

单词 boatsman
释义 ˈboatsman Obs.
1. A boatswain.
1549Compl. Scot. vi. 40 The master of the galiasse gart the botis man pas vp to the top.1622Malynes Anc. Law Merch. 135 The persons that are in a Ship may bee thus in order..The Master of the Ship, the Pilot, the Masters mate, the Ship-wright or Carpenter, the Boats-man, the Purser, the Chirurgeon, the Cooke, and the Ships boy.
2. = boatman 1.
1598W. Phillip Linschoten's Trav. in Arb. Garner III. 30 Some of the boatsmen were Indians.1684Dryden Ovids Met. xv. Fables (1700) 520 Boatsmen, through the Water, show To wond'ring Passengers the Walls below.




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