

单词 rustical
释义 rustical, a. and n.|ˈrʌstɪkəl|
Also 5–6 rusticalle, 6–7 -all; 6 rustycall.
[ad. OF. rustical, or med.L. rusticāl-is: see prec. and -al1.]
A. adj.
1. = rustic a. 2. Now arch.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) II. 345 He was trowede to haue bene a godde of the rusticalle peple.1531Elyot Gov. iii. xxii. (1880) II. 340 The Lacedemones somtyme purposely caused their rusticall seruauntes to be made very dronke.1577T. Vautrollier Luther on Ep. Gal. 170 Stirring vp the rusticall people to sedition.1606J. Carpenter Solomon's Solace xxiv. 97 The ordinary matters..much ruminated among the very rusticall and Countrey people.1649Roberts Clavis Bibl. 549 God purposely raised up Amos of Judah, and a poor rusticall Herdman of Tekoa.1714Gay Sheph. Week Proeme, The manners also meetly copied from the rustical folk therein.
2. = rustic a. 3.
1513More Rich. III (1641) 218 To bridle and rule the rude rusticall and blustering bold people of that region.1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 167 Feloes of no fyne witte.., but alltogether grosse, clubbyshe, and rusticall.1609Bible (Douay) Gen. xxi. comm., The spiritual never persecuteth the carnal; but spareth him as his rustical brother.a1661Fuller Worthies, Oxf. II. 327 Whose inhabitants..were so rustical in their behaviour, that boarish and clownish people are said born at Hogs-Norton.1706Reflex. upon Ridicule 38 Theodemus is..rustical and unpolite.1820Scott Monast. xv, This rustical and mistaught juvenal.1844Thackeray Crit. Rev. Wks. 1886 XXIII. 46 A rustical boy, hired at twopence per week.1877Besant & Rice Golden Butterfly vii, He thought she must be some shy maiden from the country—a little ‘rustical’ perhaps.
b. Physically strong; robust. Obs.
1575Banister Chyrurg. (1585) i. 43 That you wisely make choyse of your medicynes,..knowing that the rusticall body maye endure fittest, the stronger sorte.1620Venner Via Recta iv. 76 They may in want of better meat, serue for Mariners, and rusticall bodies.1693Evelyn De la Quint. Compl. Gard. II. 168 More tender and less able to resist the Frost..than the others which are more rustical and hardy.
3. Pertaining to, connected with, the country or life in the country; rural. = rustic a. 1.
1546Langley tr. Pol. Verg. de Invent. iii. i. 64 b, Without doubt y⊇ Hebrues dyd fyrst finde out the way of tilling corne, grinding, with other rusticall instrumentes.1549Compl. Scot. vi. 43 In ald tymis pastoral and rustical ocupatione vas of ane excellent reputatione.1601Holland Pliny I. 320 There is a kind of rusticall and wild Bee.1654Gayton Pleas. Notes iv. iv. 193 Such plaine and easie proverbs learned in his rusticall life.1693Dryden Persius (1697) 420 He makes a digression to Romulus the first King of Rome, who had a Rustical Education.1707Curiosities in Husb. & Gard. 121 Such as are capable of so rustical an Occupation.
b. = rustic a. 1 c. Obs.
1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 93 b, Their preachers were a great occasion of the commotion and rusticall warre.1599A. M. tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physicke 329/2 An other [prescription for gunshot wounds] which in the Rusticalle warres hath oftentimes binne tryed.
4. = rustic a. 4.
1550J. Coke Eng. & Fr. Heralds §102 The rustycall and myserable estate of the French courte.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Ded., Thinking them fittest for such rusticall rudenesse of shepheards,..for that theyr rough sounde would make his rymes more ragged and rustical.1615Brightman Revelation 790 Neither will we be inueigled any more with her rustical roundelayes.1695Motteux tr. St. Olon's Morocco 37 Their native rustical Temper, and wilful Ignorance.1698Farquhar Love & a Bottle ii, O fie, Mr. Mockmode! what a rustical Expression that is!1850L. Hunt Autobiog. II. xi. 55 An extraordinary mixture..of rustical, mechanical tastes.., with the most exalted ideas of authority.1874M. Collins Transmigr. I. ix. 164, I..was awakened by sounds of rustical music.
b. Roughly approximate; unscientific, rude.
1662Chandler Van Helmont's Oriat. 108 Let us measure these things in a rusticall sense.
5. Of a kind, make, or fashion appropriate to the country; esp. plain or simple.
1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 428/2 His breed was rustical broun, made of barleye or ootes.1591Fraunce C'tess of Pembroke's Yuychurch iv. Prol., Leaving Christall throanes for bowres and rustical harbors.1610Willet Daniel 96 Such rusticall oaten pipes.1610Holland Camden's Brit. (1637) 43 Compassed about with a rude and rusticall rampire.1665J. Webb Stone-Heng (1725) 89 They wrought only the..Cornices, and left the rest rude or rustical.1864C. Rossetti Poems (1904) 365/2 [She] sang a country ditty.., Pathetically rustical, Too pointless for the city.1871M. Collins Marq. & Merch. III. xiii. 301 A jolly rough honeymoon,..with everything simple and rustical.
B. n. A countryman, peasant, rustic. Now arch.
1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 81 The inhabitantes of these mountaynes differ no lesse..then among vs the rusticalles of the countrey from gentylmen of the courte.1579J. Northbrooke Dicing (1843) 165 If thou doe not kiss hir.., then thou shalt be taken for a rusticall.1600Heywood 1st Pt. Edw. IV, ii. ii, Falconbridge, what are these rusticals?1820Scott Monast. xix, Let me entreat you not to be wroth with this rustical.1861C. Reade Cloister & H. lv. (1896) 163, I to be rid of roaring rusticalls, and mindless jests,..drew on the table a great watery circle; whereat the rusticalls did look askant.
Hence rustiˈcality, rusticity. rare—1.
1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 372 Ignoraunce is suche an impediment in man,..it ingendreth in him rusticalitie or clownishnesse.




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