

单词 riding rhyme
释义 ˈriding rhyme
Also 6–7 ryme, rime, 7 rhime.
[riding vbl. n. or ppl. a., but the precise reason for the name is not clear; cf. quot. 1589.]
The form of verse (the heroic couplet) used by Chaucer in his Canterbury Tales, and after him by Lydgate and others. Also transf. (quot. 1612).
1575Gascoigne Eng. Verse, Steele Gl. (Arb.) 40, I had forgotten a notable kinde of ryme, called ryding rime, and that is suche as our Mayster and Father Chaucer vsed in his Canterburie tales, and in diuers other delectable and light enterprises.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie ii. iiii. [v.] (Arb.) 89 Chaucer, Lydgate and others,..many times made their meetres (they called them riding ryme) of such vnshapely wordes as would allow no conuenient Cesure, and therefore did let their rymes runne out at length, and neuer stayd till they came to the end.1600Thynne Embl. & Epigr. 77, I..that shame not to present vnto thy sight Sir Topas ridinge rime not meet for thee.1612Harington Epigr. iii. xliv, Fair Leda reads our Poetry sometimes, But saith she cannot like our Ryding-rimes. [c1760Gray Observ. Eng. Metre, The Riding Rhyme I rather take to be that which is confined to one measure, whatever that measure be, but not to one rhythm.]a1854H. Reed Lect. Brit. Poets iii. (1857) 110 His [Chaucer's] ‘riding rhyme’, under the more dignified denomination of the heroic couplet.1875Lowell Spenser Prose Wks. 1890 IV. 305 note, Spenser thought he was imitating what wiseacres used to call the riding-rhyme of Chaucer.




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