Policy of Pitt’..is hardly a rewriting of history.1912Collier's 28 Sept. 17/2 By all the earmarks it was a ‘three head’ to be laconically telephoned into a ‘rewriter’ who would dutifully chronicle the event in 100 words.1934Blunden Choice or Chance 51 Rewriters, novelists and mirth-provokers.1965N. Chomsky Aspects of Theory of Syntax ii. 66 The natural mechanism for generating Phrase-markers..is a system of rewriting rules. A rewriting rule is a rule of the form..AZ/XY where X and Y are (possibly null) strings of symbols, A is a single category symbol, and Z is a nonnull string of symbols.1970Language XLVI. 261 These PS rules generate the structure⁓sensitive anb an quite simply with one non-terminal category and two rewriting rules.
II. rewrite, n.|ˈriːraɪt|
[f. the vb.]
1. a. The act of revising a text; a revised text. (Chiefly in journalistic and publishing use.) orig. U.S. slang.
1926E. B. White Let. Sept. (1976) 75 Carl..gravitated naturally down to Mr. Hearst's American and got a job on rewrite.1933Partridge Slang To-day & Yesterday iii. 181 To vet a book is to revise it, whether for the author or for his publisher; if the work entailed amounts to a virtual rewriting, the resulting typescript or manuscript is a re-write.1938E. Pound Let. 22 Apr. (1971) 307 How much revision do you propose to make in the proofs?.. We're not out for collaboration and rewrite à la E. P.1952Scrutiny June 3/3 Dryden states the case nicely in the Preface to his rewrite of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.1960News Chron. 23 Feb. 6/3 Belting out a rewrite of a wobbly third act.1972H. Evans Newsman's English ix. 191 Mix both techniques—rewrite the lead into the story but edit the rest of it on copy... Or you can move nearer to a full-scale rewrite.1976G. McDonald Confess, Fletch (1977) xxv. 121, I haven't got the rewrite man I need... The guy I've got on rewrite now is a kid.
b. attrib. and Comb., esp. as rewrite man, one employed to rewrite newspaper copy for publication; also transf.
1901Munsey's Mag. Nov. 222/1 Much of the copy that reaches the big newspaper offices is passed over to the ‘rewrite man’.1912G. M. Hyde Newspaper Reporting ix. 125 The terms ‘rewrite story’ and ‘follow-up, or follow, story’, are names which newspaper men apply to the rehashed or revised versions of other news stories.1935Amer. Mercury July 379/2, I have yet to discover an instance of real literary talent being brought to the surface by back-breaking chores on the rewrite desk.1949‘G. Orwell’ Nineteen Eighty-Four ii. iii. 131 She could describe the whole process of composing a novel, from the general directive issued by the Planning Committee down to the final touching-up by the Rewrite Squad.1955H. Roth Sleeper xv. 126 She seemed..capable, especially of rewrite, and good rewrite people are hard to find.1960R. St. John Foreign Correspondent i. 12, I had been a rewrite man in Camden, New Jersey.1973Times 2 Mar. 14/4 He is..the GLC's chief strategic planner and ‘rewrite man’ on planning policy.1977Detroit Free Press 11 Dec. 3-b/3 He phoned the story in over a vodka and orange juice. ‘It ain't much,’ he told the rewrite man.
2. Linguistics. The act or process of writing an analysis of a phrase or sentence structure in a different form, usu. by expansion. Freq. attrib. and Comb., esp. as rewrite rule = rewriting rule s.v. rewriting vbl. n.
1960R. B. Lees Gram. Engl. Nominalizations i. 2 The rewrite rules, which permit the conversion of given strings of symbols into more expanded strings.1964E. Bach Introd. Transformational Gram. ii. 17 In the grammar above the items to the left and right of the ‘rewrite’ arrow are strings of symbols.1967Word XXIII. 289 The equivalence of the different classes manifesting identical functions is implicit in the rewrite-rule formulations.1971Amer. Speech 1968 XLIII. 132 If the universals generally posited by linguists for human language can be formulated as a set of re-write rules whose elements are unordered by nature, then the relatedness between languages is determinable.1977Trans. Philol. Soc. 1975 79 Many individual verbs will no doubt need extra specifications in terms of ‘context-sensitive rewrite rules’.




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