

单词 blethely
释义 ˈblethely, adv. Obs.
[ME. blethli, in form a deriv. of blethe, but apparently associated, in later use at least, with blithe.]
a. Gently, kindly, graciously, benevolently.
b. Blithely, gladly, fain.
a1300Cursor M. 11958 Iesus wel blethli wald þai warn.c1300Vox & Wolf 171 in E.P.P. (1864) 63 Tho he herde speken of mete, He wolde bletheliche ben thare.a1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 184 Many has lykyng trofels to here, And vanites wille blethly lere.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. I. 107 Jesus bleþeli dide mercy whan he was clepid David sone.a1430How Wif taught D. 11 in E.P.P. (1864) 180 Blethely ȝeue thi tythys..The pore men at thi dore..Ȝeue hem blethely of thi good.




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