

单词 roentgeno-
释义 roentgen-, roentgeno- Chiefly U.S.
Also röntgen(o)-.
Comb. forms of Roentgen, as in roentgenˈkymogram [ad. G. röntgenkymogramm (Gött & Rosenthal 1912, in München med. Wochenschr. 17 Sept. 2033)], a recording made with a kymograph (sense 2); roentgenˈkymograph = kymograph 2; ˌroentgenkymoˈgraphic a., of, pertaining to, or involving the roentgenkymograph; hence ˌroentgenkymoˈgraphically adv.; ˌroentgenkyˈmography [ad. G. röntgenkymographie (Gött & Rosenthal 1912, loc. cit.)], the process or technique of using a kymograph (sense 2); kymography; ˈroentgenogram, an X-ray photograph; cf. radiograph n. 2; ˈroentgenograph n. = prec.; also as v. trans., to take an X-ray picture of (an organ, etc.); = radiograph v.; roentgenoˈgraphic a., pertaining to or involving roentgenography; hence roentgenoˈgraphically adv.; roentgeˈnography, radiography carried out by means of X-rays; roentgenoˈlogic, -ˈlogical adjs., of, pertaining to, or involving roentgenology; hence roentgenoˈlogically adv.; roentgeˈnologist, one who practises roentgenology; roentgeˈnology, (a) (see quot. 1905); (b) (the field of science concerned with) the medical use of X-rays, esp. as a diagnostic tool; cf. radiology; ˈroentgenoscope n. = fluoroscope; hence as v. trans., to examine by means of a fluoroscope; roentgenoˈscopic a., fluoroscopic; hence roentgenoˈscopically adv.; roentgeˈnoscopy, fluoroscopy; roentgenoˈtherapy, radiotherapy carried out by means of X-rays.
1913Arch. Roentgen Ray XVII. 379 (caption) Roentgen⁓kymogram of the left ventricle.1930Arch. Internal Med. XLV. 63 The slit in the lead sheet was placed over this point and the roentgen-kymogram taken.1942A. M. Master Electrocardiogram (ed. 2) 226 The character of the ventricular pulsations, as seen..in the roentgenkymogram, may..lead to the suspicion of cardiac aneurysm.
1913Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 4 Apr. 1127/2 (heading) Analysis of electrocardiogram by means of the Roentgen⁓kymograph.1968Luisada & Sainani Primer of Cardiac Diagnosis xviii. 117 The waves revealed by the electrokymograph are similar to those of the roentgenkymograph.
1930Arch. Internal Med. XLV. 71 Variability of stroke volume was surmised because of..the different shape of the roentgen-kymographic curves produced by ventricular systole.1970G. H. Alexander Heart i. 10/2 The roentgenkymographic studies of the heart which have been done at St. Francis by the author since 1957.
1940Amer. Heart Jrnl. XIX. 462 Characteristic abnormalities in left ventricular pulsation as recorded roentgenkymographically in 200 cases of myocardial infarction.
1913Arch. Roentgen Ray XVII. 378 (heading) Roentgenkymography: a roentgenographic method of demonstrating the movement of the heart.1971Amer. Jrnl. Roentgenol. CXI. 868/1 The authors have studied by analytic roentgen kymography the pulsations of the thoracic aorta in 5 patients.
1904F. P. Foster Appleton's Med. Dict. 1707/1 Röntgenogram, a Röntgen ray picture.1907Med. Rec. (N.Y.) 10 Aug. 246/1 He remembered a case where a Roentgenogram demonstrated an object in the right ureter, and a diagnosis of a stone was made; but on incision no stone was found.1977Jrnl. Bone & Joint Surg. LIX. 575/1 The fracture was demonstrated..by a roentgenogram of the carpal tunnel.
1905Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 23 Dec. 1971/1 The film is then inserted, held in place by an assistant or the patient himself, the point of pressure being..on the particular tooth to be Roentgenographed.1909Cent. Dict. Suppl., Roentgenograph,..a radiograph; a Röntgenogram.1940Amer. Jrnl. Roentgenol. XLIV. 944/1 The side of a bone cavity opposite the focus is to be roentgenographed.1965Ibid. XCV. 135/1 When roentgenographed, the involved areas show widened diploic space and radial striation of bone spicules.1977Environmental Res. XIII. 47 Serial roentgenographs of histologically confirmed massive fibrotic lesions in 14 deceased gold miners were retrospectively studied.
1909Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. CXXXVII. 377 (heading) A Röntgenographic study of peristalsis.1961R. D. Baker Essent. Path. ix. 169 It is the calcification in the primary tuberculous complex which makes possible the recognition of the condition by roentgenographic study.1977Amer. Jrnl. Med. LXII. 366/2 Eight of the 14 atypical cases were diagnostic problems because of atypical roentgenographic and clinical features.
1909Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. CXXXVII. 420 The width of the apices of the lungs has not yet been sufficiently studied roentgenographically to find employment diagnostically.1965Arch. Internal Med. CXV. 580/2 Her hands were normal and roentgenographically both hands and feet were normal.
1905Nature 27 July 301/1 Among the results of the recent Röntgen congress at Berlin has been the authoritative adoption by a special committee of the following terminology:—Röntgenology = the study of Röntgen rays, Röntgenoscopy = observation by Röntgen rays, Röntgenography = photography by the rays... Röntgenotherapy and the verb to Röntgenise in their obvious meanings.1958Optima Sept. 130/2 The double platinum salts, such as platinum lithium cyanide or platinum thorium cyanide, are brilliantly fluoroscopic, and are used in roentgenography and fluoroscopy.
1912Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. CXLIII. 754 (heading) A Röntgenologic study of spastic obstipation.1967Amer. Jrnl. Roentgenol. CI. 457/2 (caption) Roentogenologic signs of hypertrophic pyloric muscle in a 66 year old man.
1911Arch. Roentgen Ray XV. 328, I propose to give my impressions from the Roentgenological point of view.1925S. Lewis Martin Arrowsmith xxv. 292 The clinic did, perhaps, give over⁓many roentgenological examinations to socially dislocated women who needed children and floor-scrubbing more than pretty little skiagraphs.1977Surgery LXXXII. 848 (heading) An aggressive roentgenological and surgical approach to acute mesenteric ischemia.
1915Amer. Jrnl. Roentgenol. II. 795/1 The cases to be examined roentgenologically are selected from those which have gastric symptoms.1968Jackman & Beahrs Tumors of Large Bowel iv. 50 This method enabled them to find additional polyps, other than those detected roentgenologically.
1905Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 23 Dec. 1971/1 Permit me to make a few remarks about the technic employed, which, I think, will be of value to every Roentgenologist.1961R. D. Baker Essent. Path. xix. 533 Granules of calcium often form in the pineal after puberty and are helpful in locating the midline of the brain for the roentgenologist.
1905Roentgenology [see roentgenography above].1914Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 22 Aug. 651/2 The utility of some insight into Roentgen procedures on the part of the general practitioner does not nullify the advantages of specialization in roentgenology.1977Surg., Gynecol. & Obstetr. CXLIV. 563/2 Conventional roentgenology confirmed the presence of a tumor at the gastroesophageal junction.
1923Amer. Jrnl. Roentgenol. X. 722 (heading) A plea for the use of the roentgenoscope in the diagnosis of urinary calculi.1924Ibid. XI. 93/2 With most..types of the tilt-table roentgenoscope, it will be necessary to remove the screen ordinarily used.1926Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 19 June 1904/2 An arrangement should be made by which the patient can be roentgenoscoped at right angles without change of position.1955Amer. Jrnl. Roentgenol. LXXIV. 812/1 Anyone who has roentgenoscoped an infant's chest realizes that an infant can squeeze virtually all the macroscopic air out of his lungs..with crying.
1909Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. CXXXVII. 418 When both apices are equally or only slightly darkened, I have grown cautious with röntgenoscopic diagnosis.1965Biol. Abstr. XLVI. 8241/2 (heading) Roentgenoscopic investigation of oil-bearing seeds.
1909Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. CXXXVII. 420 The process, röntgenoscopically at least, slowly advances, and after weeks is recognized as tuberculosis.1945Amer. Jrnl. Roentgenol. LIII. 608/1 The alimentary canal as observed roentgenoscopically.
1904F. P. Foster Appleton's Med. Dict. 1707/1 Röntgenoscopy, examination with the aid of the Röntgen rays.1914Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 21 Nov. 1828/1 Roentgenoscopy has proved that ossification may..occur in the epiglottis.1971Biol. Abstr. LII. 5081/1 The essential methods of roentgenological examination..are roentgenoscopy and roentgenography.
1903Med. Rec. (N.Y.) 31 Jan. 168/2 Extravagant promises will discredit the new and delicate field of Röntgenotherapy.1925Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 28 Feb. 671/1 Roentgenotherapy effects a complete disappearance of palpable lymph nodes and reduces the spleen to its normal size.1960Biol. Abstr. XXXV. 4048/1 Giving 2–3 drops each of validol..on sugar to patients with carcinoma of various sites (50) after a session of roentgenotherapy..usually eased the general reaction to the irradiation.




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