

单词 benim
释义 beˈnim, v. Obs.
Chief forms: inf. 1 beniman, 2–4 binime(n, 4–5 bynymen, 6 benymme, (bynemme) pa. tense 1 benam, 1–5 binam, 2–4 binom, 4–5 by-, benam(e, -naam, -nom. pa. pple. 1 benumen, 2–3 binume(n, 3–5 bi-, benome, -nomin, -nummen, (5 byname, 6 binomed).
[A common Teut. compd. vb.: OE. bi-, be-niman = OHG. bineman, MHG. benemen, mod.G. benehmen, Du. benemen, Goth. biniman, f. bi-, be- + niman, OTeut. *neman to take: see nim v.1 Little used after 1500; exc. in pa. pple. benumen, benum, now benumb, benumbed. See also beneme.]
1. trans. To take away generally.
a1000Metr. Boeth. 271 Þa ær se swearta storm benumen hæfde leafa ᵹehwelces.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 143 Þis woreld hwile gifð wunne . and hwile hit eft binimð.1297R. Glouc. 375 Vor he..by nome her lond.1436Pol. Poems (1859) II. 159 Allas! oure reule halteth, hit is benome.1486Bk. St. Albans B ij b, Hit shall benymme hir grece.
b. with dat. of possessor (= from).
a1000Cædmon's Gen. (Gr.) 362 He us hæfþ heofonrice benumen.c1250Gen. & Ex. 772 Sone him was sarrai binumen.1382Wyclif Ecclus. xxviii. 19 And shal bynyme them ther trauailes [1388 hath priued hem of her trauelis].c1430Hymns Virg. (1867) 92 Þis word..binam me al my list.1493Festivall (W. de W. 1515) 170 b, Thou benymest the aungelles in heven their Joye. [1560Chaucer's Boeth. (ed. Speght) 204/1 (ed. 1868 ii. iv. 43) Ne Fortune may not benemme [1374 by-nyme] it thee.Ibid. 208/1 (ed. 1868 iii. iii. 70) Money, that hath been binomed [1374 bynomen] hem.]
c. from a possessor.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 1764 [I]c was for-dred ðe miȝte timen, fro me ðine doutres bi-nimen.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋486 It bynymeth fro man his witte.1494Fabyan iii. lx. 39 Offa King of Mercia..by name & toke from them that dignyte.
2. trans. To rob, deprive, bereave. Const. orig. gen., later of (? at, from).
c890K. ælfred Bæda iii. vii. (Bosw.) He hine his ríces benam.c1205Lay. 8798 Þat he me nolde ut driuen, binimen me æt þan liue.c1230Hali Meid. 35 Þe care aȝain þi pinunge þrahen binimeð þe nihtes slepes.c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture in Babees Bk. (1868) 140 Þese may benym þy souerayne from many nyghtis restis.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. vii. 93/1 To benymme Edwarde of his ryght.
b. Without const.: To rob; to spoil, ravish.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 1706 Lia bar last dowter dinam, Sichem, siðen, hire ille bi-nam.1340Ayenb. 23 Ydelblisse benimþ god and stelþ þet his is.Ibid. 39 Þise greate prela[te]s þat benimeþ and robbeþ hire onderlinges.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. xcvi. 76 Euer he that was strengest bynome hym that was feblyst.




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