

单词 Sadducee
释义 Sadducee|ˈsædjʊsiː|
Forms: pl. 1 sad(d)ucéas, 3–4 Saduceus, 3–5 Saduceis, 4 Sadaiceus, 4–5 Saducees, 4–7 Saduces, 6–8 Sadduces; (also 4 Saducey repr. L. Sadducæi); sing. 6– Sadducee.
[ad. late L. Saddūcæus, a. late Gr. σαδδουκαῖος, f. late Heb. Çaddūqī, app. f. the personal name Çaddūq (LXX σαδδούκ, Ezek. xl. 46), in Masoretic vocalization Çāđōq (LXX σαδώκ, 2 Sam. viii. 17, etc.; English Bible Zadok).
The prevailing modern view is that the Zadok referred to is the high-priest of David's time, from whom the priesthood of the Captivity and later periods claimed to be descended. The late Jewish notion of a post-exilian Zadok (Çaddūq), the founder of the sect, is now regarded as baseless; the hypothesis that the word is directly derived from çaddīq, righteous, is philologically untenable.]
1. A member of one of the three ‘sects’ (the others being the Pharisees and Essenes) into which the Jews were divided in the time of Christ. According to the New Testament and Josephus, they denied the resurrection of the dead, the existence of angels and spirits, and the obligation of the unwritten law alleged by the Pharisees to have been handed down by tradition from Moses.
In origin the Sadducees seem to have been not so much a theological or philosophical sect or school, as a political party composed of the nobility, i.e. the members and connexions of the high-priestly family.
c975Rushw. Gosp. Matt. xvi. 1, & eodun to him fariseas & sadduceas.a1300Cursor M. 19123 Þa saduceis [Fairf. sadaiceus, Gött. saduceus, Trin. saduces]..For þe vprising ner wald wede.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. II. 36 Þer weren in Cristis tyme, Essey, Saducey, and Pharisey.1382Acts xxiii. 8 Saducees [1388 Saduceis, 1534 Tindale Saduces, 1557 (Geneva) Sadduces, 1582 (Rheims) Sadducees].1592Sylvester Tri. Faith ii. xxxiv, In foremost rank, heer goe the Sadduces, That doe deny Angels and Resurrection.1635Heywood Hierarch. i. 3 The Atheist, Sadduce, and Mahumetan.1727–41Chambers Cycl., Sadduces, or Sadducees.1879Farrar Christ (1881) 471 This wretched, dissolute Idumæan Sadducee.
2. A person of Sadducean disposition; a materialist, a denier of the resurrection. Also as adj.
1680Baxter Answ. Stillingfl. xxxiv. 58 Hobbists, Infidels, Atheists, Sadduces.1857Bagehot Lit. Stud. (1879) II. 282 The world is Sadducee itself; it cannot be anything else..without ceasing to be the world.




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