

单词 pungar
释义 I. pung, n.1 Obs. rare.
[OE. pung = NFris. pung, MLG. punge, MDu. pong, pungh, LG., Du. dial. pung, Flem. ponk; OHG. *pfung, fung (in scazfung); ON. pungr (Sw., Da. pung); Goth. pugg-s a purse; cf. also med.L. punga, med.Gr. πουγγή, πουγγίον a purse. See bung n.2, and spung.]
A purse.
c725Corpus Gloss. 391 Cassidele, pung.13..K. Alis. 1728, Y have the y-sent,..with gold a litel punge [so also Laud MS.], For thow hast yeris yonge.
II. pung, n.2 (v.1) N. Amer.|pʌŋ|
[Shortened from tom-pung, or (?) tow-pung, corruptions of an Indian word akin to Chippeway odãbãn, odãbãnak, Montagnais utãpãn, Abnaki udanbangan ‘instrument for drawing’ or ‘that on which something is drawn’, the rude sledge on which Indians transport their goods. The same word in a northern Algonkin dialect has given the Canadian tarbogin, tarbognay, whence toboggan.
See Trumball in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 1872, 25; Klein in Herrig's Archiv. 1876, LV. 455.]
a. A one-horse sleigh or sledge used in New England; also, a toboggan. (Loosely applied also to a two-horse sleigh.) Also attrib.
[1798Dennie's Farmer's Museum, Roxbury..that famed town which sends to Boston Mart The gliding Tom Pung and the rattling cart.]1840Longfellow in Life (1891) I. 359, I drove on to Hartford, sitting on top of the mail-bags, which were piled in an uncovered pung.1851F. Cooper Pioneers i. 15 note, The ‘pung’, or ‘tow-pung’, which is driven with a pole.1876Forest & Stream 24 Aug. 33/2 The wheeler..wound up by turning the pung upside down in a snowdrift.1886[see clip v.2 7].1908L. M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables xix. 208 Her cousins are coming from Newbridge with a big pung sleigh.1951E. M. Graham My Window looks down East iv. 31, I saw Carl Urlichson bringing home his fishing boat from the shore on sled runners drawn by a big Belgian horse... But I saw more than a boat on a pung.1952E. Buckler Mountain & Valley 171 The pung races on the lake.1953N.Y. Times 24 July 15/7 Carriages, buckboards and wagons were employed and pungs, sleds with box-like bodies, were popular.
b. (See quot.)
1901Scribner's Mag. XXIX. 503/1 This old pung [here = boat: cf. pungy] 'll do to carry home fish in a pinch.
Hence pung v. intr., to ‘coast’ on a sleigh, to toboggan.
1892Howells Mercy i. xii, A gait which..exposed him to the ridicule of such small boys as observed his haste, in their intervals of punging... One who dropped from the runner of a sleigh..jeered him for the awkwardness with which he floundered out of its way in the deep snow.
III. pung, v.2, n.3, and int. Mah Jong.|pʌŋ|
A. v. intr. To take a discarded tile in order to complete a triplet of identical tiles. Also trans.
B. n. A set of three identical tiles; also, the action of the verb.
C. int. The call made by the player performing this action. So ˈpunging vbl. n.
1922R. E. Lindsell Ma-Cheuk or Mah-Jongg 12 A useless domino..is placed face upwards in the middle of the table, and can at once be claimed by any of the other three players who has already a pair or threes of that particular domino. This is called ‘parking’ or ‘punging’.1923J. P. Babcock Rules for Mah-Jongg (ed. 2) ii. 15 Should a tile be discarded and any player have a pair (or three) of this same tile, even though out of his own turn, he may ‘Pung’, that is he says ‘Pung’ and takes this discarded tile, placing it with the pair (or three) from his own hand face up in front of him on the table... A Pung which completes a hand takes precedence over any other Pung.1925B. Travers Mischief v. 86 Louise came in, all fatigued and heated from harbouring red dragons and punging her opponent's wind.1934Neuphilologische Mitteilungen XXXV. 132 Mah-jongg..pung ‘set of..three identical tiles’.1960R. C. Bell Board & Table Games vi. 155 If any of the other three players holds two tiles identical with one just discarded, he may call ‘Pung!’ and take it out of the pool. Only the last discarded piece may be punged.1964E. N. Whitney Mah Jong Handbk. i. iii. 28 If you have a pair in your hand and any player discards an identical tile, you may declare ‘pung’ and claim the discarded tile instead of drawing from the wall.Ibid. 169 Pung, claiming a discard that completes a triplet. After punging, the player must meld his completed triplet.
IV. pung, pungar
obs. ff. punk n.1, punger.




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