释义 |
▪ I. sacring, vbl. n. Now only literary.|ˈseɪkrɪŋ| Also 3–6 sacringe, 4 sakryng, -ring, 4–6 sacryng(e, sakeryng(e, 5 sacryn, sacreng, sakering(e, saycrying, sac(c)aring, Sc. sacryne. [f. sacre v.1 + -ing1.] 1. The consecration of the eucharistic elements in the service of the mass. Sometimes more fully, the sacring of (the) mass.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 6818 Riȝt atte sacringe he stod as be lowe In þe churche at westmunstre. 13..Coer de L. 222 And whene the belle began to ryng The preest scholde make the sakeryng, Out of the kyrke sche wolde away. c1375Lay Folks Mass Bk. (MS. B) 400 Þen tyme is nere of sakring, A litel belle men oyse to ryng. c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. I. 137 Bitwene þe sacringe of þe masse and þe þridde Agnus Dei. c1451Agnes Paston in P. Lett. I. 217 And on Friday after sakeryng, one come fro cherch warde, and schoffe doune all that was thereon. 1482Caxton Trevisa's Hidgen iv. xxxii. 222 b, The grayel and the offretory sholde be sayde to fore the sacrynge [MSS. sacrement; L. sacrificium]. 1550Cranmer Defence 101 What made the people to runne..from altar to altar, and from sakeryng (as they called it) to sakeryng? a1571Jewel On Thess. iii. 5–10 (1594) 90 It is a small matter to looke vp and holde vp thy handes at the sacring. 1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xv. xxvii. (1886) 376 Words..written in the canon, or rather in the saccaring of masse. 1626Scogin's Jests (? 1680) 12 By and by the Bells were tolled for sacring, and Scogin hied him to Church lustily and merry. 1871Rossetti Poems, tr. Villon's Mother's Service to our Lady ii, Oh help me, lest in vain for me should pass..The blessed Host and sacring of the Mass. †b. concr. Used for: The consecrated elements.
c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 358/105 Muche folk þare was in Rome þat in guode bi-leue nere Ne bi-lieueden nouȝt þat þe sacringe ore louerdes licame were. 1448M. Paston in P. Lett. I. 72 [The Parson of Oxened] being at messe in one Parossh Chirche, evyn at levacion of the sakeryng. 2. The ordination and consecration of persons to certain offices, as those of bishop, king, queen, etc.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 2318 Ac him sulf him crounede & made him king so His sacringe was lute worþ & naþeles it was ydo. c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 393 Þe clerkis han many grete & smale perquisitiuys,..as..for halowynge of chapels..& for sacrynge of ordres, & fulle many mo. c1450Merlin vi. 105 We wolde that his sacringe and coronacion be respite to Penticoste. 1496Dives & Paup. (W. de W.) vii. xviii. 305/1 Yf the offycer of y⊇ bysshop axe of custome ony gyft..in sacrynge of bysshopes..yf they yt sholde be..sacred gyue theym suche gyftes..is it symonye. 1672Temple Ess., Govt. Wks. 1731 I. 98 The Sacring of the Kings of France (as Loysel says) is the Sign of their Soveraign Priest⁓hood, as well as Kingdom. 1814Southey Roderick xviii. 107 For acclamation and for sacring now One form must serve. 1902Q. Rev. July 356 The fullest development of the service for the sacring of the French Kings is contained in the Coronation Book of Charles V. †3. gen. The action of consecrating. Obs.
1610W. Folkingham Art of Survey Ep. Ded. 2, I will screw-vp this Key with the prostrate sacring of my selfe..at the Shrine of your gracious Clemencie. 1613Purchas Pilgrimage ii. viii. 136 Elias Leuita describeth the forme of sacring or hallowing their Teraphim in this sort. 4. Comb. as sacring time, sacring-bell.
1482Caxton Trevisa's Higden viii. xix. 414 The lyeutenaunt..forth with commanded that euery man shold kepe his wepen in his hond sacryng tyme and other. 1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 946/2 Those that..held not vp their hands at the sacring time. 1594T. Bedingfield tr. Machiavelli's Florentine Hist. (1595) 198 The time of the execution should be at the sacring time of Masse. ▪ II. † ˈsacring, a. Obs. rare. Also 6 Sc. sacrand. [f. sacre v.1 + -ing2.] In senses of the vb. In quot. 1508 used for the vbl. n. attrib.: see next.
1508Dunbar Flyting 160 And quhen thow heiris ane guse cry in the glennis, Thow thinkis it swetar than sacrand bell of sound. 1644Bulwer Chirol. 138 Because it hath a sacring and sanctifying signe. |