

单词 romy
释义 ˈromy, v. Obs.
Forms: 4 rumy-, rumi-, romi-, 4–5 romy, 5 romee, rome.
[Of obscure origin. The synonymous Sc. form rummish) may indicate an OF. *rumir, *romir, with lengthened stem *rumiss-.]
intr. To roar, to cry.
a1300E.E. Ps. ciii. 22 Lyoun whelpes romiand þat þai reue swa.a1325Prose Psalter xxi. 12 Hij maden her sautes vp me as a lyon rauissand and rumiand.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1543 He..romyes as a rad ryth[er] þat rorez for drede.a1400Morte Arth. 1124 Thane he romyed and rared, and ruydly he strykez.c1440Alph. Tales 300 Þis lyon wakend & myssyd his felow, & soght here & þer romyand & couthe not fynde hit.1470–85Malory Arthur v. iv. 165 He rored and romed soo hydously that it were merueill to here. [Copying the allit. Morte Arth. 784.]
Hence ˈromying vbl. n. Obs.
c1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 4774 Bot what þat romiyng sal signify, Na man may whit, bot God almyghty.c1440Alph. Tales 301 With a grete romying he ran opon þaim.




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