

单词 runnion
释义 ˈrunnion Obs.
Also 7 ronyon, runnyon.
[Of obscure origin.]
1. An abusive term applied to a woman.
The usual explanation ‘a mangy creature’ (after F. rogne) is due to Johnson s.v. Runnion, but under Ronion he defines it as ‘a fat bulky woman’.
1598Shakes. Merry W. iv. ii. 195 Out of my doore, you Witch, you Ragge, you Baggage, you Poulcat, you Runnion, out, out.1605Macb. i. iii. 6 Aroynt thee, Witch, the rumpe-fed Ronyon cryes.
2. The male organ.
The piece is written in imitation of Chaucer.
1655Mennis & Smith Mus. Deliciæ 86 He faire could gloze among the Country Wives, A lusty Runnyon ware he in his hose.




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