

单词 belouke
释义 beˈlouke, v. Obs.
Forms: 1 belúc-an, 2–3 biluk-en, 4 belouke, (belok). pa. tense 1–3 beˈléac, 3 bilek, -leck, -loc. pa. pple. 1–2 belocen, 2–4 beloken, 3–4 biloken, -luken, biloke, 5 belocke.
[OE. bi-, be-lúcan (corr. to OS. bilûcan, OHG. bilûhhan, MHG. belûchen), f. bi-, be- about + lúcan, in Goth. lūkan, to shut, close.]
1. trans. To close, to shut (a door, etc.).
971Blickl. Hom. 9 Heofonrices duru..belocen standeþ. He þone halᵹan ham beléac.c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. xxv. 10 Seo duru wæs belocyn.c1160Hatton G., Beloken.
2. To shut (a person, etc.) in or out.
c897K. ælfred Past. 399 On sumere lytelre byriᵹ belocene.c1175Cott. Hom. 225 God be-léac hi binnan þan arce.a1250Owl & Night. 1079 He hire bi-lek in one bure.c1320Sir Beves 3024 Belok hem thar oute for love o me.1430Lydg. Chron. Troy iii. xxiii How ye may suffre the great harmes kene..Duryng the syege in this towne beloke.
3. To enclose, encompass.
c825Vesp. Ps. xxx. 9 [xxxi. 8] Ne biluce me in honda feondes.c1200Ormin 12126 Þatt æst, and West, and Suþ, and Norrþ þiss middellærd bilukenn.a1300E.E. Psalter xxx[i]. 8 Ne þou me belouked in hend of fa.c1314Guy Warw. 229 A strong cite biloken with walle.
4. To include in an expression.
c1200Ormin 11495 Cristess lare..bilokenn iss I tene bode⁓wordess.1340Ayenb. 99 He beloukþ ine ssorte wordes al þet we may wylny of herte.




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