

单词 authentical
释义 auˈthentical, a. arch.
Forms: 6 autentycal, 6–7 -ical, -icall, authenticall, 6– authentical.
[f. authentic a. + -al1.]
1. = authentic a. 1.
1562W. Bullein Sorenes 31 a, By the rules, and autenticall counsaill, of learned Phisicions.16082nd Pt. Def. Reas. Refus. Subscr. 83 No scripture is Canonical but that which is Authentical, and carrieth credit in it self and of it self, without dependance of any other writinge.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxvi. 143 The Authenticall Interpretation of Law is not that of writers.1710Prideaux Orig. Tithes v. 258 Published, and commanded to be observed as Authentical.
b.1537Inst. Chr. Man H iij b, In the writinges of any autenticall doctour or auctour of the church.1599B. Jonson Ev. Man out of Hum. iv. iii, By the Judgment of the most authentical Physicians.
2. = authentic a. 2.
c1531Pol. Rel. & L. Poems (1866) 34 By the autorite of my lorde of london vnder his Autentycal seale.1615T. Adams Lycanthr. 29 Having first martyr'd them, then held disputation whether the act was authenticall.a1679T. Goodwin Wks. (1861) I. 315 A formal, sure, legal, authentical interest.
3. = authentic a. 3.
1541Barnes Wks. (1573) 328/1 Authenticall hystories doth make mention, that, etc.1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. vii. 181 A vigorous and authentical Tradition.1716T. Ward Eng. Ref. 247 Rome this Version does allow For most Authentical and True.1861W. Mill Applic. Panth. Princ. (ed. 2) 175 In the most authentical copies now extant.
b.1553–87Foxe A. & M. III. 381 The testimony of any authentical Writer.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. i. iv. §1, More authenticall witnesses.1666Fuller Hist. Camb. (1840) 117 What authentical authors had attested the king's words.
4. = authentic a. 4.
1586J. Ferne Blaz. Gentrie 136 The worde Marque, in that autenticall tongue signified the Vttermost partes.1594Hooker Eccl. Pol. i. (1617) 9 That Law..is as it were an authenticall, or an originall draught.1638Sanderson 21 Serm. Ad. Aul. viii. (1674) 121 The original record only is authentical and not the transcript.1814Cary Dante's Parad. xxxiii. 51 Into the ray authentical Of sovran light.
5. = authentic a. 5.
1609B. Jonson Sil. Wom. iii. ii, Shee is the onely authenticall courtier, that is not naturally bred one, in the citie.
6. = authentic a. 6.
1624Gataker Transubst. 43 He citeth these confessed counterfeits as authenticall Authors.1845Shaw On Conf. Faith i. (1848) 20 The Scriptures..have come down to us uncorrupted, and are, therefore, authentical.
7. Mus. = authentic a. 9.
1597Morley Introd. Mus. Annot., Euery song which about the beginning riseth a fift aboue the finall key, is of an autenticall tune.1609Douland Ornithop. Microl. 13 All the odde tones are Authenticall, all the euen Plagall.




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