

单词 rog
释义 I. rog, n. Obs.
Also roge.
(Meaning obscure: perh. not the same word in the two quots.)
a1400Morte Arth. 3273 That euer I regnede one þir rog, me rewes it euer!a1500Chester Pl. (Shaks. Soc.) II. 94 What! laye thou still in that stonde And let that losinger go on the roge [rime dogge].
II. rog, v. Obs. exc. dial.|rɒg|
Also 4–6 rogge, 5 roggyn.
[Of obscure origin; perhaps related to rug v. Cf. also Norw. dial. rogga to set in motion, drive on; rogg energy.]
1. trans. To shake (a person or thing). Also absol. with on, at.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xvi. 78 It [the tree] made a foule noyse, Þat I had reuth whan Piers rogged, it gradde so reufulliche.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 2708 Hypermnestra, In hyre armys [she] gan hym to enbrace And hym she roggith & a-wakyth softe.c1422Hoccleve Jereslaus' Wife 355 Shee..rogged on hir lord and him awook.c1430Lydg. Minor Poems (Percy Soc.) 41 She rogged on hym,..And badde hym turne hym.c1440Promp. Parv. 435/2 Roggyn, or mevyn (or schoggyn, K. rokkyn), agito.
1811Willan in Archæologia (E.D.S.), Roggle, or Rogge, to shake, to jumble.1867Waugh Owd Blanket i. 7 Then he ‘rogged’ at the door, and shouted ‘Hello’!
2. intr. To shake; to move to and fro.
a1400Morte Arth. 784 He romede, he rarede, that roggede alle þe erthe!c1440Promp. Parv. 435/2 Roggyn, or waveryn (or schakyn), vacillo.1600Surflet Countrie Farme ii. lxii. 404 The hiues shall be so set, as that..there may not any occasion be giuen to shake or rogge vpon the other.1886Cunliffe Rochdale Gloss., Rog, to shake with a dull sound, as a door or a window when the wind is high.1886Holland Cheshire Gloss. s.v., A window or door rogs with the wind.
Hence ˈrogging vbl. n.
c1440Promp. Parv. 435/2 Roggynge, or schakynge, vacillacio.1626Cosin Corr. (Surtees) I. 87, I came home,..having clered my self by the way, through rogging of the coatch, of 2 stones.
III. rog, int.|rɒdʒ|
Abbrev. of Roger2 6.
1955R. J. Schwartz Compl. Dict. Abbrev. 155/3 Rog, roger.1969Guardian 21 July 1/3 Back came the single syllable answer from the spacecraft... ‘Rog.’1970N. Armstrong et al. First on Moon xiv. 354 ‘You're cleared for landing.’.. ‘Rog. Gear is down and locked.’




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