

单词 rudderless
释义 ˈrudderless, a.
[f. rudder n. + -less. Cf. MDu. roeder-, Du. roerloos, MLG. ro(d)erlos, G. ruderlos.]
a. Having no rudder; without a rudder.
1605Sylvester Du Bartas ii. ii. iii. Lawe 168 Though Rudder-lesse, not Pilot-lesse this Boat Among the Reeds by the Floud's side did float.1845Hirst Poems 68 Vessels rudderless and courseless range.1880J. R. Macduff In Christo 1 Vessels tossed, unpiloted and rudderless, in the thick darkness.
b. fig. Without guidance or control.
1827Lytton Pelham xl, The countess, whose thoughts wandered..in the most rudderless manner.1850Kingsley Alt. Locke xi, I felt myself in a most distracted rudderless state.1864Bowen Logic xii. 384 That same rudderless and purposeless crowd of primeval atoms.1887W. B. Yeats Let. 11 Mar. (1954) 32 Please excuse this somewhat rudderless scrawl.1977Oxf. Mission Q. Paper Jan.–Mar. 15 Young folk, often rudderless in their religious thinking and experience of life.




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