

单词 satellite
释义 I. satellite, n.|ˈsætɪlaɪt|
Also 6 -yte, 7 -it.
[a. F. satellite (14th c. in Littré), ad. L. satellit-em (nom. satelles) attendant or guard. Cf. satelles.]
1. An attendant upon a person of importance, forming part of his retinue and employed to execute his orders. Often with reproachful connotation, implying subserviency or unscrupulousness in the service. (Occas. with allusion to sense 2.)
This sense is not in J., and save for quot. a 1548 does not appear in our material until near the end of the 18th c. Quot. 1656 follows Cooper's explanation of L. satelles, supplemented from Cotgrave's definition of the Fr. word.
a1548Hall Chron., Rich. III 52 b, Environed with his satellytes and yomen of the crowne.1656Blount Glossogr., Satellite, one retained to guard a mans person; a Yeoman of the Guard; a Serjeant, Catch-pole, one that attacheth.1797S. James Narr. Voy. 147 Our most august visitant..followed by his naked train of satellites.1850W. Irving Goldsmith xiii. 159 Boswell was..made happy by an introduction to Johnson, of whom he became the obsequious satellite.1852Mrs. Stowe Uncle Tom's C. xxxii, Legree encouraged his two black satellites to a kind of coarse familiarity with him.1860Trollope Framley P. x, The satellites of the nursery.1864Kirk Chas. Bold II. iv. iii. 384 Tyrants, encompassed by their armed satellites.
2. a. A small or secondary planet which revolves round a larger one. (See also satelles.)[The L. satellites was first applied in 1611 by Kepler to the secondary planets revolving round Jupiter, recently discovered by Galileo, who had named them Sidera Medicæa.] 1665Phil. Trans. I. 71 A Satellite of Jupiter.Ibid., The shadow of the Satellit between Jupiter and the Sun.1692Bentley Boyle Lect. viii. (1693) 14 Jupiter and Saturn..have many Satellites about them.a1721J. Keill Maupertius' Diss. (1734) 33 The Moon is the Earth's Secondary or Satellite.1784Cowper Task i. 766 We can spare The splendour of your lamps; they but eclipse Our softer satellite.1870Proctor Other Worlds viii. (1872) 187 We have no satisfactory evidence that the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn turn always the same face towards their primary.
b. transf. and fig.
1771Smollett Humph. Cl. 2 June, He, too, like a portentous comet, has risen again above the court horizon... Who are those two satellites that attend his motions?1839Darwin Voy. Nat. xvii. (1845) 377 The archipelago is a little world within itself, or rather a satellite attached to America.1887Olivia M. Stone (title) Tenerife and its six satellites.1891Freeman Sk. fr. French Trav. 126 At Poitiers the interest of the cathedral church is far smaller than that of its satellite the baptistery.
c. A man-made object placed (or designed to be placed) in orbit around an astronomical body (usu. the earth).
[1880W. H. G. Kingston tr. Verne's Begum's Fortune xiii. 180 A projectile, animated with an initial speed twenty times superior to the actual speed, being ten thousand yards to the second, can never fail! This movement, combined with terrestrial attraction, destines it to revolve perpetually round our globe... Two hundred thousand dollars is not too much to have paid for the pleasure of having endowed the planetary world with a new star, and the earth with a second satellite.]1936Discovery Sept. 299/2 The scheme for building a metal outpost satellite and propelling it in a fixed orbit 600 miles above the earth's surface.1945A. C. Clarke in Wireless World Oct. 305/2 This ‘orbital’ velocity is 8 km per sec. (5 miles per sec), and a rocket which attained it would become an artificial satellite, circling the world for ever with no expenditure of power.1955Times 30 July 6/1 The satellite is expected to be about the size of a basketball, and will be shot into the upper atmosphere by a rocket, where it will circle the earth at an altitude of between 200 and 300 miles at a speed of about 18,000 miles an hour.1956Spaceflight I. 6/2 After the Earth satellite stage, the next target will almost certainly be the Moon.1957Ibid. 49/1 Each satellite will be launched into its orbit by being ejected from the third stage of a multiple stage rocket.1957Times 7 Oct. 8/1 The Russian satellite soaring over the United States seven times a day has made an enormous impression on American minds.1961, etc. [see communication(s) satellite s.v. communication 12].1964Ann. Reg. 1963 185 Among other notable American achievements in space during the year was the launching of a communications satellite.1972Computers & Humanities VII. 49 An experiment..was conducted during the fall of 1971 at Stanford, where users were able to communicate with a computer by using NASA's ATS-1 experimental satellite.1977Times 16 Dec. 16/1 Killer satellites are small space⁓craft. They carry an explosive charge which destroys itself and any nearby satellite on detonation.
3. The name of
a. a moth;
b. a humming-bird.
1832J. Rennie Conspect. Butterfl. & M. 62 The Satellite (Glæa Satellitia, Stephens) appears in September.1861Gould Trochilidæ III. Pl. 142 Calothorax Calliope. Mexican Satellite.1882Cassell's Nat. Hist. VI. 65 One of the largest species is the Satellite (Scopelosoma satellitia), which sometimes expands nearly two inches.
4. Geom. satellite line, satellite point: see quot. 1857. Also used simply = satellite line.
1857Cayley Curves of 3rd Order in Coll. Papers II. 383 It is a well-known theorem, that if at the points of intersection of a given line with a given cubic tangents are drawn to the cubic, these tangents again meet the cubic in three points which lie in a line; such line is in the present memoir termed the satellite line of the given line, and the point of intersection of the two lines is termed the satellite point of the given line; the given line in reference to its satellite line or point is termed the primary line.1873Salmon Higher Plane Curves (ed. 2) v. §207 A case where the satellite cuts the sides of the asymptotic triangle.
5. satellite vein: a vein that accompanies an artery (mod.L. vena satelles, vena comes).
1846F. Brittan tr. Malgaigne's Man. Oper. Surg. 126 On the upper third of the fore-arm, the artery..has always two satellite veins.1849–52Todd's Cycl. Anat. IV. ii. 816/2 The satellite vein of the right subclavian artery.1897in Syd. Soc. Lex.
6. a. A country or state politically or economically dependent upon and subservient to another.
[1776T. Paine Wks. (1796), II. 24 In no instance hath nature made the satellite larger than its primary planet; and as England and America..reverse the common order of nature, it is evident that they belong to different systems: England to Europe, America to itself.]1800J. Adams Wks. (1854) IX. 49 A great deal is yet to be done to prevent our becoming a mere satellite to a mighty power.1827Macaulay Ess., Machiav. (1897) 43 The governments of the Peninsula ceased to form an independent system. Drawn from their old orbit by the attraction of the larger bodies which now approached them, they became mere satellites of France and Spain.1930Economist 8 Nov. 844/2 Do they portend a military alliance against France between a Fascist Italy and a Fascist Germany, with a bevy of East European satellites—Bulgaria, Albania, Hungary, Austria—to balance Poland and the Little Entente?1936Pacific Affairs Sept. 404 Outer Mongolia may well be called a satellite of the Soviet Union.1941Ann. Reg. 1940 204 This [sc. the Tripartite Pact of the Axis Powers] made Hungary a mere satellite of Germany.1948Sun (Baltimore) 9 Jan. 1/2 Several of the Soviet Union's satellites.1974M. B. Brown Econ. of Imperialism xii. 286 Cuba is not a satellite of the USSR in the same sense that other Latin American States are satellites of the USA.1977Time 21 Feb. 8/1 In Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Poland and even some of the less volatile satellites, the Russians and their local rulers are being forced to put out brushfires of discontent.
b. A community or town that is economically or otherwise dependent on a nearby larger town or city.
1912G. R. Taylor in Survey (N.Y.) 5 Oct. 14/2 In some sections of the South scarcely a city of any size lacks one or more satellites thrumming with spindle and shuttle.1935Archit. Rev. LXXVII. 188 (caption) 19th Century. Came the railways and with them the first general exodus, suburbs and satellites springing up round the railway stations.1947[see overspill n. a].1958Manch. Guardian 30 June 6/2 And if Manchester itself is some way from Tatton, Manchester's proposed satellite at Lymm is much nearer.1977R.A.F. News 27 Apr.–10 May 8/2 No. 50(B) Squadron was then based at Skellingthorpe, west of Lincoln (a satellite of Swinderby).
7. Spectroscopy. A spurious or subordinate spectral line; spec. one caused by an irregularity in the positions of lines in a diffraction grating. Also satellite line.
1904Astrophysical Jrnl. XIX. 118 The appearance and disappearance, according to circumstances, of the satellite lines still remains a most curious fact.1924Phil. Mag. XLVIII. 501 On moving the eyepiece back, the line broadened and a faint black ‘satellite’ split off from it, moving slowly across the grating.1945R. A. Sawyer Exper. Spectrosc. vii. 175 It often happens that satellites or diffuse edges will be observed for strong lines at the best obtainable focus.1969[see Rowland ghost].1971Physics Bull. July 388/3 The centre line is due to Rayleigh scattering and the satellites arise from transverse (t) and longitudinal (l) phonons.
8. Anat. Chiefly as satellite cell. Each of the cells that go to make up the membrane surrounding the nerve cell bodies in many ganglia, analogous to the Schwann cells that surround their axons; also, formerly, a Schwann cell.
[1908G. Marinesco in Compt. Rend. Hebdom. des Séances et Mém. de la Soc. de Biol. LXV. 99 De toutes ces recherches, il résulte qu'il existe à l'état normal un équilibre entre la nutrition des cellules satellites et celle des cellules des ganglions sensitifs.]1928W. Penfield in E. V. Cowdry Special Cytol. II. xxx. 1055 Specific stains showed the perivascular and perineuronal oligoglia satellites to be definitely increased.1954M. Singer in R. O. Greep Histology xi. 216 Each cell body of spinal, cranial, and autonomic ganglia is completely encapsulated by a thin membrane composed of so-called satellite cells which contains small, scattered, and flattened nuclei.1958Exper. Cell Res. Suppl. V. 33 The structural characteristic which is present in all fibers so far studied..is the Schwann or satellite cell which..appears everywhere to enclose the axon.1960G. Causey Cell of Schwann v. 69 The regeneration of nerve fibres and their satellite cells in the tail of the tadpole.1971W. M. Copenhaver et al. Bailey's Textbk. Histol. (ed. 16) x. 259/1 When these companion cells are in association with a nerve cell body.., they are called satellite cells; when they provide ensheathment for axons, they are called neurilemma cells, or cells of Schwann.
9. Cytology. A short section of a chromosome demarcated from the rest by a constriction (if terminal) or by two constrictions (if intercalary). [The sense is due to S. G. Navashin, who used Russ. spútnik satellite (Izvestiya Imper. Akad. Nauk (1912) VI. 378).]
1926C. D. Darlington in Jrnl. Genetics XVI. 246 Chromosome ‘G’ is seen to be approaching the pole with the satellite foremost; this means that the satellite is endowed with special responsiveness to the attraction of the pole.1960Lancet 14 May 1063/2 In some chromosomes the additional criterion of the presence of a satellite is available (table 1), but in view of the apparent morphological variation of satellites, they and their connecting strands are excluded in computing the indices.1975A. & D. Löve Plant Chromosomes i. i. 26 A secondary constriction may demarcate a short part of the chromosome, either intercalary or, most frequently, terminally. Such a terminal piece is called a satellite.
10. Bacteriol. A bacterial colony growing in culture near a second colony which is the source of a diffusible substance which promotes the growth of the first but is not produced by it; it consequently shows accelerated growth, or resists a substance which would otherwise poison it. Usu. attrib.
1938in Dorland & Miller Med. Dict. (ed. 18) 1243/1. 1940 M. Frobisher Fund. Bacteriol. (ed. 2) xxv. 355 (caption) ‘Satellite’ formation by Hemophilus influenzae on ‘chocolate-agar’ plate.1943Jrnl. Bacteriol. XLV. 522/1 The development of satellites depended upon the concentration of sulfonamide, the susceptibility of the satellite strain, the temperature of incubation, and the size of the inoculum of both satellite and inhibitor.1975Jrnl. Clin. Microbiol. I. 90/2 The satellite growth of Haemophilus species around a colony of Staphylococcus can be attributed not only to NAD but also to catalase, which is produced by staphylococci.
11. Molecular Biol. A portion of the DNA of a genome distinguished from the rest of the genome by its distinctive base composition and density. Freq. attrib.
1961S. Kit in Jrnl. Molecular Biol. III. 711 The mean buoyant densities of the principal and the satellite mouse DNA bands were 1·701 and 1·690 g cm-3, respectively.1962Ibid. IV. 439 Calf thymus satellite was found at the same position in each of three different DNA preparations isolated from thymus tissue obtained from different animals.1970New Scientist 27 Aug. 406/1 Discovered originally in the mouse, where it constitutes some 10 per cent of the total DNA in each cell of the animal, satellite DNA can be distinguished from the rest by its different density, and by the fact that it apparently consists of repeating base sequences—i.e., multiple copies of a given sequence repeated again and again.1977Rees & Jones Chromosome Genetics ii. 22 Exceptional DNA segments may have an unusually high or low G + C content. When plotted, these fractions appear as heavy or light satellites respectively at the tails of the ‘main-band’ DNA. Heavy satellites are found in the guinea pig and in human DNA. Light satellites..are less common.
12. Used attrib. to designate a computer or computer terminal distant from, but connected to and serving, a main computer.
1966C. J. Sippl Computer Dict. & Handbk. 278 As a satellite system the real-time system relieves the larger system of time consuming input and output functions as well as performing preprocessing and postprocessing functions.1970O. Dopping Computers & Data Processing vi. 95 Input data in cards or paper tape are converted to magnetic tape by the satellite computer.1971E. F. Schoeters in B. de Ferranti Living with Computer viii. 68 The way in which their huge networks of small satellite computers, or calculating terminals, connected to big machines in London behave..will show just how much more work has to be done.
13. attrib. and Comb., as (sense 2 c) satellite camera, satellite communication(s), satellite killer, satellite launcher, satellite navigation, satellite observatory, satellite programme, satellite-tracking; satellite-borne adj.; satellite-to-home adj. phr.; (sense 6) satellite city, satellite community, satellite country, satellite government, satellite nation, satellite state, satellite town, satellite township; satellite airfield, an airfield auxiliary to and serving, if necessary, as a substitute for a larger airfield; satellite broadcasting, broadcasting in which the signal is transmitted via an artificial satellite; spec. = direct broadcasting by satellite s.v. direct a. 6 i; satellite photo(graph), a photograph taken from an artificial satellite; so satellite photography; satellite picture, a satellite photograph; satellite station, (a) an artificial satellite; spec. (see quot. 1950); (b) a secondary radio station which receives and retransmits programmes, so as to improve local reception; satellite telescope, a telescope in orbit beyond the range of atmospheric distortion; satellite television, television in which the signal is transmitted via an artificial satellite.
1941F. H. Joseph Lett. Home from Brit. at War (1942) 38 Clear skies over West Raynham's *satellite airfield, Massingham.1951O. Berthond tr. P. Clostermann's Big Show i. 20 We spent the last three weeks of our training at Montford Bridge, a small satellite airfield lost in the hills.1968Wall St. Jrnl. 25 Sept. 36/1 Flight delays at World Chamberlain and the satellite airfields are almost non-existent.
1962W. B. Thompson Introd. Plasma Physics i. 4 Recently, rocket- and *satellite-borne counters have detected belts of energetic radiation, electrons and ions, high above the earth's atmosphere.1974Sci. Amer. June 132/2 Within less than a decade the bulk of trans⁓oceanic telephony (and all transoceanic television) has become satellite-borne.
1964M. McLuhan Understanding Media xxv. 252 [Man's] central nervous system..is now approaching an extension of consciousness with *satellite broadcasting.1984Listener 8 Mar. 2/1 Barry Fox tries to make sense of the current debate about satellite broadcasting.1987Sunday Tel. 22 Feb. 23/7 Cotton spent the next two years working on the BBC's plans, now effectively shelved, for satellite broadcasting.
1963*Satellite camera [see satellite picture below].1966P. O'Donnell Sabre-Tooth xiv. 185 The end of the journey..was on neutral ground, in an area where spy-plane or satellite cameras would never seek.
1912G. R. Taylor in Survey (N.Y.) XXIX. 5 Oct. 23/1 Like camp sutlers, the traffickers in demoralization are quick to follow the trail of *satellite cities.1960Washington Post 20 Dec. a14 They urge that the growth of this region from some 4 million to 9 million persons in the remainder of this century be organized in a pattern of some 50 new satellite cities, each of 75,000 to 150,000 population. A dozen of them would fill the corridor between Baltimore and Washington.1977New Yorker 13 June 94/2 The new Taichung port..is to include a separate satellite city.
1959J. H. Straubel et al. Space Weapons 243 (Index), *Satellite communication.1960Signal XIV. 32/1 A means of communication is needed that will immediately provide several hundred channels linking key cities throughout the world. This requirement will be filled by a satellite communication system.1961Times Rev. Industry Feb. 26/3 Last autumn a team of British experts visited the United States to discuss with their opposite numbers the feasibility of establishing a satellite communications system.1964Economist 1 Aug. 481/2 Complex legal controversies arising from satellite communications systems.
1946Nature 13 July 39/2 The Manchester request for compulsory powers to buy land for the creation of *satellite communities.1970R. Stavenhagen in I. L. Horowitz Masses in Lat. Amer. vii. 254 Not only in the city but also in the ‘satellite communities’ is commerce usually in Ladino hands.
1956Times 7 Feb. 8/5 Dropping leaflets over the *satellite countries..was begun by Radio Free Europe in April, 1954.1969A. G. Frank Latin Amer. (1970) i. 4 Relations between the satellite underdeveloped and the now developed metropolitan countries.1976B. Freemantle November Man iv. 43 The Americans actually believe we [sc. the Russians] are going to withdraw all our troops from the satellite countries.
1949Koestler Promise & Fulfilment i. xii. 133 Experts of the Foreign Office..tried to set up a puppet Jewish Agency as a kind of *satellite Government.
1977Guardian Weekly 2 Oct. 15/2 A new weapon that could destroy Soviet satellites in space... Vought is expected to have a battle version of the *satellite killer ready to test in space in about two years.1977Time 17 Oct. 32/1 The U.S. will now emphasize efforts to design an American satellite killer to defend against the Soviet version.
1959Daily Tel. 2 July 5/5 This *satellite launcher is about 110 ft long and 15 in in diameter at the base.1961New Scientist 19 Jan. 133/1 Several of these countries will discuss the specific proposal for the development of a satellite-launcher based on Blue Streak.
1916C. M. Meredith tr. F. Naumann's Central Europe vi. 180 What is meant by a *satellite nation..? We might also say a planet State. Such States have their own life.1956E. E. Cummings Let. 26 Nov. (1969) 253 Urging (via night & day broadcasts) the socalled satellite nations to revolt from colossal Russia.
1967Oceanogr. & Marine Biol. V. 145 In February 1965 Atlantis II returned to the area to carry out a hydrographic and coring survey of this area using a *satellite navigation system and ship-board computer for the location of this small area.1975Offshore Progress—Technol. & Costs (Shell Briefing Service) 7 With satellite navigation, however, the rig can fix its own position by computer, processing signals received from orbiting satellites.
1953J. N. Leonard Flight into Space 159 They suspect that the human intellect is approaching a boundary of mystery which its present tools cannot penetrate. Some of them feel that the *satellite observatory may be the necessary tool.
1976H. Kemelman Wednesday the Rabbi got Wet xii. 61 The noon broadcast had been almost entirely devoted to..Hurricane Betsy. There were..*satellite photos of the eastern coast.
1963Van Dijk & Rutherford in Wexler & Caskey Rocket & Satellite Meteorol. 305 *Satellite photographs were obtained of a cut-off low over southeast Australia.1977A. Hallam Planet Earth 43 (caption) A satellite photograph of the Andes.
1971P. O'Donnell Impossible Virgin v. 107 I'll have it checked by our own Map Section... There's something there which is detectable by *satellite photography.
1963Van Dijk & Rutherford in Wexler & Caskey Rocket & Satellite Meteorol. 305 Facility in interpretation of meteorological *satellite pictures can best be achieved by exercises in which clouds of known type and distribution are charted and compared with pictures of the same cloud taken by satellite camera.1977L. P. White Aerial Photogr. & Remote Sensing for Soil Survey vii. 73 Early examination of coverage of this kind did, however, serve to indicate the possibility of using automatic satellite pictures for purposes other than meteorology and oceanology.
1959Daily Tel. 13 May 1 Britain has decided to take the essential steps to enable scientists here to participate in a *satellite programme.
1916C. M. Meredith tr. F. Naumann's Central Europe vi. 181 Round about the *satellite States there still exists a certain mass of unorganised national material.1943Ann. Reg. 1942 176 Their [sc. Pan-Germans'] plan was that Germany..should carve out in the Danube basin several satellite states.1950Sun (Baltimore) 17 July 11/2 Fortifications toughening the ragged western borders of central Europe's satellite states.1976Survey Summer–Autumn 41 Here was the authentic voice of the unconscious Western desire to believe that the satellite states of the Soviet Union were free.
1945Wireless World Oct. 306 (caption) Three *satellite stations would ensure complete [radio] coverage of the globe.1950W. Proell Handbk. Space Flight 174 Satellite station, synonym for space station... Space station, a habitable vehicle placed in a satellite orbit around a planetary body, for use in refueling of space ships, communications relaying, or military use.1954E. Pangborn Mirror for Observers (1955) i. i. 21, I understand men will have their first satellite station in a very short time, four or five years.1959Times Lit. Suppl. 30 Oct. 631/4 The cost of building a moon rocket at a satellite station, including the fuel of the rockets carrying the materials, he estimates as {pstlg}40m.1959Proc. Inst. Electr. Engineers V. 416/1 A number of low-power satellite stations are therefore planned... They will be designed to..pick up signals from an existing B.B.C. station and retransmit them on a different channel for local reception.Ibid., The B.B.C.'s plan for extending and improving the coverage of the television service and of..sound services on v.h.f. by building low-power satellite stations in various parts of the country.1962Rep. Comm. Broadcasting 1960 197 in Parl. Papers 1961–2 (Cmnd. 1753) IX. 259 It is possible to provide low-powered relay stations..to extend coverage still further... These satellite stations..have been planned as a stage by stage project.
1951J. P. Marbarger Space Med. 26 If we turn such a *satellite telescope to the outer reaches of the universe, the planets and the stars, we shall find observation conditions which no terrestrial observatory could equal.1960Aeroplane XCIX. 358/1 It turns out that this is a design study into a stabilised platform for a small satellite telescope.1966B.B.C. Handbk. 53 The BBC's first *satellite television transmissions were shown in 1962.1971L. Koppett N.Y. Times Guide Spectator Sports xii. 194 Satellite television.
1967Economist 1 July 32/2 What about lasers? What about direct *satellite-to-home broadcasting?.. Perhaps the only way in which the federal government could expect to keep abreast of the developments in communications technologies would be to set up a Department of Communication.1973Computers & Humanities VII. 226 The uses of such wonders as switched data networks, computer terminals, mobile radio transceivers, and satellite-to-home-receiver television transmission.
1925C. B. Purdom (title) The building of *satellite towns.1929Times 17 July 17/6 Since neither complete decentralization nor the proposal to ‘departmentalize’ the government of Greater Paris is found to give general satisfaction, the system of ‘satellite towns’ has been suggested as a way out.1933Archit. Rev. LXXIV. 166/2 The proposed formation of a ring of satellite towns around the immediate radius of London.1946F. J. Osborn Green Belt Cities I. 182 Satellite Town. This term was first used in Great Britain in 1919 as an alternative description of Welwyn Garden City... Some planning writers have thoughtlessly renewed the old confusion by using the term Satellite Town to describe an Industrial Garden Suburb. It is better reserved for a Garden City or country town, at a moderate distance from a large city, but physically separated from that city by a Country Belt.1955Sci. Amer. Jan. 40/3 As population continues to move from cities out to ever more distant suburbs and satellite towns [etc.].
1971Rand Daily Mail 27 Mar. 3/7 A giant new *satellite township near Pretoria..will provide housing..for about 200 000 White people.
1958A. Budrys in Aldiss & Harrison Decade 1950s (1976) 68 I'm assigned to the *satellite-tracking station.1969Listener 20 Feb. 233/2 Satellite tracking is not as easy as it appears.
14. attrib. passing into adj. That is a satellite to something else; subsidiary, subordinate; associated; ancillary.
1892B. Potter Jrnl. 8 Aug. (1966) 245 We..found the thirteen or fourteen vans drawn up in the town square, and covered with a tarpaulin, with several satellite peep shows.1923N. Shaw Forecasting Weather v. 115 Two detached secondary or satellite depressions.1931Economist 17 Oct. 699/1 The Indian currency and..the various ‘satellite’ currencies of the Crown Colonies and Possessions.1939Oxoniensia IV. 13 Post-holes 1.., 3 and 6 were also provided with from two to four satellite sockets and slots for supports.1949Caribbean Q. I. iii. 43 A central model farm..would carry on intensive dairy farming... The satellite farms would be run by skilled farmers.1957Observer 8 Sept. 7/3 When fashion makes a decisive move innumerable satellite trades are affected.1965B. Sweet-Escott Baker St. Irregular iii. 77 This was to be their home for the next four years and became in due course surrounded by a series of satellite premises.1967Boston Sunday Globe 23 Apr. (Mag.) 33/1 Satellite clinics for children and pregnant mothers..run jointly by several Harvard affiliated hospitals and the City of Boston.1969Wall St. Jrnl. 1 Dec. 9/1 Pan Am..is trying to sell passengers on use of the ‘satellite’ terminal facilities around the New York metropolitan area.1972Accountant 26 Oct. 518/2 Satellite reports, or supplementary reports, would be prepared for the particular interests of particular users.1976NBR Marketplace (Wellington, N.Z.) iii. 37/2 The satellite seminar was joined by dozens of doctors and nurses.1976Offshore Engineer July 20/3 A cluster of 10 wells with four satellite wells for water and gas injection.

Add:[13.] satellite dish (*dish n. 4 b).
1978Washington Post 3 May c8 Services that can be performed by improved television sets or by translators linked to *satellite dishes.1985Investors Chron. 8 Nov. 88/3 A guide to the equipment in question is the 18 foot satellite dish installed by BT in conjunction with American Telephone and Telegraph, linking Bedford with Dallas.1989Japan Times 15 May 17/5 Huge garden (over 100 sq. m.), satellite dish, garage, 138 sq.m.

satellite phone n. = satellite telephone n. at Additions.
[1972Washington Post 2 June c8 (headline) Satellite phone link.]1982Sports Illustr. 9 Aug. 17 They had a *satellite phone on board..so I called in every night to find out how the Braves did.2002India Weekly 2 Aug. 30/1 Guerrillas..have initiated a move to acquire state-of-the-art satellite phones of Chinese origin to improve their communications.

satellite telephone n. a telephone that transmits its signal via a geostationary communications satellite, thus enabling a call to be made from any location.
1968N.Y. Times 20 Dec. 17/3 Intelsat 3, the new commercial communications satellite..will more than double trans-Atlantic *satellite telephone and television channels.1980U.S. News & World Rep. 29 Sept. 36/2 On many occasions, for example, Carter speaks via satellite telephone directly with Egypt's President Anwar Sadat.2003Daily Tel. 28 May 3/3 The battery on his satellite telephone went dead, leaving him with only a signal beacon as a means of contact with his team.
II. satellite, v.|ˈsætɪlaɪt|
[f. prec.]
1. intr. To orbit like a satellite.
1959IRE Trans. Military Electronics III. 62/2 Mission periods of the order of one year (including a brief period..of satelliting about the target planet).
2. trans. To transmit by way of a communications satellite.
1974Listener 14 Dec. 826 The telephone woke me. It was Peter Lynch, our contact in Tel Aviv (from where our film was being satellited).1976A. Davis Television iv. 50 During the war in Cyprus in 1974, film shot by British cameramen was flown to Tel Aviv where it was processed, then satellited to Rome, where it was fed into the Eurovision network.1978Broadcast 23 Oct. 5/1 BBC TV News reporter Bob Friend..satellited the pictures to London from Tai Pei.




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