

单词 aunters
释义 ˈaunters, adv. Obs. or dial.
Also 4 auntre, 5 aventurs, awnturs, 9 anters.
[f. aunter, aventure, adventure n.: the -s (orig. wanting) seems to be genitival, and the word parallel to the contemporary of aventure; cf. also per adventure (in ME. paraunter) and the later per-hap-s.]
a. At a venture, at all risks, in any case, at all events. Obs.
b. Peradventure, perhaps.
c1325Cœur de L. 3878 Auntre, they swore hym hool oth To be hys men.a1450Syr Eglamore 1211 The chylde..Was aventurs in the felde.Ibid. 213 For oon the beste knyghtes art thou, That in thys londe ys levyd now, Awnturs [Other MSS. owther] ferre or nere.1691Ray N. Countr. Wds. 4 Aunters, Peradventure, or, in case, if it chance.1807J. Stagg Poems 54 Or anters in yon mouldering heap, Some luivelier female form I weep.




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