

单词 satisfaction
释义 satisfaction|sætɪsˈfækʃən|
Forms: 4–8 satis-, 4–6 satys-; 4 -facciun, 4–7 -faccion, 4–5 -fac(c)ioun, -faccio(u)n, 5 -faccyo(u)n, -facion, -faccione, (-faccoun), 5–7 -factioun, 6 -faccyon, -factyon; 5– satisfaction.
[a. F. satisfaction (12th c. satisfactiun, 13th c. satisfacion, -fecion) = Pr. satisfactio, Sp. satisfaccion, Pg. satisfacção, It. satisfazione, soddisfazione, ad. L. satisfactiōn-em, n. of action f. satisfacĕre to satisfy.]
The action of satisfying; the state or fact of being satisfied.
I. With reference to obligations.
1. a. The payment in full of a debt, or the fulfilment of an obligation or claim; the atoning for (rarely of) an injury, offence, or fault by reparation, compensation, or the endurance of punishment. Also quasi-concr., the pecuniary or other gift or penalty, or the act, by which a debt or obligation is discharged or an offence atoned for. Phrases, to make (or do) satisfaction; in satisfaction (of). Now chiefly in Law.[The sense is found earlier in legal AF.: e.g.1306Rolls of Parlt. I. 212/1 Quil ne purroient a nul temps de ce faire suffisauntz amendes ne due satisfaction.] c1400Destr. Troy 5017 Angers me full euyll your angard desyre, When ye couet..Satisfaccioun to be sent fro my selfe euyn, Syn ye are cause of þis care.c1420? Lydg. Assembly of Gods 221 Beholde how the teares from hys eyen go. Hit ys satysfaccion half for hys trespase.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) V. 5 ‘My successor schalle iugge and do to the satisfaccion.’ The wedowe seide, ‘What schalle that profite the and if thy successour do satisfaccion for me’.1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 1 In satisfaccoun & recompence of myne Inyquytees.1480Coventry Leet-bk. 431 That the seid Chamberleyns shuld in recompense & satisfaccion of their seid disobeysaunce..bryng [etc.].1531Test. Ebor. (Surtees) VI. 24, xl s...in satisfaction of a distres that I toke of hyr.1563Homilies ii. Repentance ii. 287 b, Zacheus..was most wyllyng..to make satisfaction vnto all them, that he hadde doone iniurie and wrong vnto.1602Shakes. Ham. iv. v. 209 If by direct or by Colaterall hand They finde vs touch'd, we will our Kingdome giue,..and all that we call Ours To you in satisfaction.1602Marston Ant. & Mel. iii. Wks. 1856 I. 43, I would be glad to make you satisfaction, if I have wronged you.1621H. Elsing Debates Ho. Lords (Camden) 86 Fyne, 10,000 marks;..publique satisfaccion of his faulte by submission and acknowledgement thereof.a1651Calderwood Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) II. 303 Mr. Patrik Creigh..was ordeaned to make satisfaction in the kirk of Edinburgh two severall Sabboth dayes,..for celebrating marriage..without proclamatioun of bannes.1659Milton Civ. Power 63 Who by subjecting us to his punishment in these things, brings back into religion that law of terror and satisfaction, belonging now only to civil crimes.1660Marvell Corr. Wks. (Grosart) II. 25 The Excise of Forain Commodityes is to be continued apart untill satisfaction of publick debts and ingagements secured upon the Excise.1667in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 52 Sir Robert..is indebted to your petitioner in {pstlg}320 by bond, but..utterly refuseth to give your petitioner satisfaction.1667Milton P.L. iii. 212 Unless for him Som other able, and as willing, pay The rigid satisfaction, death for death.1683Brit. Spec. 46 He..himself escaped Shipwrack, and received Satisfaction for his Losses out of the publick Treasury.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 313 The Captain..promised to have the fellows punished, and satisfaction to be made.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) I. 215 A devise of an annuity to the wife..has been held not to be in satisfaction of dower.1845Polson in Encycl. Metrop. II. 796/1 The party injured may agree to accept a certain sum or other thing as a compensation—an arrangement technically styled accord and satisfaction.1848Thackeray Van. Fair ix, He had a savage pleasure in making the poor wretches [his creditors] wait, and in shifting from court to court and from term to term the period of satisfaction.1875Maine Hist. Inst. ix. 262 ‘Distress’—its primary object is to compel the person against whom it is properly employed to make satisfaction.
b. In particularized use: An act of compensation or amends; an amount paid in compensation; a penalty. Now rare.
c1440Alphabet of Tales 281 He..made hur to hafe a due satisfaccion for hur hurte.1598Bacon Sacr. Medit., Exalt. Charitie Ess. (Arb.) 107 The seconde degree is to pardon our enemies, though they persist and without satisfactions and submissions.1603Dekker & Chettle Grissil iv. iii. (Shaks. Soc.) 75 Grissil's two babes are dead, and kill'd by scorn, But that fair issue, that shall now be born, Shall make a satisfaction of all wrongs.1609B. Jonson Sil. Wom. iv. v, Thinke vpon some satisfaction, or termes to offer him.c1622Ford, etc. Witch Edmonton i. i, I cannot request a fuller satisfaction Then you have freely granted.1649Milton Eikon. ii. 21 We may well perceave to what easie satisfactions and purgations he had inur'd his secret conscience.1766Blackstone Comm. II. 406 The mere mechanical operation of writing, for which it directed the scribe to receive a satisfaction.
c. Law. to enter (up) satisfaction: to place on the record of a court a statement that the payment ordered by it has been duly made. So entry of satisfaction.
1782J. Impey Pract. King's Bench 378 Entry of Satisfaction. If satisfaction is made of a judgment, a warrant of attorney should be given to the attorney by the plaintiff..to enter up satisfaction on record.1828Archbold Forms & Entries (ed. 2) 276 Whereas I, the said John Nokes, have received satisfaction for the same [damages and costs]: These are therefore to desire and authorize you..to acknowledge and enter satisfaction upon the record of the said judgment.
2. Eccl. (The earliest recorded use in Eng.) The performance by a penitent of the penal and meritorious acts enjoined by his confessor as payment of the temporal punishment due to his sin: the last of the constituent parts of the sacrament of penance. Cf. deedbote. (Phrases as in 1.)
a1300Cursor M. 28620 For it mai be na penance right Bot man him pain to bete his plight, Þat satisfaccion es cald, And þis parti it es thrid-fald, In almus, fastyng, and orisun.Ibid. 29121 Generali nu haf i tald Þe pointes þat ar for to hald Til ilk sinful þat es bun For to do satisfacciun.a1340Hampole Psalter cxviii. 118 Þai will syn and will noght make satisfaccioun til god.1340Ayenb. 32 Nele arere þet heued to gode be zorȝe ne grede harou be ssrifte ne arere þe honden be satisfacioun [gloss c 1400 dedbote].1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xiv. 94 Satisfaccioun..as it neuere had ybe to nouȝt bryngeth dedly synne.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋955. c 1400 Jacob's Well xxix. 189 Satysfaccyoun is, to fulfylle þi penaunce, enioyned of þe preest, & to pay þi dettys to qwyke & dede & to holy cherche, & to restore, þat þou hast falsely gett, to makyn amendys for þi wrongys & þe harmys, þat þou hast don, & no more to turne aȝen to þi synne.1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye 99 Thre partes of penaunce, that ys contrycyon, confessyon, and satysfaccion.1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xli. (Percy Soc.) 204 With dame Contricion, which gan to bewayle My synnes great with hole repentaunce, And Satisfaccion without any fayle.1563Homilies ii. Repentance ii. 286 Judas..did also make a certain kynde of satisfaction [as well as his confession], when he did cast their money vnto them againe.1579Tomson Calvin's Serm. Tim. 16/2 The Papistes holde, that we must get Paradise by our desartes, and what wanteth we must supplie by our satisfactions.a1600Hooker Eccl. Pol. vi. v. §6 Amongst the works of satisfaction, the most respected have been alwayes these three, Prayers, Fasts, and Almes deeds.1725tr. Dupin's Eccl. Hist. 17th. C. i. vi. i. 217 He [Melancthon] does not believe that Confession and Satisfaction are necessary.1885Cath. Dict. (ed. 3) s.v. Penance (4) The penitential discipline of the early Church witnesses to the belief that satisfaction by penitential works is necessary in itself, and is required as a part of the sacrament of penance.
3. Theol. The atonement made by Christ for sin, according to the view that His sufferings and merits are accepted by the Divine justice as an equivalent for the penalty due for the sins of the world. So doctrine of satisfaction. Occas. said of Christ himself as the victim by whose sacrifice the satisfaction was made.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. II. 282 And so, siþ Crist is God and man, satisfaccioun for þis synne þat he made þus freli is better þan oþer þat man or angel myȝt make.1542Becon Potation for Lent E vij, Christ alone is the omnisufficient satysfaccion for all oure synnes vnto God the father.1549Latimer Serm. Ploughers (Arb.) 33 By hym selfe and by none other, Chryste made purgacion and satisfaction for the whole worlde.1563Homilies ii. Repentance i. 276 b, For he alone dyd with the sacrifice of his body and blod make satisfaction vnto the Iustice of god for our sinnes.1630Prynne Anti-Armin. 158 Which cooperates and concurres with the aduocation and satisfaction of Iesus.1643Milton Divorce ii. vii. Wks. 1851 IV. 78 The prime end of the Gospel is not so much to exact our obedience, as to reveal grace and the satisfaction of our disobedience.1657Treat. Conf. Sin 314 There is a propitiatory satisfaction, which is Christ Jesus, for our sins and the sins of the whole world.1696Stillingfl. (title) A Discourse concerning the Doctrine of Christ's Satisfaction.1741Watts Improv. Mind i. v. §3 And some writers for the Trinity and Satisfaction of Christ have exposed themselves and the sacred doctrine by their feeble and foolish manner of handling it.1872J. G. Murphy Comm. Lev. v. Introd., In satisfaction..the mediator renders a perfect obedience to the law, and the penitent sinner who relies on his good offices is justified or accepted and treated as righteous.
4. a. The opportunity of satisfying one's honour by a duel; the acceptance of a challenge to a duel from the person who deems himself insulted or injured. Chiefly in phrases, to give satisfaction, demand satisfaction.
1602Earl of Northumberland in Collins Peerage (1779) II. 410 Seeke not by fryvelous shiftes to dyverte this course of satisfaction.1611Shakes. Cymb. ii. i. 16, I gaue him satisfaction? would he had bin one of my Ranke.1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 190 The English Gentleman, with mature deliberation, disputeth how farre his honour is ingaged, by the injury offered, and judiciously determineth his manner of satisfaction, according to the quality of the offence.1709Steele Tatler No. 25 ⁋5 It is called Giving a Man Satisfaction, to urge your Offence against him with your Sword.1724De Foe Mem. Cavalier (1840) 180 He was ready to give him satisfaction.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. 24 Apr. (1815) 36 If he thinks himself injured, he knows where to come for satisfaction.1802C. James Milit. Dict. s.v., When an officer or other person goes out to fight with one whom he has offended, or by whom he has been offended, he is said to give or take satisfaction.—Hence to demand satisfaction is tantamount to challenge, &c.—To call to account.1834Medwin Angler in Wales II. xxvi. 152 If it prove so, and you will give me your card, I will see that you shall shortly have the satisfaction you require.1843Miall in Nonconf. III. 489 The satisfaction consists in giving to the offender a chance of becoming either a murderer or murdered.
b. to give oneself satisfaction: to be avenged on an offender. Obs.
1684Dryden tr. Maimbourg's Hist. League 163 Who dar'd not to arrest any of them singly, the two remaining being at liberty, and in condition to give themselves satisfaction on the Aggressours.
II. With reference to desires or feelings.
5. a. The action of gratifying (an appetite or desire) to the full, or of contenting (a person) by the complete fulfilment of a desire or supply of a want; the fact of having been gratified to the full or of having one's desire fulfilled. Phrases, to the satisfaction of; to give satisfaction.
The first quot. is a mere literalism from the Vulgate, and the translator prob. attached no definite meaning to the word. One MS. adds the gloss ‘or a covenable ansuere’.
1382Wyclif Lev. x. 20 The which thing whanne Moyses hadde herde, he resseyuede satysfaccioun [Vulg. recepit satisfactionem; Heb. lit. ‘and Moses heard, and it was good in his eyes’].1538Starkey England ii. i. 146 Though nature hath gyuen to man..natural inclynatyon to hys increse; yet, bycause man ys only borne to cyuylyte and polytyke rule, therfore he may not, wythout ordur or respecte, study to the satysfactyon of thys natural affecte.1603Shakes. Meas. for M. iii. i. 275 If for this night he intreat you to his bed, giue him promise of satisfaction.c1622Fletcher Prophetess ii. ii, Hate to vow'd enemies findes a full satisfaction in death.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exempt. §1. 14 When the Blessed Virgin was so ascertained, that she should be a Mother and a Maid,..then all her hopes and all her desires received such satisfaction, as filled all the corners of her heart.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacræ iii. iv. §1 For the satisfaction of our curiosity as to the true Origine of Nations.1690Norris Beatitudes (1694) I. 90 The Desire of Happiness is not absolutely secure of Satisfaction, but only upon Condition.1771Junius Lett. xlix. (1788) 265 The profound respect I bear to the gracious Prince who governs this country with no less honour to himself than satisfaction to his subjects.1860Tyndall Glac. i. xxiii. 168 My guide..did his duty entirely to my satisfaction.1880McCarthy Own Times xl. III. 219 The difficulty was settled to the satisfaction of everyone.1894S. R. Bottone Electr. Instr. Making (ed. 6) 191 This having been effected to the operator's satisfaction, he turns his attention once again..to the glass bulb.
b. Satisfied or contented state of mind; now usually, gratification or pleasure occasioned by some fact, event, or state of things. Const. at, with, of; also followed by that with clause expressing the cause.
1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 7 The grettest richesse is satisfacion of the herte.a1627Sir J. Beaumont Miserable St. Man 4 His whole felicity is endlesse strife, No peace, no satisfaction, crownes his life.1612Shelton Quix. i. iv. (1620) 27 Who..did trauell towards his village, with very great satisfaction of himselfe.1648Gage West Ind. 103, I had not very great satisfaction of the whole Family.1711Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to Mr. W. M. 24 Mar., Nothing touches me with satisfaction but what touches my heart.1744Life & Adv. M. Bishop 147, I was as happy in my Station, and enjoyed as much Peace and Satisfaction in my own Breast, as possibly the Duke of Marlborough could in his.1749Fielding Tom Jones xvii. v, Mrs. Miller expressed great satisfaction in these declarations.Ibid. ix, Jones expressed the utmost satisfaction at the account.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xix. II. 151 Sapor..expressed his satisfaction that his brother, Constantius Cæsar, had been taught wisdom by adversity.1797–8Jane Austen Sense & Sens. xliii, All within Elinor's breast was satisfaction, silent and strong.1834J. H. Newman Par. Serm. I. vi. 88 Is it not the way of men to dwell with satisfaction on their good deeds, particularly, when for some reason or other, their conscience smites them?1879S. C. Bartlett Egypt to Pal. xxiv. 480 The satisfaction of the traveller at Nazareth comes from the presence of those natural objects and scenes which alone remain unchanged.
c. A particular instance of satisfaction; an experience, fact, or circumstance that occasions gratification.
1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. i. 88, I could earnestly have wished the Door had been open that I might have gone in..; but I had not that satisfaction.1692R. L'Estrange Fables lxviii. 68 A Freedom,..not to be Parted with for All the Sensual Satisfactions under the Sun.1712Steele Spect. No. 423 ⁋2 Gloriana has very good Sense, a quick Relish of the Satisfactions of Life.1716Addison Freeholder No. 9 ⁋3 You own it would be a great Satisfaction to you to be placed upon the Throne by our Endeavours.1719De Foe Crusoe i. (Globe) 112, I cannot express what a Satisfaction it was to me, to come into my old Hutch.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1824) I. 1 Human curiosity..gives higher satisfactions than what even the senses can afford.1869J. D. Baldwin Preh. Nations ii. (1877) 26 It has undoubtedly furnished many satisfactions to those whose calling did not afford a more profitable occupation.1883H. Spencer in Contemp. Rev. XLIII. 8 The savage thinks only of present satisfactions, and leaves future satisfactions uncared for.
d. bad satisfaction: dissatisfaction, dissatisfying result. Obs.
1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. i. xxxix. 81 Amongst all these bad satisfactions, nothing distasted..the Nobility more, then the severe Magistracy of the Censors.Ibid., Polit. Touchstone 414 Flanders..was there⁓fore begun to be governed by forreiners, with such jealousies,..which ingendered those ill humors, and gave that bad satisfaction, which was the rise of the civil war that insued.
e. Psychol. The satisfying of a need or desire as it affects or motivates behaviour.
1911E. L. Thorndike Animal Intelligence vi. 244 The Law of Effect is that: Of several responses made to the same situation, those which are accompanied or closely followed by satisfaction to the animal will..be more firmly connected with the situation, so that when it recurs, they will be more likely to recur.1922R. S. Woodworth Psychol. xix. 488 Dancing also gives a chance for muscular activity which is obviously one source of satisfaction in the more active games.1951J. M. Fraser Psychol. xiv. 161 Another group of satisfactions can be drawn, not perhaps from the work itself, but from the surroundings in which it is carried out.1966Katz & Kahn Social Psychol. of Organizations xii. 363 If there is one confirmed finding in all the studies of worker morale and satisfaction, it is the correlation between the variety and challenge of the job and the gratifications which accrue to workers.1976R. H. Moos Human Context viii. 265 Once workers feel competent with the transition, they often report long term gains in satisfaction or morale.
6. a. ‘Release from suspense, uncertainty, or uneasiness’ (J.); information that answers a person's demands or needs; removal of doubt, conviction. Phrase, to (a person's) satisfaction.
in heavy satisfaction: in sorrowful acceptance of the truth.
1586Marlowe 1st Pt. Tamburl. ii. iii. 5 What think'st thou, man, shall come of our attempts? For, even as from assured oracle, I take thy doom for satisfaction.1601Shakes. All's Well v. iii. 100 But when I..inform'd her fully, I could not answer in that course of Honour As she had made the ouerture, she ceast In heauie satisfaction, and would neuer Receiue the Ring againe.1601Jul. C. ii. ii. 73 Cæ s. The cause is in my Will, I will not come, That is enough to satisfie the Senate. But for your priuate satisfaction, Because I loue you, I will let you know.1615Crooke Body of Man 270 Because these things are some⁓what obscure, we referre you for further satisfaction to the Controuersies next ensuing.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacræ ii. x. §10. 359 Thus abundantly to the satisfaction of the minds of all good men hath God given the highest rational evidence of the truth of the doctrine which he hath revealed to the world.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 43 Prove it to my satisfaction.1833H. Martineau Brooke Farm xi, I made my retreat, and was obliged to wait till the afternoon for further satisfaction.1862Bagehot Lit. Stud. (1878) II. 404 An offence not proved to the ‘satisfaction of the Court’ escapes the judgement of the Court.
b. Satisfying proof. Obs.
1601Ld. Mountjoy Let. in Moryson Itin. (1617) ii. 123 Hereafter I doubt not but to give you satisfaction that I am not worthy of this wrong.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. vii. 26 In naturall Philosophy..it carryeth but slender consideration, for that also proceeding from setled principles, therein is expected a satisfaction from scientificall progressions, and such as beget, a sure and rationall beleefe.1722De Foe Plague (1754) 249, I have had very good Satisfaction, that it was utterly false.
c. Solution (of a difficulty). Obs.
a1547Coverdale Fruitf. Less. (1593) Mm 2, But this satisfaction concerning drunkennes,..is made with all meeknes, and yet with sinceritie and stedfastnes, not lordly, or braggingly, although he [sc. Peter] was highly endewed with the holy Ghost.1650Fuller Pisgah ii. iv. 103 But seeing they [sc. commentators] professe their calling to be a satisfaction of difficulties, it is in them an unexcusable lazinesse.
III. 7. attrib., satisfaction-money, money paid in satisfaction; satisfaction note Insurance, an acknowledgement of satisfaction with repairs made to a car signed by one claiming repair costs from an insurance company; satisfaction piece Law, a formal acknowledgement given by one who has received satisfaction of a mortgage or judgement, to authorize the entry of such satisfaction on the record; satisfaction theory Theol. = doctrine of satisfaction (see sense 3).
1868Bp. S. Wilberforce in R. G. Wilberforce Life (1882) III. x. 280 That the *satisfaction-money for vested rights should be in a common fund.
1971Reader's Digest Family Guide to Law 533/1 When repairs [to a car] are finished, the policy-holder is usually asked to sign a *satisfaction note... Before signing, inspect the vehicle carefully and, if possible, take it for a test drive.1973Times 15 Dec. 19/7 Normally you will have to sign a ‘satisfaction note’ for the repairers before you can regain possession of your car after it has been repaired.
1782J. Impey Pract. King's Bench 378 *Satisfaction piece.188748th Deputy Kpr. Rep. 628 The Satisfaction Pieces of the Court of Common Pleas do not differ in any essential feature from those of the Court of Queen's Bench.
1932*Satisfaction theory [see Anselmic a.].1969Dict. Christian Theol. 23/1 Anselm..in his work Cur Deus Homo?,..interpreted the doctrine [of atonement] in terms of the ‘satisfaction’ or ‘juridical’ theory.




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