

单词 rosy-fingered
释义 rosy-fingered, a.
Having rosy fingers. Chiefly fig., after the Homeric ῥοδοδάκτυλος (ἠώς).
1590Spenser F.Q. i. ii. 7 The rosy fingred Morning faire.1599B. Jonson Cynthia's Rev. iii. v, Take her by the Rosie-fingerd hand.1657J. Smith Myst. Rhet. 9 Poets, that choose rather to say, rosie-fingered Aurora than red-fingered Aurora.1685Dryden Albion & Alb. ii. i, The rosy-fingered morn appears.1762Cowper To Miss Macartney 97 So may the rosy-finger'd hours Lead on the various year.1791Odyss. ix. 194 The rosy-fingered daughter of the dawn.1855Kingsley Heroes iv. (1868) 45 Rosy-fingered Eos came blushing up the sky.1871Palgrave Lyr. Poems 83 Rosy-finger'd ye come, and golden-hair'd as the day.




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