

单词 ruly
释义 I. ruly, a.1 Obs.
Forms: α. 1 hreow- (hryw-), 1–2 reow-, 3 reolic; 3 reo(u)-, reu-, rou-, 4 rewelich(e; 4 ru-, 4–5 rewlyche. β. 3–4 reu-, 5 rew-, 5–6 ruli; 4 rewe-, 4–5 rew-, reu-, ruly.
[OE. hréowlíc (f. hréow rue n.1), = MDu. rouwelijc.]
Rueful, pitiable, pitiful, woeful.
αc1000Ags. Ps. (Th.) cviii. 9 His wif wyrðe wydewe hreowlic.c1100O.E. Chron. (MS. D) an. 1057, Þæt wæs hreowlic sið & hearmlic eallre þissere þeode.a1122Ibid. (Laud MS.) an. 1086, Reowlic þing he dyde, & reowlicor him ᵹelamp.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 147 Swiche teares shedden hie on þis reuliche wei..of reuðe of here agene sinnes.1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 730 So rulyche makyst þou hym to be.c1374Chaucer Boeth. ii. pr. ii. (1868) 35 Þis rewlyche Cresus was cauȝt of Cirus and lad to þe fijr to be brent.
βc1250Gen. & Ex. 1162 Abraham up on morgen stod, Wið reuli lote and frigti mod.a1300Cursor M. 4930 Þai fel don þan at ioseph fete And merci soght, wit reuli grette.13..K. Alis. 6485 (Laud MS.), Þan hij maken a reuly cry.a1400Sowdone 1624 What be ye, That make here this ruly moone?c1460Bury Wills (Camden) 234 Wrappid in a selure as a ful rewli wrecche.1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 18, I douht not but I shal finde your wurship..favorable and gud unto me in this ruli and miserable case.
II. ruly, a.2|ˈruːlɪ|
Also 5 rewly, reulie, reuly.
[orig. f. rule n. + -y; but in mod. use prob. a back-formation from unruly.]
1. Observing or amenable to rule or good order; law-abiding, disciplined, orderly.
c1400Destr. Troy 3888 Ruly & rightwise,..He spake neuer dispituosly, ne spiset no man.c1440York Myst. xxvi. 38 Bees rewly, and ray fourth your reasoune.c1480Henryson Fables, Fox & Wolf iv, The oxin waxit mair reulie at the last.1596Warner Alb. Eng. (1602) 216 It was objected, though untruely, That they were ydle, Hell lacked Guests, and men on earth waxt ruly.
1837Disraeli Venetia i. xv, ‘Soldiers ruly?’..‘Yes, your worship; quite ruly.’1892Black & White 6 Aug. 155/1 Students are an important element, and not always a ruly one, in Edinburgh life.1952Dylan Thomas Coll. Poems 165 And truly he Flows to the strand of flowers like the dew's ruly sea.
2. = regular a. 1. Obs.—1
c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 4606 Some of þaim sone were boune, Reuly men of religioune, forthe with þaim to fare.
III. ˈruly, adv.
Forms: α. 1 hreowlice; 2–3 reow-, 3 reo(u)-; rou-, 3–4 reu-, rew-, 4 reweliche; 4 rewlik. β. 4 reuli; 3 rev-, 3–5 reu-, 5 rew(e)ly; 4 rwly, 5–6 rulye, ruly.
[OE. hréowlíce (see ruly a.1 and -ly2), = OS. (h)riulîko, MDu. rouwelike.]
1. Ruefully, pitifully, wretchedly.
αc893K. ælfred Oros. iii. vii. 120 Maᵹon hie swa hreowlice wepan swa ᵹe maᵹon þara oþra bliþeliche hlihhan.c1050O.E. Chron. (MS. C) an. 1036, Sume hi man wið feo sealde, sume hreowlice acwealde.c1175Lamb. Hom. 43 Summe þer reowliche gneȝeð his aȝene tunge.c1205Lay. 27497 Þer weoren Romleoden reouliche [c 1275 rouliche] iladde.c1330Arth. & Merl. 788 (Kölbing), Hir moder was ded acurssedliche, & hir fader starf reuliche.
βc1275XI Pains of Hell 192 in O.E. Misc. 152 Four deofle heom stondeþ bi Þat pyneþ heom ful revly.a1300Cursor M. 12530 For he was hurt ful selli sare, Reuli can he cri and rare.13..E.E. Allit. P. C. 96 Þaȝ I be..On rode rwly to-rent, with rybaudes mony.c1400St. Alexius 236 Alexius þus his leue tooke; Rewely his wijf gan on hym loke.a1529Skelton Sp. Parrot 116 Sion is in sadnes, Rachell ruly doth loke.1573Tusser Husb. (1878) 122 No tempest, good Julie, Least corne lookes rulie.
2. With pity or compassion.
13..Cursor M. 24115 (Edin.), Mi son þat hang apon þat croice Rewlik on me biheld.




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