

单词 rhetorize
释义 ˈrhetorize, v. ? Obs.
[ad. late L. rhētorizāre (Bede), a. Gr. ῥητορίζειν, f. ῥήτορ-, ῥήτωρ rhetor: see -ize.]
intr. To use rhetorical language.
1608Hieron Defence iii. 65 The Ancient Fathers have..ben pleased thus to rhetorise, in commendation of the Sacrament.1611Cotgr., Rhetoriquer, to rhetorize it, play the Rhetorician.1624Bp. R. Montagu Immed. Addr. 206 Gregory Nazianzen hath taught Saint Hierome also how to Rhetorize.1834Southey Doctor xlvi. (1848) 108 After having rhetorised in praise of sacred music.1841Tait's Mag. VIII. 484 There is another [kind of art] which, by..rhetorizing, assumes to itself the false importance of an end.
Hence ˈrhetorized ppl. a., addressed rhetorically.
1642Milton Apol. Smect. 8 To write a Letter to a prosopopæa, a certain rhetoriz'd woman whom he calls mother.




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