

单词 bathing
释义 I. bathing, vbl. n.|ˈbeɪðɪŋ|
[f. bathe v. + -ing1.]
1. a. The exposing of oneself or others to the free action of water, etc. by immersion or suffusion.
1541Copland Galyen's Terap. 2 A iv, Moderate it with bathynge, and wetynge in temperate water.1778F. Burney Evelina in Casquet Lit. V. 311/2, I always hated bathing.1788G. Sandeman in Med. Comm. II. 277 She used sea bathing.1809Ld. Malmesbury in G. Rose Diaries (1860) II. 355 Remaining a week for the purpose of bathing.
b. The conditions under which bathing can be carried on at a watering-place, etc. (including the quality of the water, the character of the beach, accessibility, and the like).
c1830F. Coghlan Coast Compan. 37 The prospects are fine, and the walks and rides excellent; and the bathing is remarkably good.1877Seaside Watering Places xxiv. 46 The bathing is excellent and especially safe.1881Dict. Watering Places 108 The sands and bathing [at Westward Ho!] are good, machines and tents abundant.
2. attrib. or in comb., as bathing beach, bathing-box, bathing-cabin, bathing-cap, bathing-costume, bathing-drawers, bathing-dress, bathing-gown, bathing-house, bathing-hut, bathing-machine, bathing-place, bathing-robe, bathing-room, bathing-season, bathing-shed, bathing-suit, bathing trunks, bathing-tub, bathing-woman, etc.
1926Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 2 July 5/3 The lure of the bathing beach and wooded lane.1943J. S. Huxley TVA ix. 63 There are bathing beaches, a wading pool for children, and a diving tower.
1883Harper's Mag. Feb. 336/2 ‘Bathing-boxes’ (as the sea-side cottages are called) perched about on the..hill-sides.
1905W. J. Locke Morals M. Ordeyne xii. 145 Below the terrace are the bathing-cabins.1968L. Durrell Tunc ii. 51 The cubicles of the girls, somewhat like a row of bathing cabins.
1867Belgravia III. 355 A bathing-cap is de rigueur.1937J. Laver Taste & Fashion xvi. 220 In 1919..the bathing cap has made its appearance..not yet made of rubber.
1830F. Trollope Dom. Manners Amer. (1960) 273 Her petticoat, the most important part of her bathing costume, dropped off.1839Dickens Tugg's at Ramsgate in Sk. Boz 369 One of the young ladies..in her bathing costume.1928H. Williamson Pathway xii. 275 ‘We came without bathing costumes.’ ‘Bathing suits,’ Ronnie corrected him, with a self-assured air. ‘Only board-school boys say costumes.’1940Graves & Hodge Long Week-end viii. 122 The conjunction of a negro band with white girls in bathing costumes.
1893Bathing-drawers [see drawers].1931W. de la Mare Seven Short Stories 109 In one of the huge ‘stores’ in search of bathing-drawers.
1774J. Schaw Jrnl. Lady of Quality (1921) i. 69 When we are to leave the cabin in our bathing dress, all the people quit the deck.
1859All Y. Round No. 19. 447 Coloured bathing-dresses, towels, and other apparatus.
1598Florio Worlde of Wordes 36/2 Bagno, a bathe, a baine, or bathing house.1695in Lady G. Baillie Household Bk. (1911) 3 For baithing in Rees bathing hows.1754in N. & Q. (1865) VIII. 178 Notice is hereby Given, That the Bathing-House in this Place [sc. Portsmouth] will be finished and fit for Use, by about the 10th Day of May.1835J. H. Ingraham South-West I. xvi. 174 The long white bathing-houses, which stretched along the south side of the pier.1838F. A. Kemble Let. 10 Aug. in Records of Later Life (1882) I. 158 There are two little stationary bathing-huts.1922A. Huxley Mortal Coils 180 Running up towards his bathing hut.
1771Smollett Humph. Cl. (1815) 214 Bathing machines are ranged along the beach.1860C. A. Collins Eye-Witness ii. 15 Four bathing-machine boys.1906Westm. Gaz. 26 July 10/1 A writer in T.P.'s Weekly states, that the first bathing-machine was seen at Margate..in 1750.
1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. 309 The Balnearies or bathing places..hee exposeth unto the Summer setting.1810in Risdon's Surv. Devon 431 The town is frequented..as a bathing place.
1625Bacon Gardens, Ess. (Arb.) 561 The other Kinde of Fountaine, which we may call a Bathing Poole.
1924A. D. Sedgwick Little French Girl ii. ix. 168 When they came to the rock where, with safety, the bathing-robes might be deposited.
a1700Evelyn Diary 10 Sept. an. 1677 (1955) IV. 118 There are bathing roomes, Elaboratorie, Dispensatorie, what not.c1702C. Fiennes Journeys (1947) 100 A batheing roome, the walls all with blew and white marble..the bath is one entire marble.a1828D. Wordsworth Tour Continent in Jrnls. (1941) II. 270 The commencement of the bathing-season.1932N. Palmer Talking it Over 139 A few large bathing-sheds tucked against the cliffs.
1873Young Englishwoman June 280/2 Very pretty cases for holding the complete bathing suit are easily made of American cloth.1881Marshall Through Amer. (1882) 398 There had appeared in the Salt Lake Daily Tribune, in the morning, the following announcement: ‘Bathing Suits to order in six hours.’1906Daily Chron. 18 Aug. 4/6 The ‘Bathing Suit Dance’ is the latest idea..at American summer resorts.1922Joyce Ulysses 723 If all women were her sort down on bathingsuits and lownecks.
1895Montgomery Ward Catal. 488/2 Knee Tights..also make good bathing trunks.1956F. Castle Violent Hours (1966) x. 98 He wore bathing trunks, wet and clinging.
1583Plat Diuerse New Exper. (1594) 94 The room would be close wherein you place your bathing-tub.1633Massinger Guardian ii. iv, The Silver Bathing Tub.1841Catlin N. Amer. Indians I. 97 A crib or basket, much in the shape of a bathing-tub.
1789F. Burney Diary 30 June (1842) V. 33 Even the bathing-women had it [sc. ‘God save the King’] in large coarse girdles round their waists.a1845Hood Storm at Hastings xxvi, No bathing woman waded—none would dare.
II. ˈbathing, ppl. a.
[f. bathe v. + -ing2.]
1. That bathes.
1884Pall Mall G. 29 July 4/2 Bathing boys grow up clean men.
2. bathing beauty, bathing belle, an attractive woman in a bathing suit, used esp. of one taking part in a beauty contest; also attrib. and transf.
1920B. Levy in Stage Year Bk. 69 It would be hard to throw a stone..upon the American Vaudeville stage without hitting what the eight-sheets describe as ‘California Bathing Beauties’.1926A. Huxley Jesting Pilate iv. 266 Mack Sennett Bathing Beauties by the hundred.1946J. Irving Royal Navalese 28 Bathing Beauty, strawberry- or raspberry-flavoured pink blancmange.1967McLuhan Medium is Massage 18 Today's television child is attuned to ‘adult’ news—inflation, rioting, war,..bathing beauties.
1924P. Macdonald Rasp v. 57 Minister murdered by Bathing Belle.1928Oxford Poetry 39 The others all Were giggling blond bathingbelles.1948‘J. Tey’ Franchise Affair xv. 162 Coloured publications with bathing-belle covers.




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