

单词 rial
释义 I. rial, n.1|ˈraɪəl|
Forms: 5 rialle, 5–6 riale, rioll, 5–7 riall, 5– rial; 5 ryolle, 5–6 ryalle, ryale, 5–7 ryall, 5– ryal.
[From rial a., after F. (and Sp.) models.]
a. A royal person; a prince; = real n.2 Obs.
1399Langl. Rich. Redeles iii. 340 Þer nas Rial of þe rewme, þat hem durste rebuke.c1425Cast. Persev. 7 in Macro Plays 77 Save our lege lord, þe kynge, þe leder of þis londe, & all þe ryallis of þis revme.c1475Rauf Coilȝear 14 As that Ryall raid ouir the rude mure.
b. Dominion; royal power. Obs.—1
c1400Laud Troy Bk. 7096 Me thinketh oure goddis speciale..haue vs ȝeuen gret riale.
2. The second branch of a stag's horn, lying immediately above the brow-antler. Obs.
c1400Master of Game (MS. Digby 182) xxiv, On þe left-side auntelere and ryall and surereall and not fourche but onely þe beame.1486Bk. St. Albans e j b, When he hath Awntelere.., Ryall and Surriall also there Isett,..Then shall ye call hym forchyd and hert of tenne.
3. a. A gold coin formerly current in England, originally of the value of ten shillings, first issued by Edward IV in 1465. Now Hist.
[The following are statements of its value at various times:—
1473J. Warkworth Chron. (Camden) 4 The yere..m1.cccc.lxiiij. Kynge Edwarde..made of ane olde noble a ryall, the whiche was commaundyde to goo for x.s; nevere the latter the same ryolle was put viij.d. of aley.1526Wriothesley Chron. (Camden) I. 15 In November, the Kinge enhaunsed his coyne, that is to saye, the riall at 11s. 3d.1556Chron. Gr. Friars (Camden) 47 The xvj. day of May [1544] was made a proclamacion in London for raysynge of golde and sylver, as the ryalle xij. shillings.]
1488Nottingham Rec. III. 16 C. libras in riales.1496–7Plumpton Corr. (Camden) 123 She hath in coyne, in old nobles, cli—in ryalls, cli.1503Act 19 Hen. VII, c. 5 §1 Riall, half Ryall, and the iiijth parte of a Ryall.1579J. Northbrooke Dicing (1843) 19, I dare holde a ryall, you meane the church.1600Heywood 2nd Pt. Edw. IV, i. iv, Bid the bearer of our privy purse Enclose therein a hundred English ryals.
1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Ryal or Rial, a Piece of Gold [etc.].1727–38Chambers Cycl. s.v., Coined into 45 rials,..or a proportional number of half rials,..or rial farthings.1817R. Ruding Ann. Coinage II. 34 These new Nobles were called Rials.1853Humphreys Coin Coll. Man. II. 443 The nobles and rials [of Edw. IV] differ but slightly from the nobles of previous reigns.1884Kenyon Gold Coins Eng. 57 Half and quarter ryals were also coined.
b. A French gold coin struck by Philip IV and his successors, current in Scotland in the 15–16th centuries. Obs.
1451Sc. Acts Jas. II (1814) II. 40 Þe Rial of france sal haf cours for vj s. viij d.1488Accs. Ld. High Treas. Scot. I. 79 Deliuerit be Dene Robert Hog..to the Thesaurare,..in rialis of France fyfty and foure.1488–91Ibid. 167 He chargis him..with liiij. li., be fifty foure Fraunce riallis of gold. [1507Accs. Ld. High Treas. Scot. III. 334 To the King himself, quhilk wes set on the syment riall, and part cunȝeit in riales thareof, xx Franch crounis.]
c. Applied to certain silver coins of Scotland in the 16th century. (See quots.) Obs.
1565Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 413 That thair be cunyeit ane penny of silver callit the Marie ryall.1567Ibid. 556 That thair be cunyeit ane penny of silver callit the James Ryall.
4. a. A Spanish coin; = real n.1 1 a. ? Obs.
1508Accs. Ld. High Treas. Scot. IV. 41 Item, to the said Robert, quhilk [he gave] to preistis thare..viij ducatis of wecht and tua riales; for ilk ducat xviij s., and the ij riales iij s.1547Boorde Introd. Knowl. xxx. (1870) 199 In Spayne..In siluer they haue ryals & halfe ryalles; a ryal is worth .v.d. ob.1622Fletcher Span. Cur. i. iii, I will fire The portion I brought with me, ere he spend A ryal of it.1672Petty Pol. Anat. (1691) 347 A piece of 8 rials being full 17 penny weight, passeth for 4s. 9d.1707W. Funnell Voy. 114 For a Ryal, which is seven pence half-penny.1727–38Chambers Cycl. s.v. Money, The [Spanish] ducat of silver contains 11 rials of silver; and that of vellon, 11 rials of vellon.1809Malkin Gil Blas iii. iii. ⁋2 He counted me over six ducats instead of six rials.
b. rial of plate = real n.1 1 a. Obs.
1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 225 The cyrcle of letters of a riale of plate.1622R. Hawkins Voy. S. Sea (1847) 94 Every peece of tenne ryals, which they receive in ryals of plate, for there is no other marchandize in those partes.1674S. Jeake Arith. (1696) 135 At..Arragon, The Rial, or Ryal of Plate is 23 Dinero's (Hunt saith 13) and the Ducat is 12 Ryals.1740Johnson Life Drake Wks. IV. 442 A quantity of Jewels, and twelve chests of ryals of plate.1748Earthquake Peru i. 30 Thirteen Chests of Ryals of Plate.
c. rial of eight = real n.1 2. Obs.
1598W. Phillip tr. Linschoten 69/1 There are likewise Rialles of 8, which are brought from Portingal.1615tr. De Montfart's Surv. E. Indies 4, I gaue him a 100. Rials of eight, for dyet and safe conduct through the Arabian desart.1678in Wheeler Madras in Old. Time (1862) III. 427 That not a man shall stir out of the Fort until the Governor returns home; upon penalty of half a riall of eight for the Merchant and Officer.1727–38Chambers Cycl. s.v. Piece, It has its name piece of eight, or rial of eight, because equal to eight silver rials.
d. ellipt. = prec. Obs. rare.
1640E. Pagitt Christianogr. (ed. 3) Life Cyril 13 He received yeerly..about 50000 Rials, each of them being worth foure shillings six pence.1671Ogilby America 464 Forty thousand Pieces of Silver, each valu'd at thirteen Ryals, each Ryal being four Shillings.
5. Also riyal. The monetary unit of Iran, introduced in 1930 and equal to one hundred dinars.
1932A. T. Wilson Persia x. 278 The Gold Standard Act [of 28 Mar. 1930] establishes as the legal unit of currency the gold rial, to be represented in coinage by the pahlevi of 20 rials and the half pahlevi of 10 rials.1936Encycl. Islam III. 1162/3 The modern Persian riyāl is a money of account: originally (1930) 20 riyāls = {pstlg}1 stg. but by the system finally adopted in 1933, 100 dinārs = 1 riyāl = 1 pahlavi = {pstlg}1 stg.1948D. N. Wilber Iran 213 The rial is also popularly referred to as the kran.1953A. Smith Blind White Fish in Persia vii. 115 Eggs, 11 rials; mast, 4 rials; grapes, 18 rials.1972Times 20 Oct. 9/4 Smuggled opium is sold in Iran at a price below the 17·5 rials (about 10p) a gram the Government charges registered addicts.1973E. Hyams Final Agenda v. 61 ‘Can I have that map?’ ‘Forty-five rials, sir.’1976R. Moore Dubai i. 6 Fitz removed a thousand-rial note, about fifteen dollars, and placed it in the envelope.
b. The monetary unit of Saudi Arabia.
1939H. St. J. B. Philby Sheba's Daughters ii. 21 It is perhaps sufficient to mention that the camels hired by him for our use cost no more than 15 Riyals (about {pstlg}1 sterling) apiece for a journey that occupied two and a half months.1951Chambers's Jrnl. Nov. 689/2 In the 19th century the dollar was banned in the Ottoman Empire, including Egypt, and became obsolete in Tunis and Algeria. Rather later, Ibn Saud of Arabia substituted, not without difficulty, his own rials for it.1964Ann. Reg. 1963 308 The sum of 244 million riyals was allocated to provide free education for everyone.1970Times 3 Apr. (Arab League Suppl.) p. x/5 The Government has already spent more than 4,000m. rials in five years developing communications.1977Arab Times 13 Dec. 4/5 Recently Shahwa found at Ahmad Al Jaben Street a bag containing KD 1,300 and Saudi Rial 2,594 and an expensive watch.
c. Any of various monetary units of other countries of the Middle East (see quots.).
1959Statesman's Year-bk. 1383 The monetary unit is the Sudanese pound ({pstlg}S), divided into 10 Riyals.1968Listener 4 Jan. 7/1 A guerrilla attack on the outskirts of Sanaa for a few Yemeni riyals.1970Whitaker's Almanack 1971 917/2 Oman... On May 7, 1970, a new currency was brought into circulation. The main unit is the Rial Saidi = {pstlg}1. Each rial is divided into 1,000 new Baiza.1972Times 15 May (Qatar Suppl.) p. iv/6 Banknotes of one, five, 10, 25, 50 and 100 Riyals.1977Times 18 Feb. (Banking Suppl.) p. v/5 In..1976 the Qatari rial joined the Bahrain dinar and the United Arab Emirates dirham in the travellers' reciprocity scheme.
II. rial, n.2 Obs.—0
Also 5 ryal(l.
[Perh. the same as prec.]
Froth or foam.
c1440Promp. Parv. 432/2 Ryal, or fom of berme, spuma.1530Palsgr. 262/2 Riall of wyne, fome, brovee, flevr.
III. ˈrial, a. (adv.) Obs.
Forms: 4–5 riale, 4–6 rial, 5–6 riall (5 rialle); 4–5 ryal, 5–6 ryale, 4–6 (8) ryall, 5 ryalle, ryeall, ryoll, 6 ryell.
[a. OF. rial, var. of real or roial: see real a.1 and royal a.]
Royal, regal.
1. Of persons, etc.: Having the rank of, or the qualities befitting, a king.
c1350Ipom. 64 There come many a ryall kynge, For to wowe that lady.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 1605 Hypsipyle (Fairf. MS.), Now was Iason a semely man with-alle.. And of his loke as rial as lyon.c1420Wars Alex (E.E.T.S.) 45 Me aughte noȝte to sende swylk tythynge to ȝour ryalle maiestee, bot..nede gers me do it.1483Caxton Gold Leg. 281 b/1 Saynt Lupe or Lowe was borne at Orliaunce and was of the ryal lygnage.1513Bradshaw St. Werburge ii. 801 A noble gentilman..Descendyng of the hie and riall blodde of costy.1580in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 43 The destruction of your most ryall person.
absol.c1420Anturs of Arth. 641 Here..by-fore thiese ryalle [I] resynge the my ryghte.c1470Golagros & Gaw. 396 Before the riale on raw the renk wes noght rasit.
Comb.c1485E. Eng. Misc. (Warton Club) 1 Wyves and maydynus ryallyke.
2. Properly pertaining or appropriate to a king.
c1374Chaucer Troylus i. 432 For myn astate ryal here I resigne Into her hond.c1400Destr. Troy 1630 Priam..a pales gert make Within the Cite full Solempne of a sete riall.c1450Godstow Reg. 129 With relefis, and heriettis, mariagis, Eschetis, and riall services.1533Bellenden Livy i. iii. (S.T.S.) I. 24 Þe more princely, þat he behad him in his dignite riall, the mor his lawis..wald be dred.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xv. viii. 336 All the riall names and words of the living God.
3. Befitting a king; sumptuous, splendid, magnificent, excellent.
13..Sir Beues 3480 Þouȝ ich discriue nouȝt þe bredale,..hit was riale.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1082 Rial ryngande rotes & þe reken fyþel.1399Langl. Rich. Redeles iii. 125, I say..That ho is riall of his ray that light reede him Folwith.c1430Two Cookery-bks. 40 Þan serue it forth for a ryal mete.c1449Pecock Repr. i. viii. 40 That the ij⊇. premisse..is also trewe is schewid bi a ful solempne and rial processe.1471Ripley Comp. Alch. v. xxxviii. in Ashm. (1652) 157 A ryall Medycyne.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 142 b, The people of Israell..buylded a solemn temple, moost ryall of stones precyous.1556Chron. Gr. Friars (Camden) 20 This same yere was the [most] ryall syght and wache of men of armes in London that ever was sene.
b. Sc. Notable, remarkable. rare.
1375Barbour Bruce xii. 557 Men mycht se..mony a riall rymmyll ryde Be roucht thair apon athir syde.1567Satir. Poems Reform. iii. 90 Quhen Dauie deit our Quene rycht potentlie Into this Realme did rais ane ryall rout.
4. Of paper: (see royal a.).
139.Earl Derby's Exped. (Camden) 8 Pro j quaterno papiri ryal, xij d.[Ibid. 13 Pro xxi foliis papiri realis.]1572in Feuillerat Revels Q. Eliz. (1908) 178 Paper Riall and other paper for patternes.1573–4in Turner Sel. Rec. Oxford (1880) 356 Item, for tenne quier of ryoll paper.
5. As adv. = rially.
a1400–50Alexander 4360 Ne rede we neuire na retorik ne rial to speke.1441Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 207, I went bare fote on my fette, That sum tyme was wonte to ride rialle.c1500World & the Child 268, I am ryall arayde to reuen [? read rennen] vnder the ryse.c1560Gude & Godlie Ball. (S.T.S.) 232 Princes and Kingis, that sa Ryall Ringis.




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