

单词 atoke
释义 atoke|ˈætəʊk|
[G. (E. Ehlers Die Borstenwürmer (1868) ii. 453), ad. Gr. ἄτοκος, f. ἀ- priv. (a- 14) + τόκος birth.]
The sexless part of certain polychætous worms. Hence atokal |ˈætəkəl|, atokous |ˈætəkəs| adjs., non-sexual; producing only asexual progeny.
1896Cambr. Nat. Hist. ii. 277 Ehlers employed the term ‘epitokous’, whilst he called the ‘Nereid’ phase ‘atokous’, under the impression that the worm did not become mature in this condition.1903J. S. Kingsley tr. Hertwig's Zool. 311 The atoke..forms chains of dimorphic individuals which later separate.1904Jrnl. R. Microsc. Soc. Apr. 183 The total length [of the marine worm palolo] averages 400 mm., about one-fourth of which is in the anterior atokal part.1916[see epitokous a.].




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