

单词 salue
释义 I. saˈlue, n. Obs. rare.
Also salew.
[a. OF. salu (in mod.Fr. written salut: see salute n.1) = Sp. saludo, It. saluto, a Com. Rom. vbl. n. f. salūtāre salute v.]
A salutation.
c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 8 They..Goyng owtward gave the kyng salue [rime dewe].c1450Merlin xxvii. 506 The quene..seide thei were welcome, and thei dide yelde hir a-gein hir salew debonerly.1485Caxton Paris & V. (1868) 32 Parys rendred hys salewes ayeyn moche humbly.
II. saˈlue, v. Obs.
Forms: 4–5 saluwe, saliewe, salwe, 4–6 salew, 5 salowe, 6 salu, 4–7 salue; pa. tense 4 salewede, saluet, 4–5 salu(e)de, salewed, salwed, saluwed, saluyd, 5 salut(e, ? salit, salod, -ud, saylut, salowed, -id, saluid, saluyed, 6 salewd, 4–7 salued.
[a. F. saluer = Pr., Sp. saludar, Pg. saudar, It. salutare:—L. salūtāre to salute.]
1. trans. = salute v.
c1300Harrow. Hell 868 (MS. Sion) To Ierusalem come on a day Thre prestes of þe Iewery, Tille þe temple held þai streke þe way And saluede þe clergy.c1320R. Brunne Medit. 1076 Anone come petyr, with wepyng chere, And salude Mary and Ion yn fere.c1374Chaucer Troylus ii. 1619 (1668) Eleyn in al hire goodly soft wyse Gan hym salue and wommanly to pleye.c1386Frankl. T. 781 And he saleweth hire with glad entente.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) V. 101 Þey emperoures þat were to fore hym were i-salwed as iuges.c1400Destr. Troy. 4981 Þai salut not þat souerain with no sad wordes.c1420Sir Amadace (Camden) xi, Ho sayd, ‘Sir, welcum most ȝe be!’ A[nd] salit him anon ryȝte [Weber's ed. l. 112 And salod hym anon ryght].Ibid. xxxvii, He saylut him anon ryȝte [Weber 409 Bot salud hym full ryght].c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 242 The amerous fowlys with motetys and carollys, Salwe that sesoun every morwenyng.c1440Gesta Rom. xxiii. 83 (Harl. MS.) Thei fille doun on kne..and salowid him, as thei aught to do to themperour.1481Caxton Godeffroy xiii. 40 He..salewed hym in the name of the Patriarke..of Surye.1502Arnolde Chron. (1811) 159 Salu me highly with honorable salutacions to the honorable Lordis.1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 122 Diogenes..salued or hailed hym wt this verse of homere.1596Spenser F.Q. iv. vi. 25 Glaucè..her salewd with seemely bel-accoyle, Joyous to see her safe after long toyle.1601Holland Pliny II. 297 Euen Tiberius Cæsar..required in that manner to be salued and wished well vnto, whensoeuer he sneezed.
fig.1606Warner Alb. Eng. xiv. xci. 369 Great'st Ladies with their women, on their Palfries mounted faire,..Which now in Coches scorne to be salued of the aire.
b. absol.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 1473 Þe lady noȝt forȝate, Com to hym to salue.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋333 Yet is ther a priuee spece of pride, that waiteth first to be salewed er he wole salewe [Harl. MS. to be saluet er he saliewe].1596Drayton Leg. Cromw. 827 Peace, the good Porter,..prayes him God to saue, And after saluing, kindly doth demand What was his will.
2. By confusion = salve, save v.
1484Caxton Fables of æsop v. ix, The lyon ansuerd to hym God salewe the swete frend come nyghe me and kysse me.
III. salue
written for salve, obs. form of save.




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