

单词 rough music
释义 rough music
[rough a.]
Noisy uproar; usually, a din produced by knocking together pots, pans, and other domestic utensils for the purpose of annoying a neighbour. Hence rough-music v., to subject (a person) to this form of annoyance.
1708Brit. Apollo No. 56. 3/2 Excuse the Rough Musick of Tongs and of Hammer.1770Ann. Reg., Chron. 74 A number of boys attended with shovels, playing the rough music.1796Grose Dict. Vulg. T. (ed. 3), Rough Music. Saucepans, frying-pans, poker and tongs, marrow-bones and cleavers, bulls horns, etc. beaten upon and sounded in ludicrous processions.a1845Hood Public Dinner ii, ‘Mr. Tempest–one guinea, Mr. Merrington–twenty,’ Rough music in plenty.1847Mrs. Gore Castles in the Air I. xiii. 284 Poor Nixon..had been more than once rough-musicked by his neighbours.1854Knight Once upon a Time II. 250 The offender was rough-musicked.1862Standard i Dec., Those boisterous exhibitions of popular indignation known as rough music.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-Bk. 580 Rough Music, rolling shot about on the lower deck, and other discordant noises, when seamen are discontented, but without being mutinous.




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