

单词 ripple
释义 I. ripple, n.1|ˈrɪp(ə)l|
Also 5 ryppyll, repylle, 6 reple.
[Corresponds to Fris. ripel (roepel, rûpel), Du. repel, MLG. repel(e, LG. repel, räpel), OHG. rifila (G. riffel): see ripple v.1 A shorter form appears in Flem., older Du., and MLG. repe, G. riffe.]
An implement toothed like a comb, used in cleaning flax or hemp from the seeds.
1660Sharrock Vegetables 22 They get out the seeds [of flax] by drawing it through an engine like an iron double tooth combe, which they call a Ripple.1766Compl. Farmer s.v. Hemp Z 4/2 The seed..which remains in the heads of the hemp..is got out by combing the heads on the teeth of a ripple.1807Hoare Tour Irel. 324 If the seed [of flax] is to be saved, it is drawn through an iron comb, fastened in wood, called a ripple.1846Sproule Flax 20 The operation in this case not being performed by the ripple, but by repeated strokes of a stick.1875Encycl. Brit. I. 380 Lifting each handful separately and pulling the top through a ripple or iron comb fixed upon a piece of plank.
b. attrib., as ripple-stock, ripple-comb (also as v.).
Perhaps properly combs. of the verbal stem.
c1475Pict. Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 795 Hoc rupeste, a repyllestok.1499Wills & Invent. (Surtees) I. 104 A hekyll,..a ryppyll came,..a payr of wool cames.1581Invent. in Best's Farm. Bks. (Surtees) 171 One peare of reple comes.1615Markham English Housew. ii. v. (1668) 132 You must take ripple combs, and ripple your flax over.1899Academy 11 Feb. 184/1 Flax was grown, dried, ripple-combed, cleaned.
II. ˈripple, n.2 north. dial.
Also 7 rippill.
[f. ripple v.2]
A slight cut, scratch, or mark.
1666Depos. Cast. York (Surtees) 141 He..opened his buttons, and gave him some rippills with his knife on his breast.1869Pecock Lonsd. Gloss., Ripple, a slight scratch.1876C. C. Robinson Mid-Yorksh. Gloss. s.v., A mark across the grain of wood, as if where a saw had just grazed, would be called a ripple.
III. ripple, n.3|ˈrɪp(ə)l|
[f. ripple v.3]
1. a. U.S. A piece of shallow water in a river where rocks or sand-bars cause an obstruction; a shoal. (Cf. riffle n. 4 and rippling vbl. n.3 2.)
1755New Hampshire Prov. Papers (1872) VI. 431 Swift water falls and Ripples that they were oblig'd to wade and carry all day.1789J. May Jrnl. & Lett. (1873) 131 The river so low that it is impossible to get over the shoal places, ‘ripples,’ as they are called here.1808Ashe Trav. I. 92 The river is full of eddies, ripples, rapids, rocks, and other dangers.1855W. Sargent Braddock's Exped. 218 Forming a gentle rapid or ripple, and easily fordable at almost any point.1872Schele de Vere Americanisms 532 In Pennsylvania..the more grievous obstructions are riffles, the slighter ones ripples.1941L. D. Baldwin Keelboat Age 71 The breaking of the water over the bars and chains was known to the boatmen as ripples, or riffles.1964F. O'Rourke Mule for Marquesa ii. 50 ‘How do we cross?’.. ‘Quicksand to the right. You move out the bar, angle downstream to that big ripple, then straight on across.’
b. Naut. (See quot. and rippling vbl. n.3 1.)
1869A. R. Wallace Malay Archip. I. 239 What seamen call the ‘ripples’ are also very violent in the straits, the sea appearing to boil and foam and dance like the rapids below a cataract.
2. a. A light ruffling of the surface of water, such as is caused by a slight breeze; a wavelet. Also spec. in Physics, a wave on the surface of a fluid the restoring force for which is provided by surface tension rather than by gravity, and which consequently has a wavelength shorter than that corresponding to the minimum speed of propagation.
1798Coleridge Anc. Mar. vi. xi, Its path was not upon the sea, In ripple or in shade.1814Scott Diary 15 Aug. in Lockhart, The channel now seems like a Highland loch; not the least ripple on the waves.1843Ruskin Mod. Paint. ii. v. i. §11 (1851) I. 330 If water be rippled, the side of every ripple next to us reflects a piece of the sky.1871W. Thomson in Phil. Mag. XLII. 374 The ‘Capillary waves’..referred to by Russell are what I, in ignorance of his observations.., had called ‘ripples’.1873Black Pr. Thule iii, The wash of the ripples along the coast could be heard in the stillness.1887Amer. Jrnl. Math. IX. 67 Sir W. Thomson proposes to distinguish by the name of ripples those waves whose length is less than the above critical value of λ [wavelength].1938L. M. Milne-Thomson Theoret. Hydrodynamics xiv. 377 Ripples are waves on [ed. 2: in] whose propagation capillarity plays the predominating part.1966McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. XIV. 417/1 Ripples generated by wind at the interface between air and water on oceans and lakes are of importance to the friction of air flowing over water, and to the reflection and scattering of electromagnetic and sound waves.
attrib.1848Lowell Fable for Critics Poet. Wks. (1884) 166/1 Like ripple-shades netting the bed of a brook.1856Sorby in Edinb. New Phil. Jrnl. III. 114 The direction of a current can also be ascertained from the ripple marks; from that modification of them for which I have proposed the term ‘ripple drift’.
fig.1838Emerson Address Wks. (Bohn) II. 201 See how nations and races flit by on the sea of time, and leave no ripple to tell where they floated or sunk.1859Geo. Eliot A. Bede iii, Mere waves and ripples in an unfathomable ocean of love and beauty.1872Holmes Poet Breakf.-t. viii, It always seems to me that talk is a ripple and thought a ground swell.
b. transf. A mark, appearance, or movement resembling or suggestive of a ripple on water.
1843Holtzapffel Turning I. 39 The fibres..will be found to be wavy, on the face, at right angles to that on which the ripple is observed.1850Thackeray Pendennis iv, Her black hair waved..with a natural ripple.1881Truth 19 May 686/2 The dress..was of pink silk,..the front being covered with ripples of white lace.1891Hardy Tess xxxii, A glistening ripple of gossamer webs was visible.1968J. Winearls Mod. Dance (ed. 2) ii. 38 Raising and lowering can follow each other in uninterrupted snake-like ripples.1972Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 3 July 2/6 Laurence (Lord) Olivier, on every official opening night at the Old Vic, was reserving front-blocks of seats, ‘the Ripples’ for students whose natural reaction might..introduce ‘ripples’ to break down the first-night social-or-coterie stuffiness.1977Design Engin. July 19/3 High number of commutator segments giving very smooth operation (low torque ripple) over a speed range from zero to several thousand rev/min.1979Time 2 Apr. 20/3 As Finland bottomed out of recession, pre-election polls showed a ripple to the right.
attrib.1870Daily News 12 May, The Princess, who in her..new ‘ripple’ fashion of hairdressing never looked more lovely.
c. ellipt. A ripple-mark.
1852Lyell Elem. Geol. (ed. 4) ii. 20 This ripple is not entirely confined to the beach between high and low water mark, but is also produced on sands which are constantly covered by water.Ibid., In sandstones..also, as now on the sea-coast, we may often detect two systems of ripples interfering with each other.
d. A name for an ice cream manufactured with an admixture of coloured syrup that gives it a rippled appearance.
Registered as a proprietary name in the U.S.
1939Ice Cream Trade Jrnl. Nov. 19 (Advt.), Fudge ripple ice cream.Ibid., This delicious fudge syrup is incorporated in your own vanilla ice cream as you fill the can from a batch freezer or incorporated in your vanilla ice cream by a special fudge ripple attachment as it flows from your continuous freezer.1942Official Gaz. (U.S. Patent Office) 16 June 511/1 Gerald G. Balch, doing business as Balch Flavor Co., Pittsburgh, Pa... Ripple... For ice cream and flavoring concentrate for use in the manufacture of variegated type of ice cream and for use in the manufacture of a flavoring adapted to be applied on or to ice cream, sold in bulk. Claims use since Oct. 23, 1939.1973Hyde & Rothwell Ice Cream vii. 141 (caption) Diagram of Hoyer ripple machine.1976Milton Keynes Express 25 June 10 (Advt.), Ice Cream... Raspberry Ripple, 4 litre {pstlg}1.10.1977‘J. Bell’ Such Nice Client xvi. 156 A pork pie..and an ice ripple from the freezer..brought her back into fighting shape.1981Times 2 May 7/4 Dessert..angel food cake, blueberry cheese cake, fudge, ripple ice cream.
3. A sound as of rippling water. Also fig., a rumour.
1859Hawthorne Marb. Faun xvii, Talking in the quick, short ripple of the Italian tongue.1882M. E. Braddon Mt. Royal III. vi. 97 A ripple of laughter floated from the hall.1889Ruskin Præterita III. 63 Presently I was aware of a little ripple of brighter converse going round the table.1977N. Adam Triplehip Cracksman vii. 71 There's a ripple he's walking a bit heavy these days.
4. = riffle n. 5. Also attrib.
1853Alta California (San Francisco) 31 May 2/1 Repeated instances have come to our knowledge when the amount of gold saved has been doubled by a little alteration or improvement made in the ripple-box.1857Borthwick 3 Yrs. California vi. 121 The earth and small gravel falls with the water through the sieve into the ‘ripple-box’.1879R. J. Atcherley Trip Boërland 114 Halfway down the box is a little ledge termed a ‘ripple’, about 2 inches in height.1886Pall Mall G. 18 June 5/2 What is called a ‘quicksilver ripple’, a solid bit of wood with three troughs cut along it about two inches deep, each a little lower than the other.1902Chambers's Jrnl. Mar. 176/1 This process consists of passing the sand through an arrangement of inclined sieves, which by reason of ‘ripples’ or bars of wood fastened transversely across their surfaces, discard all light material that cannot pass the various meshes.1938D. Forbes My Life in S. Afr. vi. 87 One had to keep the earth moving all the time. If it once settled to the bottom of the box it formed a solid mass, and did not settle into what are called the ripples on the bottom of the box made to catch the gold.
5. Electr. Small periodic variations in voltage superposed on a direct voltage or on an alternating voltage of lower frequency. Freq. attrib.
1920Whittaker's Electr. Engineer's Pocket-bk. (ed. 4) 152 When the rotor is slotted, as in turbo-alternators with cylindrical rotors, a ripple is induced in the conductor⁓pressure.1928Observer 17 June 26/3 Manufacturers should publish a curve of inductance against direct current component, measured at ripple frequency.1947R. Lee Electronic Transformers & Circuits iii. 66 Reactors are used in electronic power equipment to smooth out ripple voltage in d-c supplies, so they carry direct current in the coils.1967Electronics 6 Mar. 308/2 Quadrature rejection is 40 db minimum, while ripple is 0·5% peak-to-peak of full scale output.1972Physics Bull. Aug. 491/2 An automatically adjusting transformer ensures high stability; ripple is 1 mV peak to peak.
6. Applied to a method of firing or discharging in succession or at intervals.
1944Shorter Oxf. Eng. Dict. (ed. 3) Add., Ripple.., applied to a method of firing torpedoes in succession.1951Life 18 June 54/3 (caption) Using six rocket launchers with 24 tubes each, the platoon in a matter of seconds blasted Red positions with 144 rounds—a barrage which rocketmen call a ‘ripple’.1968Daily Express 12 Feb. 2/5 Ripple, an attacker's technique of sending off his missiles in waves, so that a defender fires his defensive missiles at the first waves and has nothing left to deflect the final blow.
7. attrib. and Comb., as ripple burnish, (poet.) ripple-dripple, ripple ware; ripple black, ripple fresh, ripple-warped adjs.; ripple (pony) cloth, cloth having a rippled appearance; also attrib.; ripple control Electr., a method of performing simple control operations, such as switching of street lights, by superposition of a high-frequency switching signal on the mains supply; ripple(-through) counter Electronics, a type of binary counter consisting of a number of bistable circuits wired in cascade, so that each changes its state only after all the preceding ones have changed state; ripple effect, the continuous and spreading results of an event or action; ripple-fired adj. [cf. sense 6 above], (of missiles) fired in rapid succession or at intervals; so ripple-firing a.; ripple-flaking Archæol., a method of flaking flint; so ripple-flaked a.; ripple sole, a kind of rubber sole having thick ripple-shaped ridges; hence ripple-soled ppl. a.; ripple stitch, a drawn fabric stitch (see also sense 2).
1965Wireless World Aug. 28 (Advt.), Dial escutcheon measures 6{pp} long by 41/8{pp} wide, finished ripple black.
1964H. Hodges Artifacts i. 31 The effect of this ripple burnish can be highly decorative.
1922Ripplecloth [see house-jacket s.v. house n.1 20].1930Daily Express 6 Oct. 5/2 (Advt.), Pure wool ripple cloth, for cosy dressing gowns.1957M. B. Picken Fashion Dict. 276/1 Ripple cloth, woolen dress fabric with long silky hairs on right side. Also called zibeline.1977B. Pym Quartet in Autumn xvi. 139 Her old blue ripple⁓cloth dressing gown.
1938Jrnl. Inst. Electr. Engin. LXXXIII. 827/1 The fullest advantage can only be taken of the ripple control principle if a central ripple transmitter..can be designed to cover the entire network fed at high tension from that point.1952J. M. Waldram Street Lighting xx. 381 A ripple control system operating about 500 lamps in an urban area, pre-war.1974Times 4 Feb. 16/6 It seems..opportune to raise again the..question of ripple control. For the uninitiated, it is a means of transmitting coded signals from a central control point over the existing mains network to operate switching contactors at any point in the network, e.g., domestic consumers' premises.
1967Electronics 6 Mar. 160/1 It cannot be used in ripple counters or other circuits requiring the toggle function.1973Sci. Amer. May 110/3 Combinations of flip-flops and nand gates interconnected as described are known as ripple counters. The reason is that input pulses ‘ripple’ through the string of flip-flops sequentially, each device triggering the next one in the series.
1916Blunden Harbingers 49 The ripple-dripple of the brooks.
1966Wall St. Jrnl. 14 Feb. 10/3 Price-boosting already is producing a ‘ripple effect’ in which companies pass on increased costs in higher price tags on their own products.1973Times 20 Dec. 12/4 Industrial expansion is now halted by the three day week, not to say by the ripple effect of the public expenditure cuts.1977Detroit Free Press 11 Dec. 7-b/4 The ripple effect from the ‘Star Wars’ film has taken on tidal wave proportions.
1954Sun (Baltimore) (B ed.) 25 June 10/3 Proximity-fused bombs or photo flash bombs..high explosive rockets, ripple fired rockets, smoke rockets and guided missiles.
1949A. R. Weyl Guided Missiles 31 Control of the launching manœuvre can be electric, for example, by closing a circuit which ignites a propelling charge, or electronic. The former is preferred for small missiles, with ‘ripple-firing’ control for the multiple and successive launching of A.A. missiles.
1960Oxf. Univ. Gaz. 4 Mar. 805/2 A fine ripple-flaked flint knife with gold leaf attached to the blunt end.
1899R. Munro Preh. Scot. v. 167 The execution of what is known as ripple-flaking.1921Chambers's Jrnl. 5 Feb. 145/1 Brierly Stretton and I were..discussing the intensive examination of ripple-flaking.
1944Blunden Shells by Stream 44 While some freed fountain of delight Played beauty ripple-fresh and bright.
1952C. W. Cunnington Eng. Women's Clothing 296 Ripple pony cloth..Resembles a finely ribbed miroir velvet with a bright finish.
1963N. Marsh Dead Water (1964) viii. 201 Gentleman's country shoes, size nine-and-a-half ripple soles.1970Globe & Mail (Toronto) 26 Sept. 52/2 (Advt.), Women's Slippers... Some ripple rubber soles.1977C. McFadden Serial xli. 88/2 Kate had already gone springing off in her ripple-sole Famolares.
1977Austral. Furnishing Buyers Guide Spring/Summer 58/4 With heels, steel tips, crepe and ripple soled shoes, carpets are getting much more wear and tear.
1933K. S. Lofthouse Compl. Guide Drawn Fabric 22 Ripple stitch... Worked from right to left... Three pairs are worked with six threads between.
1971J. H. Smith Digital Logic vi. 103 In the asynchronous counter..the trigger input of each binary is from the preceding output... This mode of operation gives an inherent delay in the ripple-through counter.
1931Ripple ware [see Badarian a.].
1962V. Nabokov Pale Fire 143 The ripple-warped reflection of a ledge that jutted high above his present position.
IV. ˈripple, n.4
? An attack of the ripples.
1785Burns Let. Goudie iii, Auld Orthodoxy lang did grapple, But now she's got an unco ripple.
V. ripple, v.1|ˈrɪp(ə)l|
Also 5–6 rypel (6 ripel, repeyl), 5 rippil (7 -el), 8 riple.
[Corresponds to Fris. ripelje (roep-, rûpelje), MDu. (and Du.) repelen, MLG. repelen (LG. repeln, räpeln), OHG. rifilôn (G. riffeln); cf. ripple n.1, Du. and MLG. repen (whence Sw. repa) in the same sense.]
1. trans. To draw (flax or hemp) through a kind of comb (see ripple n.1) in order to remove the seeds; to clean from seeds in this manner.
c1340–[see rippling vbl. n.1].1523Fitzherb. Husb. §146 Howe it [flax] shulde be sowen, weded, pulled, repeyled, watred.1615[see ripple n.1 b].1649W. Blithe Eng. Improv. Impr. (1653) 262 It is indifferent whether you ripple it, or take off the boles of it, as soone as you bring it home, or when you intend to use it.1694Westmacott Script. Herb. 75 Then ripple it [flax] through a double tooth'd Iron Comb.1763Museum Rust. I. 11, I ripple it and water it, and, if I have leisure, proceed to dress it.1780Young Tour Irel. I. 164 They..immediately ripple it to get the seeds off.1846Sproule Flax 18 As soon as the capsules containing the seed are dried.., the flax is ready for being rippled.
2. To remove or take off (the seeds) by this process.
c1480Henryson Mor. Fab. viii. (Preach. Swallow) xxx, The carle pullit the lyne, Rippillit the bollis, and in beitis set.1523Fitzherb. Husb. §146 The bolles of flaxe, whan they be ripeled of, must be rideled from the wedes.1805R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. II. 740 It is likewise the practice..to ripple off the seed-pods before the business of watering is commenced.1861Times 10 Oct., The bolls are rippled off and kiln-dried for very superior cattle-food.
Hence ˈrippled ppl. a.1
1851H. Stephens Bk. Farm (ed. 2) II. 322/1 The rippled plants should be tied in sheaves.1879Encycl. Brit. IX. 294/2 The rippled stalks are tied in small bundles.
VI. ˈripple, v.2 Now north. dial.
Also 5 reple, repul-.
[Of Scand. origin. Cf. Norw. ripla to scratch, make strokes in, frequentative or diminutive from ripa (Sw. repa), of similar meaning.]
1. trans. To scratch slightly; to graze or ruffle.
14..Guy Warw. (Caius MS.) 9942 The Duke..smote to Gye... He replid [v.r. repulde] hys face and his chyn.1570Levins Manip. 128 To Ripple, rescindere.1609Holland Amm. Marcell. xxv. iii. 264 An horsemans javelin..having slightly rippled the skinne of his left arme, pierced within his short ribs.1670Cotton Espernon ii. x. 512 The others that had pass'd before had only rippled up the skin.1681Wonders of Peak Wks. (1741) 339 Sans hurt or Blemish, save a little strip Of Hair and Skin rippled upon her Hip.1781Hutton Tour to Caves Gloss. (ed. 2) 95 Ripple, to scratch.1828Craven Gloss., Ripple, to scratch gently, as with a pin, or to gore slightly.1855in Whitby Gloss.1869in Lonsd. Gloss.
2. To break up (ground) slightly.
1764Museum Rust. II. lxxiv. 247 The former only slightly plough, or ripple, their fallows the first year.1790W. Marshall Rur. Econ. Midl. Co. II. 368 By way of experiment,—Rippled the vacant places of the Bank, at the time of cutting this hedge.
VII. ˈripple, v.3
Also 7–8 riple.
[Of obscure origin. App. distinct from prec., and not obviously related to any sense of rip v.2]
1. a. intr. To have or present a ruffled surface; to be covered with small waves; to form ripples.
1670–1Narborough Jrnl. in Acc. Sev. Late Voy. i. (1694) 18 The Sea ripled in many places.1748Anson's Voy. iii. viii. 383 The sea had a very dangerous aspect, for it ripled and foamed, as if it had been full of breakers.1836R. H. Froude Lyra Apost. (1849) 99, I watch the waves that rippling still Chase one another o'er the marble shore.1878Abney Photogr. (1881) 9 The interstellar ether in which these waves ripple is assumed to permeate every body.1887‘Stuart Cumberland’ Queen's Highway 15 Between the pines, little lakes sparkle and ripple in the sun.
transf. and fig.1844Emerson Ess., Nature, Acres of houstonia, whose innumerable florets whiten and ripple before the eye.1877A. B. Edwards Up Nile xxi. 605 The young barley rippling for miles in the sun.
b. To flow in ripples.
1769Gray Let. to Dr. Wharton 18 Oct., Along the vale of Eeman, which runs rapidly on near the way, rippling over the stones.1824W. Irving T. Trav. I. 322 Watched the silver waves rippling through the arches of the broken bridge.1855Tennyson Maud ii. iv. vi, The rivulet at her feet Ripples on in light and shadow.1894Winsor Cartier to Frontenac 177 Southward, the sources of the Delaware and Susquehanna rippled onward to the great bays.
transf. and fig.1858Sat. Rev. 20 Nov. 506/2 Saying that Mr. Jones..ripples out in a level current of poetical talk.1873Symonds Grk. Poets x. 312 Stone walls..fragrant with gadding violets that ripple down their sides.1889A. J. C. Hare Story Life (1900) VI. 182 Life ripples by so quickly.1924R. Campbell Flaming Terrapin iii. 45 In spangled pride A python ripples from his shrivelled hide.1929D. H. Lawrence Pansies 39 We ripple with life through the days.
c. Of sound: To flow in a sprightly manner.
1879Dowden Southey iv. 85 The carillons ripple from old spires.1892Sladen Japs at Home xvi, Nearly two minutes had elapsed before the last faint wave of sound rippled away.
d. To pass quickly through each of a series in turn.
1967Electronics 6 Mar. 47/3 It will ripple through a truth table in maybe 100 microseconds,..moving through all possible logic combinations.1973Sci. Amer. May 110/3 Input pulses ‘ripple’ through the string of flip-flops sequentially, each device triggering the next one in the series.
2. a. trans. To form little waves upon (the surface of water); to agitate lightly.
1786tr. Beckford's Vathek (1868) 96 The water..was violently rippled by the flutter of their fins.1817J. Scott Paris Revisit. (ed. 4) 16 The vessel rippled the transparent water as she inclined easily on her way.1840R. H. Dana Bef. Mast xvii, A cool sea-breeze came rippling and darkening the surface of the water.1887Rider Haggard Jess 62 The great wind..does but ripple the shallow pool as it passes.1922T. S. Eliot Waste Land iii. 36 The brisk swell Rippled both shores.1974Sat. Rev. World (U.S.) 2 Nov. 32/3 The lake..was rippled by a sailboat.
fig.1854Thoreau Walden, Solitude, Like the lake, my serenity is rippled but not ruffled.1884Fortn. Rev. Apr. 567 Hardly a single event of consequence has rippled the still surface of the financial world during the past month.
b. To mark with or as with ripples; to cause to undulate slightly.
1860Emerson Cond. Life, Beauty, There are faces so..flushed and rippled by the play of thought, that we can hardly find what the mere features really are.1891Meredith One of our Conq. II. ii. 29 Mademoiselle rippled her shoulders.1897Geogr. Jrnl. IX. 280 The finest variety of the assorted sands was also quickly rippled.
c. To turn out with a rippling sound. Also, to let out or utter with a rippling sound.
1890W. J. Gordon Foundry 192 The ordinary notion of printing—a man sitting at a piano and rippling out types.1901A. E. W. Mason Clementina xiii. 155 The girl reading it drew a breath and rippled out a laugh of gladness.1913C. Mackenzie Sinister St. I. ii. x. 313 ‘Why, you silly old thing..,’ rippled Stella.




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