

单词 ruling
释义 I. ruling, vbl. n.|ˈruːlɪŋ|
[f. rule v.]
1. The action of governing; exercise of authority, government, rule.
a1225Ancr. R. 8 Þeos riwleð þe horte, & of hire riwlunge is al mest þet ich riwle.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. Prol. 127 So leute þe louye, And for þi riȝtful rewlyng be rewarded in heuene!1408E.E. Wills 15 My wyll ys, that..hys Executours..haue gouernans & rewlyng of my obytis.c1450Myrr. Our Lady 115 Knowynge of trouthe, and ryghte rewlynge of the wylle, maye not be, but in a restfull soulle.1561Winȝet Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 4 Tyme and..deth..manassing alrady destruction of ȝour reuling.1590J. Stockwood Rules Constr. 1 The concord and agreeing of words togither; and the gouerning or ruling one word of another.1611Bible 1 Macc. vi. 56 Hee sought to take vnto him the ruling of the affaires.1865Ruskin Sesame i. §43 The true kings..hate ruling.1894Athenæum 22 Dec. 856/3 He was the last English Churchman who played a decisive part in the political ruling of our nation.
2. A judicial decision; also gen. an authoritative pronouncement.
c1560Stoddard in Hall Elizab. Age (1886) 179 Three rulings with extras, 15s.1875Maine Hist. Inst. ii. 45 Some extremely sensible rulings on the difficult subject of the Measure of Damages.1883Law Rep. 11 Q.B.D. 595, I..think the ruling of the learned judge at the trial was correct.
3. a. The action of using a ruler; the action of drawing, marking, or printing parallel straight lines on paper or on textile fabrics. Also attrib., as ruling-machine, ruling-pen, ruling-work; ruling engine, a machine for engraving equally spaced parallel straight lines on a surface.
1611Cotgr., Reigleure,..a ruling, or drawing by lines.1612Brinsley Lud. Lit. 33 Cause them to haue each his ruling pen, made of a quill.1666Pepys Diary 2 Mar., Setting my wife..to worke upon the ruling of some paper for the making of books.Ibid. 28 Apr., My wife to her father's, to carry him some ruling work.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, Ruling and Dotting Pens, a kind of metal pen for writing music.1865Brande & Cox Dict. Sci., etc. s.v. Engraving, An ingenious machine..invented by the late Mr. Wilson Lowry, called a ruling machine.1892Photogr. Ann. II. 178 He describes a kind of optical ruling on the sensitive plate itself, a system for which [etc.].1901Physical Rev. XII. 9 It is generally assumed in treating the grating that the lines of the ruling are of equal width and are separated by equal spaces... This cannot be the case in view of..the almost inconceivable rigidity of the ruling engine which would be necessary.1969D. Richardson in R. Kingslake Appl. Optics & Optical Engin. V. ii. 28 Most ruling engines use screws as the basic indexing means.1980Sci. Amer. May 126/3 A narrow strip of phosphorescent paint was applied down the middle of this detector, which could be moved along the support with the screw of a ruling engine.
b. concr. A ruled line, or lines; spec. in Palæography, the lines ruled by the scribe on a page or throughout a manuscript.
1890in Cent. Dict.1893Sir R. Ball Story of Sun 111 The way in which certain of the lines are grouped in pairs, somewhat suggesting the rulings of a copy-book.1944P. Hodgson Cloud of Unknowing (E.E.T.S.) p. x, Single columns of text, usually 34 lines to a page; vertical and horizontal rulings; [etc.].1958Scriptorium XII. 51 (title) The ruling of the Exeter Book.1963N. R. Ker Owl & Nightingale (E.E.T.S.) p. xii, The pencil ruling is often indistinct.1976Codicologica I. 78 Other aspects of the medieval book: the nature of parchment, ink, pricking, and ruling.
II. ruling, ppl. a.|ˈruːlɪŋ|
[f. rule v.]
1. a. Exercising rule or authority; governing, reigning.
1648Canterburie March B iij b, This unity is held by none That have more Ruling-Heads than one.1655Nicholas Papers (Camden) II. 203 The interests of the ruling party have a great connexion with Cromwell.1704Trapp Abra-Mule ii. i, The ruling part of the Divan.1786Burke Art. agst. W. Hastings Wks. 1842 II. 140 This plan, which appears to be most connected with the rights of the ruling family.a1832Bentham Wks. (1843) X. 571/2 He hates the ruling few; but he does not love the subject many.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. vi. II. 133 He belonged half to the ruling and half to the subject caste.1862R. Cobden Let. in W. L. Burn Age of Equipoise (1964) ii. 69 There has been a great reaction..among that which I call the ruling class, against..humanitarianism.1871Freeman Norm. Conq. (1876) IV. 152 The act of the ruling body was not confirmed by the general feeling of the citizens.1943J. B. Priestley Daylight on Saturday ii. 5 Cheviot..was a good engineer... He belonged to tomorrow's ruling class.1952D. Kelly (title) The ruling few.1955T. H. Pear Eng. Social Differences i. 15 An undiscriminating ear mistakes for ‘ruling-class speech’ a synthetic approximation to it.1962L. Davidson Rose of Tibet xv. 280 The ex-enemy was now treating quite amiably with ‘ruling circles’ exiled in Chumbi.1964T. B. Bottomore Elites & Society i. 6 Mosca's ‘political class’ is nothing but the intellectual section of the ruling group.Ibid. iv. 71 A second group which has attracted attention as a potential ruling elite is that constituted by the managers of industry.1972‘R. Crawford’ Whip Hand ii. i. 58 Neville, for all his blue blood, was closer to the breadline than he was... How could a ruling class produce such examples of weakness?1979Dædalus Summer 2 They are the very models of ruling-class incompetence.
transf.1818Scott Hrt. Midl. xlvii[i], She has been the ruling belle.., the universal toast of the winter.
b. Ruling Elder: see elder n.3 4. So Ruling Eldership.
1593[Bancroft] Survey Pret. Holy Disc. 158 That ruling elders are not comprehended vnder the name of Bischop.1641(title), An Assertion of the Government of the Church of Scotland in the Points of Ruling-Elders, and of the Authority of Presbyteries and Synods.1641Baillie Lett. & Jrnls. (1841) I. 370 In the voyceing..some borrowes two ruleing-elders getts voyce.1736Gentl. Mag. VI. 342/1 A few ignorant Artificers in Market-Towns, or Farmers in Country-Parishes,..under the Character of Ruling Elders.1784Burns (title), On a celebrated ruling Elder.1808Jamieson Addit., [The] Session..consists of the minister,..of the Ruling Elders; and of Deacons.1871Carlyle in Mrs. Carlyle's Lett. I. 142 Thrice-great as a ruling-elder (indeed, a very long-headed, strictly orthodox man).1891Presbyterian Forms of Service (1894) 145 The Sermon..may have for its subject the scriptural warrant for the Ruling Eldership.1945J. T. Cox Practice Church of Scotland 104 All are elders—ministers being teaching or preaching as well as ruling elders, and the others ‘ruling elders’ only. In practice the terms ‘elder’ and ‘ruling elder’ are restricted to such as are members of a Kirk Session, exclusive of the minister or ministers of the charge.1974Marlboro Herald-Advocate (Bennettsville, S. Carolina) 18 Apr. 8/3 A congregational meeting has been called..for the purpose of electing one Ruling Elder to serve on the session.
c. dial. Disorderly. Obs.—0 (Cf. rule v. 2 d.)
1691Ray N.C. Words s.v. Reul, ‘A reuling lad,’ a rigsby.
2. Predominating, dominant, prevalent:
a. Of passions.
1732Pope Ep. Bathurst 154 The ruling Passion conquers Reason still.1761Hume Hist. Eng. III. liv. 174 The two ruling passions of this parliament were, zeal for liberty, and an aversion to the church.1830D'Israeli Chas. I, III. v. 75 A worldly ambition was the ruling passion of this man.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. ii. I. 230 That hatred had become one of the ruling passions of the community.
b. Of opinions, ideas, etc.
1780Mirror No. 77, Mr. Addison..justifies, against the ruling opinion at that time, the practice of those writers of tragedy.1782F. Burney Cecilia viii. vi, [This was] the ruling subject of her thoughts and meditation.1835I. Taylor Spir. Despot. iii. 92 The security..of every son of Abraham was the ruling intention of every enactment.1873Symonds Grk. Poets vii. 190 Not Fate, but Nemesis, was the ruling notion in Greek tragedy.
3. Of prices, etc.: Current, general; average.
1861Goschen For. Exch. 120 There was an indication of demand for bills on England, as a means of placing capital here, to take advantage of the ruling rate.1877Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 267 The ruling prices..were not too high to leave a small margin of profit.1900Engineering Mag. XIX. 683 The best road the Spaniards built..has a ruling grade of 7 per cent.
Hence ˈrulingly adv. (Webster, 1847).




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