

单词 roasting
释义 I. roasting, vbl. n.|ˈrəʊstɪŋ|
[f. roast v.]
1. a. The action of the vb. in various senses.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. lxiv. (Bodl. MS.), Bi rostinge & seþinge þerof [sc. beans] swellinge ventosite is abated.1474Cov. Leet Bk. (1908) 399 And þat he sell no maner flesshe and ffysshe but hitt be good,..both in sethyng, Rostyng and bakying.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 205 Yet was not that roostynge to hym so greuous payne as was to Chryst his crucifyenge.1582in Trans. Jewish Hist. Soc. (1903) IV. 94 Which..maketh the ure within iiij dayes, by once rosting and once smelting, to yeeld black Copper and Copperstone.1635E. Pagitt Christianographie 54 It might be fitter called a rosting, or broyling, then a resting, or sleepe.1681Otway Soldier's Fort. iii. i, I will not fail to wait on him in the roasting of an Egg.1741Cramer Ass. Metal 189 Roasting, called in German Rosten, is when volatile Bodies are separated from fixt ones by the combined Action of Fire and Air.1779Phil. Trans. LXX. 33 Tedious and troublesome roastings and fusions in great degrees of heat.1809Malkin Gil Blas x. ix. ⁋9 She began to see that there was reason in roasting of eggs.1869E. A. Parkes Pract. Hygiene (ed. 3) 196 Roasting should be slowly done, to retain the juices.1884W. H. Greenwood Steel & Iron 81 The calcination or roasting of iron-ores.
b. A severe handling, bantering, or correction.
c1728Earl of Ailesbury Mem. (Roxb.) 533 Dr. Sacheverell's trial, which his persecutors termed the roasting of a priest.1755J. Shebbeare Lydia (1769) II. 145 They would give Mr. Mathematic a roasting and humble him a little.1888Athenæum 7 Apr. 436/1, I..thank him in advance for the roasting that he promises me in his coming preface.1895Wales May 222/1 Your father will make short work of giving you a roasting.1900‘Flynt’ & ‘Walton’ Powers that Prey 122 Nettie was emboldened to continue her ‘roasting’.1942J. B. Priestley in R.A.F. Jrnl. 3 Oct. 2, I..have taken and dished out uproarious insults... My friendly hosts have been anxious about the way in which I would take this elaborate ‘roasting’.1963Times 25 Feb. 3/6 The crowd, which cheered wildly all the time for the popular Mormon elder from neighbouring Utah, gave Tiger a ‘roasting’ several times and they booed lustily when the decision was announced as a draw.1977Time 28 Mar. 8/3 In their exchanges with the Russians, members of the U.S. delegation anticipate a bit of a roasting.
2. attrib.
a. With names of apparatus, etc., used in or connected with roasting, as roasting device, roasting fork, roasting-furnace, roasting-house, roasting kitchen, roasting machine, roasting-oven, roasting-rack, roasting-range, roasting-spit, roasting-stick, roasting tin, roasting-tongs.
1437Bury Wills (Camden) 10, j p[ar] rostyng rakkes ferri.1525–6Durh. Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 107 Pro feodo le Rostyng⁓rang.1647Hexham i, A rosting spit, een braedt-spit.1688Holme Armoury iii. xx. (Roxburgh) 248/2 He beareth sable a Lanthorn Makers Rosting stick... It is of some named the Roasting tonges.1724Lond. Gaz. No. 6270/9 Dealers..in Coffee may..Roast their Berries at such Roasting-Houses.1839Ure Dict. Arts 820 This is what is called a walled area, and sometimes, improperly enough, a roasting furnace.1862Catal. Internat. Exhib., Brit. II. No. 5969 The London Roasting Range..with cast-iron chimney-piece.Ibid. No. 5983 A large brick roasting oven.1883Archæol. Cant. XV. 246 They repeatedly assailed Mr. Annesley..with pitchforks, stones, and roasting-spits.1923H. Crane Let. 5 Dec. (1965) 159 The ten pound bird was put into a wonderful roasting machine... You put the bird on a long spit that had a crank and catches... You must have seen one of these roasting devices.1950W. Bird Nova Scotia ii. 37 On the wall are such items as an otter head, and feet,..and brass roasting forks.1960E. David French Provincial Cookery 66 A shallow rectangular baking or roasting tin.1965E. Tunis Colonial Craftsmen vi. 67 Sometime near the beginning of the eighteenth century, perhaps earlier, somebody invented the ‘roasting kitchen’, a reflecting oven built as an arch⁓topped box on legs, with one open side to face the fire.
b. In the sense of ‘suitable for roasting’, as roasting-beef, roasting-eel, roasting-pig, etc.; roasting-ear (of maize); roasting-ore.
1483in Davies Yorks. Rec. 162, iij greit roistyng els.1620Venner Via Recta iii. 46 Rosting Pigs are of most men greatly desired.1644J. Osborne in F. B. Tupper Castle Cornet (1851) 92 He sends you a barrel of roasting beef.1705Beverly Virginia iii. iv. (1722) 152 They delight much to feed on Roasting-ears; that is, the Indian Corn, gathered green and milky..and roasted before the Fire in the Ear.1727Swift Mod. Proposal Wks. 1751 V. 94 Buying the Children alive, and dressing them hot from the Knife, as we do roasting Pigs.1797F. Baily Tour (1856) 365 We longed very much for some of the old man's roasting ears.1825Spirit Publ. Jrnls. 334, I went to his hospitable board one Sabbath-day;..he had a roasting pig.1844H. Stephens Bk. Farm II. 168 The sirloin is the principal roasting piece.1863in New Virginians (1880) II. 218 The corn will be in roasting-ear about the 1st of August.1877Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 249 Nearly all south of it is roasting-ore.
II. ˈroasting, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
1. That roasts (meat, etc.).
1611Cotgr., Rostissiere, a rosting Cookes wife.1632Sherwood, A roster, or rosting cooke, rostisseur.
2. Exceedingly hot or warm; blazing, scorching.
1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) II. 647 Wrapped up in a warm bed, with a roasting fire in the chamber.1812H. & J. Smith Rej. Addr. i. (1873) 4 So Drury, first in roasting flames consumed,..Soars without wings.1863W. C. Baldwin Afr. Hunting 183 In the middle of a regular roasting hot day.1894Clark Russell in My First Book 30 The roasting calms of the Equator.
3. That is being roasted.
1868Tennyson Lucretius 131 Never yet on earth Could..bits of roasting ox Moan round the spit.
Hence ˈroastingly adv.
1890Chamb. Jrnl. 26 Apr. 260/2 It was..roastingly hot.




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