

单词 Salvation Army
释义 Salvation Army
1. An organization, on a quasi-military model, founded by the Rev. William Booth for the revival of religion among the masses in Great Britain and other countries.
The name was adopted in 1878 (the body until then was styled ‘the Christian Mission’). The officers bear military titles (‘general’, ‘captain’, etc.). In its early years, open-air evangelistic services were the most prominent feature of the Salvation Army's work; it has since become notable for its charitable service among the poor and homeless.
c1880Booth Salvation Soldier's Song-bk. No. 123 The Salvation Army is marching along.1881Doctr. & Discipl. Salvation Army §29 When the organization had been in existence some eleven years, we found that it was fashioned, substantially, on the model of an army, and as its object was the salvation of men, we named it..‘The Salvation Army’.
2. attrib.
1881W. Corbridge Salvation Mine (recto front cover), Salvation Army Stores, 101 Queen Victoria Street.1910‘Saki’ Lost Sarijak in Reginald in Russia 16 The corpse was that of a Salvation Army captain.1920H. Begbie Life W. Booth ii. ii. 17 Blasphemous handbills, supposed to be circulated by Salvation Army Officers.1921M. L. Carpenter Angel Adjutant v. 49 The wives of Salvation Army Bandsmen make their sacrifices.1921J. Law Curate's Promise xv. 133 He saw..two officers..go into a large Salvation Army Hostel for women.1928H. Crane Let. 27 Mar. (1965) 320, I finally had to finish the night in a ward of the Salvation Army Hotel.1956[see Rowton].1966[see Sally n.5 1 b].1972P. M. Hubbard Whisper in Glen iv. 34 A Salvation Army lass with the body of a Rubens Venus.1978Lancashire Life Sept. 90/2 In her latest picture..she shows a Salvation Army band playing hymns in a northern town some time between 1920 and 1930.




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