

单词 sacramental
释义 sacramental, a. and n.|sækrəˈmɛntəl|
[a. F. sacramental (now sacramentel) or ad. late L. sacrāmentāl-is, f. sacrāment-um: see sacrament and -al1.]
A. adj.
1. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a sacrament of the Church.
c1400Love Bonavent. Mirr. (1908) 302 In this gostly mete and sacramentale commemoracioun of oure lord Jesu.1451J. Capgrave Life St. Aug. (E.E.T.S.) 25 In þe time of baptising, whan þe principal sacramental wordes wer said.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 15 Penaunce, bothe sacramentall, whiche is secrete, and also solemne or open penaunce.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 384/1 What meaneth he other then that..we bee borne againe by the sacramentall water and the sacramentall worde?1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. lviii. §2 To make complete the out⁓ward substance of a sacrament, there is required an outward forme, which forme sacramentall elements receiue from sacramentall words.1643Milton Divorce Pref., Wks. 1851 IV. 16 Afterwards it was brought so Sacramentall, that no adultery or desertion could dissolve it.1737Waterland Rev. Doctr. Eucharist v. 136 But as there is a Sacramental Feeding and a Spiritual Feeding; and as the Spiritual is the nobler of the two [etc.].1899W. R. Inge Chr. Myst. vii. 255 There are three requisites..for the validity of a sacramental act.
b. transf. with reference to non-Christian religious rites.
1851D. Wilson Archæol. Scot. i. v. 102 The petty persecutions with which the natives sought to revenge the destruction of their sacramental stone.1886Encycl. Brit. XXI. 137/2 Mystic sacrifices of this sacramental type prevailed also among the heathen Semites.
c. fig.
1874Geo. Eliot Coll. Breakf. P. 582 The sacramental rites of fellowship In common woe.1877Dowden Stud. Lit. (1890) 246 The little action of laying her head upon her father's knee was endowed with sacramental efficacy.
d. spec. Pertaining to the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
1552Bk. Com. Prayer, Communion, The Sacramentall bread or wyne.1635Quarles Embl. v. x. (1718) 285 Daily fed With sacred wine, and sacramental bread.1704Nelson Fest. & Fasts iii. ii. (1739) 472 It was their Office to deliver the Sacramental Elements..to the People.1827in Haggard's Eccl. Rep. II. 32 Any the smallest portion of the sacramental alms collected at Queen Square Chapel within my parish.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xviii. IV. 181 The laws which instituted the Sacramental Test were passed without the smallest difficulty.1862H. Marryat Year in Sweden II. 274 Sacramental safe of Götland marble.1863Chambers' Bk. Days I. 732/1 A person came to my father (a clergyman) and asked him for a ‘sacramental shilling’—i.e. one out of the alms collected at the Holy Communion, to be made into a ring and worn as a cure for epilepsy.
e. Of religious doctrine and the like: Based upon the sacraments; characterized by insistence upon the importance of the sacraments.
1871[see sacerdotal a. 2].1879R. T. Smith Basil Gt. x. 116 There is no doubt that he held sacramental doctrine.1898Illingworth Div. Immanence vi. 142 The religion of the Incarnation..was essentially and fundamentally sacramental.
f. Applied, in Scotland, to communicants.
1818Chalmers in Hanna Mem. (1850) II. 198, I cannot leave Glasgow till Tuesday..owing to my having to meet a few more sacramental people on Monday.
2. Of the nature of, relating to, or expressed by an outward sign or symbol (see sacrament 3 b).
1534More Treat. Passion Wks. 1334/2 The verye naturall bodye and bloude of Christ in the forme of breade and wyne, be bothe sacramentall sygnes, because they sygnifye and also sacramental thinges because they be sygnified.1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. xi. §3 That Ceremonies, Characters, and Charmes doe worke, not by any Tacite or Sacramentall contract with euill spirits, but [etc.].1653Jer. Taylor Serm. for Year, Winter xii. 155 Though I cannot think that Nature was so sacramentall, as to point out the holy and mysterious Trinity by the triangle of the heart.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. 221 Their whole Camp was but one living and moving Sacramental Image of Christ and his Body.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. III. 307 Eck explained the sacrifice as merely a sacramental sign, in remembrance of that which was offered up on the cross.1874Stubbs Const. Hist. I. vii. 167 In a further stage the land becomes the sacramental tie of all public relations.
3. Of an oath, obligation, etc.: Peculiarly sacred; ratified by a religious sanction.
In quots. 1460 and 1644 the reference may be to an oath confirmed by the taking of the sacrament (see sacrament 2 c).
1460J. Capgrave Chron. (Rolls) 250 In this Parlement the lordes desired of the Kyng to make his sacramental oth byfore the puple.1644K. Chas. I in Rushw. Hist. Coll. iii. II. 753 That holy Religion which, when We receiv'd the Crown and Scepter of this Kingdom, We took a most solemn Sacramental Oath to profess and protect.1697Evelyn Numism. iii. 78 Contrary to the most Sacramental Obligations.1863Geo. Eliot Romola xxvii, The fulfilment of her father's lifelong ambition about this library was a sacramental obligation for Romola.
b. ‘Sworn’; pledged as if by an oath. Obs.
1665Glanvill Def. Van. Dogm. 79 Depriving themselves..of their Liberty in Philosophy by a sacramental adherence to an Heathen Authority.
c. ? Bound by a soldier's oath (with secondary allusion to sense 1). poet. nonce-use.
1784Cowper Task ii. 349 He..trains, by ev'ry rule Of holy discipline, to glorious war, The sacramental host of God's elect!
4. Roman Law. Belonging to an action in which a sacramentum or pledge was deposited by each of the parties beforehand.
1861Maine Anc. Law iii. 48 The alien..could not sue by the Sacramental Action.1886Muirhead in Encycl. Brit. XX. 683/1 Forfeiture of the sacramental cattle, sheep or money that would follow a verdict that an oath had been unjust.
5. jocular. Of a form of speech: Sacred to the occasion, ‘consecrated’.
1896Daily News 26 Feb. 3/3 With regard to the wager of a guinea the right hon. gentleman had not the presence of mind at the time to utter the sacramental word ‘done’.1898Times 29 Oct. 11/4 As Lord Rosebery remarked last night in coyly introducing the sacramental quotation, many things besides Waterloo have been won in the playing-fields of Eton.
B. n.
1. Eccl. A rite, ceremony, or observance analogous to a sacrament, but not reckoned among the sacraments; e.g. the use of holy water and of holy oil, the sign of the cross.
1529Petition of Commons in Froude Hist. Eng. (1856) I. 194 To exact and take of your humble servants divers sums of money for the sacraments and sacramentals of Holy Church.1536Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) II. 27 That the sacramentes and sacramentalles be duely and reuerently ministred in their parishes.1654Jer. Taylor Real Pres. 77 The Eucharist it self was in the external and ritual part, an imitation of a custome and a sacramental already in use among the Jews.a1662Heylin Laud Introd. (1668) 10 Marriage, Orders, Confirmation, and the Visitation (though not the Extream Unction) of the Sick being retained under the name of Sacramentals.1850S. Wilberforce in Life (1886) II. ii. 65 Craving after confession and absolution, &c. as sacramentals.1892Month Nov. 440 Sacramentals are certain outward signs and usages instituted by the Church, which are the occasion of grace and blessing to those who piously use them.
2. Occas. used for: Something which pertains to a sacrament; a constituent part of a sacrament.
1619W. Sclater Exp. 1 Thess. i. 6 (1630) 52 Comes it [sc. sitting at Holy Communion] vnder the Mandate, Hoc facite? then is it amongst the Sacramentals of the Supper. For (hoc facite) comprizeth not Circumstantials, but Sacramentals.1633T. Morton Discharge 80, 81 That which wee are taught of him here, is, that these words Cup, and Testament, although they be Sacramentalls, yet are they not to be called The Sacramentals.




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