

单词 salvatory
释义 I. salvatory, n.|ˈsælvətərɪ|
Also 7–8 salvator(e.
[ad. med.L. salvātōri-um place of preservation (only spec. a fishpond), f. salvāre to save. Sense 1 is due to association with salve n.1]
1. A box for holding ointment. Obs.
1549Will of T. Laund (Somerset Ho.), A salvatory of syluer.1561Vicary Will in Anat. 189 My best plaister box, garnisshed with siluer, my salvitory of siluer.1612Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653) 16 The Salvatorie if it contain six severall Unguents, it is sufficient for any present use.1623Webster Duchess of Malfi iv. ii, Thou art a box of worme-seede, at best, but a saluatory of greene mummey.1688R. Holme Armoury iii. 438/1 The Surgeons Salvator or Salvatory, or his Box of Unguents..is a Box with a Lid made generally of Latin or Tin.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Salvatory, a Surgeon's Box, with Partitions, to hold several sorts of Salves, Ointments, and Balsams.1715Lond. Gaz. No. 5370/4 A Salvatore furnished with Balsam.
2. gen. A repository for safe storage. rare.
a1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. ii. iv. 156 When I consider..the admirable powers of Sensation, of Phantasie, of Memory, in what Salvatories or Repositories the Species of things past are conserved.1863J. Ingelow Poems 98 (A Dead Year) ‘All the kings of the nations lie in glory’ [see Isa. xiv. 18]; Cased in cedar, and shut in a sacred gloom;..Silent they rest, in solemn salvatory.
II. salvatory, a. rare.|ˈsælvətərɪ|
[ad. L. *salvātōri-us: see prec.]
Saving, imparting safety or salvation (to).
1830Fraser's Mag. I. 525 Such and such redeeming points..these salvatory accidents.1852Jerdan Autobiog. I. xvii. 131 To aid us in our salvatory endeavours [viz. to save a convict from execution].1865Carlyle Fredk. Gt. xv. xi. (1872) VI. 74 Fine feat, salvatory to the Cause of Liberty, and destructive of French influence.1898M. M. Dowie Crook of Bough 124 The raw young thinker who believes in the salvatory power of education.1921Challenge 18 Feb. 241/2 Salvatory and reconstructive work.1922J. Y. Simpson Man & Attainment of Immortality xiv. 334 The fact of Christ remains, solitary and salvatory.1958J. Lodwick Bid Soldiers Shoot iii. vii. 222 The murderer has but a single advantage: the patient police, who, in extended order, beat the bush in search of him, or of the macabre trouvaille of his hastily buried victim, do not..believe that they will encounter either, personally. Therefore, when they do..a salvatory hiatus follows.




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