

单词 assumpt
释义 I. aˈssumpt, pa. pple. and n. Obs.
[ad. L. assūmptus, pa. pple. of assūmĕre to assume.]
A. pa. pple. Assumed, taken up, raised, elevated, elected. (Used as pa. pple. of the vb. assume.)
1447[see assume v. 4.]1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 255/1 Therby he understode that she was assumpt in to heuen.1502Arnold Chron. (1811) 280 He was assumpte to the state of cardynal.1553–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 1027/2 Jesus is asaumpt, or taken awaie into heauen.
B. n. A thing assumed, an assumption.
1553–87Foxe A. & M. II. 357 He..first of all denied the Bishop's assumpt.1570Billingsley Euclid i. xix. 28 An Assumpt is a Proposition taken of necessitie to the helpe of a demonstration, the certainty whereof is not so plaine, and therefore nedeth it selfe first to be demonstrated.1638Chillingw. Relig. Prot. i. i. §12. 39 The summe of all your Assumpts..is this.
II. aˈssumpt, v. Obs.
[f. prec. Cf F. assumpter.]
1. To receive into association; = assume v. 1.
1595W. Hubbocke Apol. Infants Unbapt. 25 The child is assumpted into the association and fellowship of the blessed Trinitie.1627H. Burton Bait. Pope's Bull 93 As being assumpted into the individuall vnity with Christ.
b. esp. To receive up into heaven; = assume v. 1 b.
1530Palsgr. 751/2 Our Ladye was assumpted.1582N.T. (Rhem.) Acts i. 11 This Jesus which is assumpted from you into heaven.1607J. Davies Summa Tot. (1876) 19 But how remou'd, God knowes; I cannot proue, Assumpted, some suppose.
2. To elect or elevate to office; = assume v. 2.
a1581Campion Hist. Irel. xiv. 47 From thence assumpted Bishop of Lismore.1629L. Owen Spec. Jesuit. 33 Pope Gregory..being assumpted to S. Peters chaire.
3. To take to oneself, put on, assume.
1572J. Bossewell Armorie ii. 22 And assumpted, or tooke to his Armes..a Crosse Siluer, in a field vert.1579Fulke Heskins's Parl. 143 His humaine nature..is assumpted of the worde of God.1611Chester K. Arthur (1878) 61 Vnto himselfe he hath assumpted..A Crosse of Siluer.




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