

单词 ruptory
释义 ˈruptory, n. Med. Obs.
[ad. med.L. ruptōrium: cf. prec. and -ory. So obs. F. ruptoire, Sp. and Pg. ruptorio, It. rottorio.]
An application which causes a swelling to come to a head and break.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 292 Manye lewid lechis haue I seen þat coude on ruptorie, & þei supposide..bi þis maner ruptorie for to surmounte Galien in worchinge.c1425tr. Arderne's Surgery (E.E.T.S.) 14 Þer shewed ane bolnyng vnderneþe,.. whiche I opned wiþ a ruptorie.1544T. Phaer Pestilence (1553) P j, Some..breake the forsaid botche with a strong ruptorie.1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 42/1 To prævent that the Escara of the cauteryes or ruptoryes be not to harde.1603Lodge Treat. Plague (Hunterian Cl.) 68 Insteed of the actuall cautery..you must proceede with familiar ruptories, of which the best is that which is made of ashes and quicke lime boyled together.1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. xii. 388 Then apply the Ruptory..till all the superfluous flesh be consumed.c1720W. Gibson Farrier's Guide ii. (1738) 121 The same author also recommends the use of Retoires or Ruptories.
So ˈruptory a. Obs. rare. [Cf. obs. F. oingnement ruptoire.]
c1425tr. Arderne's Surgery (E.E.T.S.) 14, I putte on his testiculez oon oyntement ruptorye.c1720W. Gibson Farrier's Dispens. ii. (1734) 91 It has the effect of a..Ruptory plaister without any considerable swelling.




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