

单词 atsit
释义 atˈsit, v. Obs.
Inflexions, see sit.
[OE. ætsittan, f. at- prefix1 + sittan to sit; cf. also asit.]
1. intr. To remain sitting, stay, abide.
905O.E. Chron., Þa ætsæton ða Centiscan þær be æftan.
2. To sit against, withstand, disobey. (with dat.)
1297R. Glouc. 174 In ys ryȝt hond ys lance he nom..Hym ne myȝte atsytte non.a1300Havelok 2200 Hise bode ne durste non atsitte.c1320Cast. Loue 235 Þo he Godes heste at-seet, And eke þo he þe appel eet.




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