

单词 bewailing
释义 I. beˈwailing, vbl. n.
[f. as prec. + -ing1.]
The utterance of wails; loud lamentation, mourning.
1485Caxton St. Wenefr. 3 The fader & moder..desyred to make bewaillynges.1599Hakluyt Voy. II. i. 93. 1635 Wither Lord's Prayer (1665) 82 Else his bewailings had not proceeded from true compassion.
II. beˈwailing, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
That bewails or laments. Hence beˈwailingly adv.
1613Shakes. Hen. VIII, iii. ii. 255 Thy Ambition..robb'd this bewailing Land Of Noble Buckingham.1862Thornbury Turner II. 234 He alludes bewailingly to the November fog, that stops his painting.




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