

单词 authenticly
释义 auˈthenticly, adv. Obs.
For forms see authentic a.
[f. authentic a. + -ly2.]
= authentically.
1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 261/1 Saynt Austyn sheweth autentyckly in a Sermon.1542Hen. VIII Declar. Scots 198 Regesters and recordes iudicially and autentiquely made.1583Golding Calvin on Deut. Pref. Ep. 1 As their writings do autentikely, fully, and sufficiently, witnesse.1648Fairfax, etc. Remonstr. 32 Publikely and authentickly avowed.1737Whiston Josephus' Antiq. Dissert. i, He could learn no way so authenticly as from this testimony.




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