

单词 Saturnian
释义 I. Saˈturnian, n.1 Obs.
[ad. eccl. L. Sāturniānus, incorrectly f. Sāturnīnus or Sāturnilus, the name of the founder of the sect.]
An adherent of a sect of Gnostic heretics of the second century.
1598Golburne tr. De Voyon's Catal. Doctors To Rdr. A 8, The Saturnians, Montanists, Origenians, Tertullianists, & Hyeraists.1607T. Rogers 39 Art. i. (1625) 11 Those men which held..that, Christ..was man in appearance onely, as the Manichies..and the Saturnians.
II. Saturnian, a. and n.2|səˈtɜːnɪən|
[f. L. Sāturni-us (f. Sāturn-us Saturn) + -an.]
A. adj.
1. a. Pertaining to the god Saturn.
Chiefly with reference to the ‘golden age’ under the reign of Saturn (L. Saturnia regna). Saturnian land (L. Saturnia tellus), Italy.
1612J. Selden in Drayton Poly-olb. sig. A4, This later age..hath, in our greatest Latine Critiques..so receiued that Saturnian Language, that, to Students in Philology, it is now grown familiar.1640Howell Dodona's Gr. 58 The Saturnian times of Gold let none henceforth admire.1728Pope Dunc. i. 28 Here pleas'd behold her mighty wings outspread To hatch a new Saturnian age of Lead.1820Shelley Œdipus i. i. 174 Through the fortunate Saturnian land, Into the darkness of the West.1827Carlyle Misc. (1857) I. 51 A new social order was to bring back the Saturnian era to the world.1862Longfellow Wayside Inn i. K. Robt. Sicily 106 And now returned again To Sicily the old Saturnian reign.
b. nonce-use. Resembling Saturn (in conduct).
1891F. Thompson Sister-Songs (1895) 55 Ere Saturnian earth her child consumes.
2. The distinctive epithet of the metre (versus Saturnius) used in early Roman poetry, before the introduction of Greek metres.
Although a considerable number of Saturnian lines have been preserved, the nature of the metre is still disputed, some scholars believing it to be quantitative, and others accentual.
1693Dryden Juvenal Introd. (1697) 29 The Romans..had certain Young Men, who at their Festivals Danc'd and Sung after their uncouth manner, to a certain kind of Verse, which they call'd Saturnian.1783T. Wilson Archæol. Dict., Saturnian Verses.1842Macaulay Let. 22 Aug., in Trevelyan Life (1880) II. 119 The Saturnian metre is catalectic dimeter Iambic, followed by three trochees.1894Lindsay Lat. Lang. 159 The Saturnian verse recognizes this secondary accent, if we are right in regarding it as accentual and not quantitative verse, with three accents in the first hemistich and two in the second.
3. a. Of or pertaining to the planet Saturn; due to the baleful influence of Saturn.
1557N. Grimalde in Tottel's Misc. (Arb.) 115 Mauortian moods, Saturnian furies fell.1794G. Adams Nat. & Exp. Philos. iv. xliii. App. 176 But, like the Jovian and Saturnian machines, they are only made from particular orders.1806Herschel in Phil. Trans. XCVI. 466 We may infer the existence of a Saturnian atmosphere.1865Proctor Saturn & Syst. 115 The only possible interpretation of the stability of the Saturnian rings.1922W. B. Yeats Seven Poems & Fragment 6 Stretch out your limbs and sleep a long Saturnian sleep.
b. nonce-use. Resembling Saturn in slowness.
1796Burke Regic. Peace Wks. IX. 93 The slow-paced Saturnian movements of Spain.
c. Physics. Of or pertaining to a model of the nuclear atom in which electrons are assumed to orbit in rings around a central nucleus, thus resembling the appearance of Saturn. Now hist.
1904H. Nagaoka in Phil. Mag. VII. 445 The system differs from the Saturnian system considered by Maxwell in having repelling particles instead of attracting satellites.Ibid. 455 There are various problems which will possibly be capable of being attacked on the hypothesis of a Saturnian system, such as chemical affinity and valency.1911Phil. Mag. XXI. 688 Nagaoka has mathematically considered the properties of a ‘Saturnian’ atom which he supposed to consist of a central attracting mass surrounded by rings of rotating electrons.1967D. ter Haar Old Quantum Theory iii. 31 Nagaoka (1904) had considered earlier the properties of a ‘Saturnian’ atom.1974G. Reece tr. Hund's Hist. Quantum Theory iv. 56 Nuclear types of atom included..the ‘Saturnian system’ of H. Nagaoka (1904).
4. = saturnine. Obs.
1656Blount Glossogr., Saturnian or Saturnine, barren, dull, heavy, melancholly; also unlucky or unfortunate.1738Chambers Cycl., Saturnine, or Saturnian, a term applied to persons of dark, sullen, melancholic complections.
B. n.
1. One born under the influence of the planet Saturn; a person of saturnine temperament. Obs.
1591Sparry tr. Cattan's Geomancie 31 A man being a Saturnian, is much more apte and prompt vnto things of Magicke, then he that is borne vnder an other Planet.1598Marston Pygmal. iv. 150 What cold Saturnian Can hold, and heare such vile detraction?
2. An inhabitant of the planet Saturn.
1738Gentl. Mag. VIII. 315/2 Some cold Saturnian, when the lifted tube Shows to his wond'ring eye our pensile globe, Pities our thirsty soil, and sultry air.1870Proctor Other Worlds vi. 153 The provision of satellites and of the rings..is altogether inadequate to increase the supply of light received by the Saturnians to any such extent as has been imagined.
3. pl. Saturnian verses.
1899Mackail Life Morris I. 284 English, like Latin, has changed too deeply in structure to revert to its Saturnians.
4. nonce-use. The son of Saturn, Jupiter (tr. Gr. κρονίων).
1820Shelley Hymn Merc. xxxviii, Where the ambrosial nymph with happy will Bore the Saturnian's love-child, Mercury.Ibid. lii, I appeal to the Saturnian's throne.




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