

单词 sample
释义 I. sample, n.|ˈsɑːmp(ə)l, ˈsæm-|
Forms: 4 sampel, saumpel, -pul, -ple, saunpil, 4–5 saumpil, 4–6 sampill, saumple, 5 sampil(le, sampull, saumpyl, 4– sample.
[ME. sample, aphetic f. essample: see example n.]
1. A fact, incident, story, or suppositious case, which serves to illustrate, confirm, or render credible some proposition or statement. (Cf. example n. 1.) Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 10351 Yitt samuel..And sampson als,..Bath þam bar tua wimmen geld... Þou trou þir samples witerli, For þou sal haf a child in hi.13..E.E. Allit P. A. 499 As mathew melez in your messe, In sothful gospel of god al-myȝt In sample he can ful grayþely gesse.c1380Wyclif Serm. xlix. Sel. Wks. I. 142 And efte Crist telliþ a kyndely saumple.a1400–50Alexander 5306 Þar in perchement depayntid his persons scho schedwid. Said ‘se þi-selfe a sampill þat I þe sothe neuyn!’14..Tundale's Vis. (Wagner) 6 Of suche a sampull y wyll ȝou telle, That he, þat wyll hit well unþerstande, In herte he may be full dredande.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 230 A sample we mow se al day, That God sent amonges us alle.1513More Rich. III, Wks. 48/1 And as simple as that saumple is, yet is there lesse reason in our case, then in that.1529Dyaloge ii. ibid. 202/2 Thys wer not like y⊇ sufferance of an vnconsecrate host, wherof ye putte the saumple.
2. a. A relatively small quantity of material, or an individual object, from which the quality of the mass, group, species, etc. which it represents may be inferred; a specimen. Now chiefly Comm., a small quantity of some commodity, presented or shown to customers as a specimen of the goods offered for sale. (An individual article offered as a specimen of goods sold by number and not by weight or measure is now more commonly called a pattern.)
The commercial use is now apprehended as the primary one, the wider application being felt as transferred.
1428Surtees Misc. (1888) 6 Of ye whilk plaster and lyme a sample ys redy in ye chambre to shew.1561Aberdeen Reg. (1844) I. 335 Nor na skaiffry, sic as sampill and scheit schakin, to be tane thairof [sc. of malt and meal].1573–4in Cunningham Revels Acc. (Shaks. Soc.) 60 For making of vj patternes, and for cutting therof for samples for the gownes of Cloth of golde, iij s.a1626Bacon New Atl. 45 In one of these [galleries] wee place Patternes and Samples of all manner of the more Rare and Excellent Inuentions.1699Poor Man's Plea 20 Ye might let People buy by Samples, or at Barn-doors.1703Lond. Gaz. No. 3963/3 The Cargo of the Ship No. 7,..consisting of..White Wines, Sweets and Brandy; Samples of which may be seen at the said Hall.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Sample, some part of a Commodity, given as a Pattern, to shew the Quality or Condition of it.1713Addison Guardian No. 100 ⁋3 The hands and face were the only samples they gave of their beautiful persons.1745De Foe's Eng. Tradesman xlvi. (1841) II. 181 The farmer..rubs out only a few handfuls of it [wheat] with his hand, and puts it into a little money-bag; and with this sample, as it is called, in his pocket, away he goes to market.1775J. Bryant Mythol. II. p. vi, From those curious samples of Egyptian Sculpture at the British Museum.1831Sir J. Sinclair Corr. II. 394, I was induced to apply to his Sicilian Majesty..for samples of the seed.1838W. Bell Dict. Law Scotl. s.v., When goods are sold by sample, there is an implied warrandice that the bulk is of equal quality with the sample.1896Daily News 9 Nov. 3/5 The Bench were of opinion that samples were goods.
b. of immaterial things.
1706E. Ward Wooden World Diss. (1708) 89 He..is often⁓times shewing you a sample of his Ingenuity.1788Franklin Autobiog. Wks. 1840 I. 169 It was by a private person giving a sample of the utility of lamps.1821Lamb Elia Ser. i. Quakers' Meeting, Once only..I witnessed a sample of the old Foxian orgasm.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. v. I. 526 Of the general character of those outlaws an estimate may be formed from a few samples.1888Bryce Amer. Commw. xlviii. II. 235 Illinois furnishes so good a sample of that [township] system in its newer form, that I cannot do better than extract from a..trustworthy writer, the following account.
c. A specimen taken for scientific testing or analysis.
1878Huxley Physiogr. xvi. 261 During these surveys, numerous samples of the sea bottom were secured.1882Nature XXVI. 297 The collection of samples of air for analysis.1895J. C. Guernsey Urinalysis including Blanks 11 If a sample of urine cannot be analyzed immediately upon its receipt, add ten to fifteen grains of salicylic acid.1938Lundell & Hoffman Outl. Methods Chem. Analysis iii. 21 In a chemical analysis, the first consideration is the use of a sample that truly represents the material under test.1950Race & Sanger Blood Groups in Man i. 3 The reactions when different cell samples are tested against parallel titrations of the same antisera.1973J. G. Dick Analytic Chem. ii. 32 Samples of impure acidic substances were analyzed by a neutralization method.
d. Statistics. A portion drawn from a population, the study of which is intended to lead to statistical estimates of the attributes of the whole population.
1903,1922[see population2 2 d].1944H. G. Wells '42 to '44 42 He would get answers to his questions from Samples of his Consumers.1951[see mid-range 1].1961Listener 9 Nov. 780/2 There is the social survey of, say, the Young and Wilmott kind, with its planned interviews of samples.1979Church Times 9 Mar. 2/2 A nationally representative sample of 956 people was interviewed for the survey.
3. A person's action or conduct viewed as an object of imitation; also, a person whose conduct deserves imitation; = example n. 6. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 409 Hymself þan gaf us sample þare.c1400Rule St. Benet (Prose) 22 O þis maner sal þabbesse foliȝe þe saumpyl of Iesu.1548Patten Exped. Pref. b iij b, Since what he could doo, they could not resiste, and what he should do, they had set hym a sample.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. July 119 And nowe they bene to heauen forewent, Theyr good is with them goe: Theyr sample onely to vs lent, That als we mought doe soe.1594Carew Tasso (1881) 106 For if his errour such pardon accrew, More by his sample will be couraged.1611Shakes. Cymb. i. i. 48 [He] Liu'd in Court (Which rare it is to do) most prais'd, most lou'd, A sample to the yongest.
4. Precedent; = example n. 5. Obs.
1534More Comf. agst. Trib. ii. Wks. 1193/1 Therefore is his case both playn against Goddes open precept, and the dispensacion straunge and withoute saumple.
5. A warning; = example n. 3. Phrases, in sample, by way of warning. to take sample. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 20889 Bath ananias and his wife For suike he dampnid tam o life, Þat all suld tak þaim sample bi For to naman do tricheri.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints i. (Petrus) 595 Þar-for, in sampill of ewill dede to wekit dede I sall ȝow lede.c1420Brut 196 In sample þat þe Scottes shulde haue in mynde forto bere ham amys aȝeynz her lorde eftesones.c1470Henry Wallace vi. 403 On the sall fall the fyrst part off thir harmys, Sampill to geyff till all thi fals natioune.Ibid. xi. 834 Nane sampill takis, how ane othir has beyn For cowatice put in gret paynys fell.
6. attrib. and Comb.
a. appositive, quasi-adj., serving as a sample.
1820Scoresby Acc. Arctic Reg. I. 458 If the ‘sample blade’, that is, the largest lamina in the series, weigh 7 pounds, the whole produce may be estimated at a ton.1849Thackeray Pendennis xliv, Why did you leave that..sample-bottle of Hollands out of the cupboard?1855J. R. Leifchild Cornwall Mines 263 It is just possible that the sample ores you see in London, or some other city, have come from any mine except the one projected, or offered to your consideration.1863Reader 12 Dec. 688 By culling a few sample-extracts.1865Dickens Mut. Fr. iii. ii, Miss Abbey filed her receipts, and kept her sample phials.1895W. Schlich Man. Forestry III. i. iv. 66 Having ascertained the volume of the sample plot, that of the whole wood can be calculated.1970G. A. & A. G. Theodorson Mod. Dict. Sociol. 361 The extent to which generalizations based on sample data may be considered applicable to the total population from which the sample was drawn depends on the method used to select the cases included in the sample and the size of the sample.1978C. H. Stoddard Essent. Forestry Pract. (ed. 3) vi. 119 Timber estimators also measure and tally the trees in the strips or sample plots.1978R. V. Jones Most Secret War xix. 156 Maita had stayed in Salisbury because she was nervous about London, but she wanted to come for a sample weekend, and when would I recommend?
b. General attrib., as sample investigation, sample method, sample study, sample survey (hence sample-survey vb. trans.).
1930Economist 1 Nov. 801/2 Even so, his impressions are inevitably based on ‘sample’ investigations and must be read with these limitations in mind.1944H. G. Wells '42 to '44 43 The sample method of dealing with human affairs is exemplified by various uses to which we can put a jury.1965J. Meuvret in Glass & Eversley Population in Hist. xxi. 516 Other sample-studies in parish registers..have revealed analogous results.1966Economist 12 Nov. 682/3 The development of economic knowledge sample-surveyed in these articles has been matched by a growing use of economists in business and government.1975Listener 6 Feb. 187/3 The study of human behaviour by..sample surveys.
c. Used attrib. to denote various statistical attributes of a sample, as sample average, sample mean, sample range, etc.
1939A. E. Treloar Elements Statistical Reasoning x. 137 The standard error of the sample mean.1941Ann. Math. Statistics XII. 91 (heading) Determination of sample sizes for setting tolerance limits.1947O. L. Davies Statistical Methods Res. & Production ix. 217 One [chart] on which the sample averages x are recorded and the other on which sample ranges w are recorded.1971Hickman & Hilton Probability & Statistical Analysis ix. 153 The sample variance..is said to be a point estimator of the population variance in the same sense that the sample mean..is a point estimator of the population mean.
d. Special Comb.: sample-bag, a bag containing the samples carried by a commercial traveller; also, a small holland bag tied up with an attached tape, used by merchants and farmers to carry samples of corn, etc.; sample book, a book containing samples of fabrics for prospective buyers; sample bottle, a bottle in which samples of fluid from the body may be collected; sample card, a piece of cardboard to which is fastened a sample of cloth, etc.; = pattern card; sample case, a case containing samples carried by a travelling salesman; sample cutter (see quot.); sample hand, an operative employed in producing ‘sample’ goods; sample passer, one whose business it is to select the articles that are to serve as samples; sample room, (a) a room in which samples are kept for inspection; and (b) U.S. slang, a place where liquor is sold by the glass; sample-trier = sample passer.
1884Manch. Guard. 26 Sept. 5/1 He..deposited his *sample-bag in the dining-room.
1938Burlington Mag. Apr. 200/2 The distinguished firm of weavers, whose *sample-books of 100 years and more ago are still in existence.1976P. Clabburn Needleworker's Dict. 232/1 Old sample books still in existence are of the greatest value in telling later generations what was in fashion at a particular date.
1977Belfast Tel. 22 Feb. 8/6 Doctors' hands.., little *sample bottles, having your arm draped in black as your blood pressure is taken.
1875North Alabamian (Tuscumbia, Alabama) 30 Sept. 3/3 We were not glad to see him, as he had left his *sample case at home.1935[see keister 1 a].1971D. E. Westlake I gave at the Office 123 A salesman rapping his knuckles on his sample case in a waiting room.
1884Knight Dict. Mech. Suppl., *Sample cutter, a species of rotary shears. A sharp edged disk on a table rolling against an edge and cutting narrow strips of cloth from the roll, to form tailor's or traveler's samples.
1902Daily Chron. 29 Apr. 10/3 Experienced *sample hands for children's costumes, pelisses, &c.
1892Labour Commission Gloss., *Sample Passer, a proficient smelter who chemically tests a sample of metal drawn from the furnace when to the eye it seems about the desired quality.
1865G. A. Sala My Diary in Amer. II. 46 Sometimes the bar is at the side, screened off, and genteelly disguised under the name of ‘*sample room’. You enter ostensibly to purchase cherries, and immediately ‘put yourself outside’ a ‘tot’ of Bourbon.1869W. H. Brewer Rocky Mountain Lett. (1930) 10 ‘Saloons’, ‘bar-rooms’, ‘sample-rooms’, ‘liquor stores’, ‘lager beer’, etc., furnish most of the signs on the places of business.1874Aldrich Prudence Palfrey xv. 297 Colonel Todhunter..had been refreshing himself at the sample-room attached to Odiorne's grocery.1887Grip (Toronto) 21 May 10/2 One of the drug travellers insisted..that the clerk..had, in the north sample room, first nicknamed Albendis ‘Chippy’.1892Hist. Rev. York County (Pa.) 62/1 To the side is the reading and sample-rooms for the commercial traveler.1895Daily News 5 Dec. 5/1 Commercial institutions, of which inquiry offices, museums, and sample rooms..should form a leading feature.
1776Pryce Min. Cornub. 217 In the knowledge of which the *sample-triers or Tin-dressers are very expert.1814W. Phillips in Trans. Geol. Soc. II. 143 When a pound or two of the ore is given to the sample-trier, as a fair sample of 50 or 100 tons.

a. Electronics and Sound Recording. Any of the numerous momentary values in the amplitude of an analogue signal that are obtained when it is sampled for conversion to a digital form.
1970Computers & Biomed. Res. 3 47 The device..[provides] accurate time alignment to within plus or minus one sample for analog-to-digital conversion rates in excess of 500 samples per second.1975H. S. Howe Electronic Music Synthesis vii. 162 The number of samples in which we choose to represent one second of sound is called the sampling rate.1984Woodwind Brass & Percussion Mar. 24/3 The composer can perform modifications of recorded or mathematically generated sounds simply by sending the sound samples through various digital signal processing programs, very much the way that electrical signals can be sent through an amplifier to a speaker.1985G. Herman Micro-music for Commodore 64 & BBC Computer i. 15 If enough samples are taken quickly enough, the original signal can be reconstituted by outputting the data..to..a digital to analogue converter.1992CU Amiga Apr. 49/4 What separates this from the rest of the crowd is that it can sample at 100,000 samples per second.
b. Music. An excerpt of recorded sound or music reused or modified as part of a new recording or performance; a sound excerpt stored in digital form for this purpose.
1985Listener 24 Oct. 43/4 But why bother with the live bass-guitar at all? Why not simply use a sample that was made for a previous track, or even sample the bass guitar sound from another record?1989Rhythm Apr. 30/3 The first had to do with the realism of drum samples—how much does a sample sound like ‘the real thing’?1991Rage 13 Feb. 45 When the then unknown group from Canada released ‘Wash Your Face In My Sink’, all hell broke loose over their sample of a salsa flute.1998Mixmag Sept. 107/4 There's flashes of inspiration among the dirty drum loops and Lalo Schiffrin samples.

sample market n. now hist. a market at which only samples of the goods for sale are available; cf. pitched adj.2 7.
1757Compend. Corn Trade 11 This could not be properly deemed a *Sample Market, any more than if I set up my Load at an Inn.1839Penny Cycl. XIV. 424 When the whole bulk of the articles to be sold is brought into the market.., the market is called a pitched market; when only a small portion is brought..it is called a sample market.1917Manitoba Free Press 15 Aug. ii. 1/2 Reasons for establishing a sample market at Winnipeg and Fort William.1998N. Rogers Crowds, Culture & Politics in Georgian Brit. ii. 67 A ‘pitched’ market represented an intermediary stage between the traditional open market and the full sample market.
II. sample, v.|ˈsɑːmp(ə)l, ˈsæm-|
[f. sample n.]
1. trans. To be or find a match or parallel to; to parallel; to intend as a match for. Also, to put in comparison with. Obs.
1592Ld. Vaux in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. iv. IV. 109 Throwgh uneath to be sampled infortunacy I may neither dispose of my owne to my requisite reliefe [etc.].1597J. King On Jonas (1618) 702 Whensoeuer afterwards there was taken vppe any great lamentation, it was sampled and matched with that of Hadadrimmon.1602Dekker Honest Wh. Wks. 1873 II. 141 If Cambricke you wud deale in, there's the best, all Millan cannot sample it.1616B. Jonson Devil an Ass v. i, She would ha' had you, to ha' sampled you With one within, that they are now a teaching; And do's pretend to your ranck.1619W. Sclater Exp. 1 Thess. 173 Who can sample, amongst Heretiques, that [patience] of Laurence on the Gridyron?1630Lord Banians 9 Modest were her Aspect, and her eyes Indices of so melancholly sobernesse, and composed lookes, as if she seemed to be sampled for him that met her.a1638Mede Wks. (1672) iii. 635 This notion [is] nowhere else sampled in any Greek Author.1640Bastwick Lord Bps. ii. B iij, Which Prelacie he samples and parallells with the..Lordship, which Heathen Princes exercise over their people.1689Hickeringill Ceremony Monger v. Wks. 1716 II. 435 A Lean and Cadaverous Clergy, the whole Protestant World cannot sample such a jejune Crew.
a. To set an example to.
b. To set an example of. Obs.
1600S. Nicholson Acolastus (1876) 5 The morne, who sampling men their sinnes to rue, Hath washt earths motley face in weeping dewe.1606Warner Alb. Eng. xvi. ciii. 406 We Church-men should to Lay-men sample good.
3. To illustrate, to explain by examples or analogies; to symbolize. Obs.
1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 599 Ortelius..supposeth..that Vmbilicus was accounted the Deitie it selfe..which shapelesse shape hee sampleth by many like in other Nations.1633Earl of Manchester Al Mondo (1636) 191 Therefore this wee may doe, some way sample that, which no way we can expresse.1664H. More Exp. 7 Epist. Pref. (1669) (a 3), Mr. Mede..seems to insinuate that they should Prophetically sample unto us a sevenfold successive Temper and Condition of the whole visible Church.
4. To imitate, to copy. Obs.
1613–16W. Browne Brit. Past. ii. iii, Walla by chance was in a meadow by Learning to 'sample earth's embrodery.1626Bp. Hall Contempl., O.T. xx. vii, A modell of this more exquisite frame is sent to Urijah, the priest; and must be sampled in Jerusalem.1675V. Alsop Anti-Sozzo 530 Is it not a strange Copy that differs in kind from its Idea?.. As if you should propound a House for your patern, and draw a Horse to sample it.
5. a. To take a sample or samples of; to judge of the quality of (a thing) by a sample or specimen; to obtain a representative experience of.
1767Sterne Tr. Shandy IX. xxi, She..looks at it,—considers it,—samples it,—measures it.1858Hughes Scour. White Horse 196, I won't turn my back..on any man in the country at sampling wheat.1883V. D. Majendie in Fortn. Rev. May 647 Every cargo is sampled by the Customs on its arrival and chemically examined.1890N. Hibbs in Big Game N. Amer. 22 The Moose has a hump on his nose,..it excels any other meat dish I have ever had the pleasure of sampling.1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 354 Some one who has personally sampled Africa.1974Harvey & Bohlman Stereo F.M. Radio Handbk. v. 119 The composite audio signal voltage is sampled at the midpoints by a train of short pulses and the sampled voltage level is held between pulses.1978Nature 13 July 135/2 A synchronous gating circuit..samples the V2 signal at a selectable phase (‘phase lock’), converting it to a proportional d.c. voltage.
b. To present samples or specimens of. Also, to serve as a sample of.
1870Lowell Study Wind. (1871) 208 Chaucer never shows any signs of effort, and it is a main proof of his excellence that he can be so inadequately sampled by detached passages.1873J. Geikie Gt. Ice Age (1894) 607 The literature of the subject has grown to such an extent,..that it is hopeless..to do more than sample it.1880Daily Tel. 8 July, The fifty thousand men who would have sampled the drill, discipline, and patriotism of a hundred and fifty thousand more.1889Pall Mall G. 16 Nov. 3/2 English editors of Irish chronicles and histories often make grave blunders, some of which he samples.
6. To provide with samples.
1935A. P. Herbert What a Word! iii. 83 From a firm of ‘Publishers and Educational Contractors for Handicraft Materials’:..‘We shall welcome the opportunity of sampling you with anything you would like to see.’ ‘We are sampling Norway with the new articles.’1946K. T. Keller in Chrysler Corp. Ann. Rep. XXI, The limited production to date of our new models has been inadequate to properly sample our dealers.
7. Comb.: sample-and-hold adj. phr. Electronics, applied to a circuit or technique in which a varying voltage is sampled periodically and the sampled voltage is retained in the interval until the next sampling.
1966M. Schwartz et al. Communication Syst. & Techniques vi. 244 One difficulty in PAM systems used for time-division switching is that the short samples do not deliver very much average signal power to the individual receiving channels. The difficulty can be remedied by the use of a sample-and-hold circuit.1974Harvey & Bohlman Stereo F.M. Radio Handbk. v. 119 Using this sample-and-hold technique, good channel separation, low distortion and low subcarrier breakthrough may be realized.1979C.-T. Chen One-Dimensional Digital Signal Processing 435 The conversions between analog and digital signals are performed by sample-and-hold (S/H) circuits, analog-to-digital (A/D) converters, and digital-to-analog (D/A) converters.

trans. a. Electronics. To ascertain the momentary value of (an analogue signal) many times a second so that these values may be represented digitally (effectively converting the original analogue signal to a digital one).
1968Alta Frequenza 37 1038/1 An ‘analogue to digital converter’ is described, suitable for statistical analysis of random phenomena. Waveforms to be examined are sampled at regular intervals and the observed values are analogue-digital converted and recorded on a compatible magnetic tape.1975H. S. Howe Electronic Music Synthesis vii. 160 Sampling a sound is achieved by taking the instantaneous amplitude of the sound-pressure waveform at successive and equally spaced intervals of time.1990Compact Disc 7 Aug. 110/1 The 44.1-khz signal from the CD is sampled at some multiple of that frequency (usually two, four, or eight times).1999Globe & Mail (Toronto) 26 Aug. t1/3 They're now claiming to have improved audio CDs... One of these new systems samples music a bajillion times a second at eight bits, and the other umpty-two bajillion at one bit!
b. Chiefly Sound Recording. To record (sound) digitally for subsequent electronic processing; to store (an excerpt of recorded sound) in digital form, esp. in order to reuse it, often modified, in a subsequent recording or performance. Also: to obtain an excerpt of (a musician, instrument, or piece of music) in this way.
1984N.Y. Times 29 Apr. iii. 15/4 Artificial intelligence programs..are being used to sample and duplicate exact sounds through a keyboard.1988W. Wadhams Dict. Mus. Production & Engin. 204/1 One might..sample a frog croaking, and later reproduce the croak at any desired pitch through the various keys of a synthesizer.1989Record Mirror 16 Dec. 36/1 Jungle Brothers..sampled anything that happened to be around at the time..and came up with the blueprint for Nineties hip hop.1991Time 3 June 69/3 Copyright law protects a composer from having his work duplicated by another musician. But what happens if the second party samples only a few seconds of a melody? Or just a fragment of drumbeat?1995Muzik July 88/3 People haven't sampled us creatively, though, they've just taken bits and put them on their records.1999Vanity Fair (N.Y.) July 90/2 Smith has sampled Stevie Wonder's 1974 hit ‘You Wish’ and given it a kind of rap-Western twist.




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