

单词 scalding
释义 I. ˈscalding, n.1 Chiefly Sc. Obs.
Also 5 skalding(g), scaldyn, 6 schalding, 6–7 scadling.
[? f. scald a. + -ing1.]
a. ? The carcass of a ‘scald’ sheep.
b. A sheepskin of small value, ? one taken from a ‘scald’ sheep.
a.1302–3Sacrist Rolls Ely (1907) II. 17 Pro ij carcos. bouum et iij scaldyngis missis Episcopo.1338in Dugdale Monasticon (1819) II. 585/1 Vitulina et ij. skaldynges.
b.1429Rolls of Parlt. IV. 352/1 A nail of Lambeswolle, is at the value of ix d. or x d., and a shorlyng feel or scaldyng, at ob. or 1 d. the best.1442Aberd. Reg. (1844) I. 397 That na man by woll skynnis derar than x d., schorlinges vi d., scaldynes iii d.1538Ibid. (MS.) XVI. (Jam.), Small wnwollit skynnis sic as hoyg schorlingis, scadlingis, and fuitfaill.1661Sc. Acts Chas. II (1820) VII. 253/2 Futfells & skaldings.
II. ˈscalding, n.2 Hist.
(In 7–8 Often erron. stalding.)
[Cf. OF. eskallin, escalin, escarlin (13–14th c.): see escaline.]
A Flemish coin introduced into England and Ireland in the 13th century.
[c1285in Cal. Doc. rel. Irel. (1879) III. 8 The bishop [of Waterford, Stephen de Fulborn]..caused new money to be made. It was called Scalding, Bishop's money, or Stephening, from the name of the bishop.]1605Camden Rem. (1623) 176 Rosaries, Stepings, and Staldings.1716M. Davies Athen. Brit. III. 78 Pollards, Crocards, Staldings.1866Rogers Agric. & Prices I. xi. 178 A considerable circulation of Flemish coins..was effected in England at the close of the thirteenth century. These pieces went by the name of Pollards, Crockards, Scaldings, Brabants, Eagles [etc.].
III. ˈscalding, vbl. n.
[f. scald v. + -ing1.]
1. a. The act of burning with hot fluid or steam. Also, a scalded part.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. cxix. (1495) 682 The rynde of the plane helpyth to ease scaldyng and brennynge yf it is layed therto.1526Grete Herball cxix. (1529) H j b, Lay it vpon the scaldynge with a feder, and it wyll heale.1578Lyte Dodoens i. lxxxi. 121 The wilde Mulleyne stamped, is good to be layde vpon burnings and scaldings.1605Shakes. Lear iv. vi. 131 There's hell,..there is the sulphurous pit; burning, scalding, stench.1694[see sanable 2].1742tr. Heister's Surg. (1768) I. 240 The Burns..which are occasioned by boiling Liquors (which we call Scalding).
b. transf. A hot sensation as of scalding.
1597Gerarde Herbal iii. xxxviii. 1174 The same is good..against frettings of the bladder, and scalding of the vrine.1709Brit. Apollo No. 44. 2/2 A Scalding i' th' Urine.
c. Inflamed or sore condition. (Cf. scalded ppl. a.1 b.)
c1450ME. Med. Bk. (Heinrich) 76 Pro le scaldynge virge quod vocatur apegalle.1597Gerarde Herbal ii. cccxiv. 745 Good medicines..for vlcerations and scaldings in the priuie parts.
d. Horticulture. Injury done to plants by the sun's heat after watering.
1865Trans. Illinois Agric. Soc. V. 208 Here is no swaying of trees to the east, no scalding of the west side of the trunks in the sun.1882Garden 11 Mar. 169/2 The stem leaves..which are subject to scalding, should never be syringed on bright mornings.1890Daily News 12 Sept. 2/3 There have been heavy dews and fogs, and as these have been followed by hot sun, it has caused what is known as scalding [in hops].
2. a. The use of boiling or hot liquid in the preparation of the carcasses of animals, etc. for food; the use of hot lotions (in farriery); the partial boiling of milk, etc.; a quantity of liquid thus heated.
139.Earl Derby's Exp. (Camden) 65/1 Pro skaldyng porcorum et porcellorum.c1400Rom. Rose 6820 Without scaldyng they hem pull.1487Act 4 Hen. VII c. 3 The Slaughter of Beasts, and Scalding of Swine, had and done in the Butchery.1753J. Bartlet Gentl. Farriery xxxi. 260 The manner of scalding is first to clean the abscess well with a piece of sponge dipped in vinegar; then put a sufficient quantity of the mixture into a ladle with a spout, and when it is made scalding hot, pour it into the abscess.1875Knight Dict. Mech., Scalding, a. The last boiling or bucking of cloth with white soap after bleaching. b. The soap itself.1882Jamieson's Sc. Dict. s.v. Scaudin, ‘I'll hae anither scaudin o' whey the day.’.. ‘That's a big scaudin o' milk ye hae.’
b. pl. Scalding hot liquid. to cry scaldings: see quot. 1867.
1748Smollett Rod. Rand. xxv, He carried off a large wooden platter, and..returned with it full of boiled pease, crying ‘scaldings’ all the way.1839J. Snowe Leg. Rhine I. 104 This temerarious lad was wont now and then to fling scaldings over him.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Scaldings!, notice to get out of the way; it is used when a man with a load wishes to pass, and would lead those in his way to think that he was carrying hot water.1878H. C. Adams Wykehamica xxiii. 432.
3. attrib. (See also scalding-house.)
1608H. Clapham Errour Left Hand 34 The Pope hath a mighty allowance annually from the Courtizans scalding⁓tubs.1753J. Bartlet Gentl. Farriery xxxi. 259 Some make their scalding mixture milder.1805R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. II. 1023 The outside of the dairy or scalding⁓room.1831Youatt Horse ix. 153 In extreme cases [of poll-evil], even the scalding mixture of the farrier may be called into requisition.
IV. scalding, ppl. a.|ˈskɔːldɪŋ|
1. That scalds; scalding hot.
a1225Ancr. R. 246 Þeo þet beoð wiðinnen heldeð schaldinde water ut, & werieð so þe walles.1481Caxton Reynard xlii. (Arb.) 113 The cook..toke a grete bolle full of scaldyng water, and caste it on his hyppes behynde.1590Marlowe 2nd Pt. Tamburl. iii. v, Searing thy hateful flesh with burning irons and drops of scalding lead.1641J. Jackson True Evang. T. i. 27 He had caused him to be thrown into a Caldron of scalding oyle.1755Hales in Phil. Trans. XLIX. i. 339 To give the milk a scalding heat.1816Scott Antiq. xiv, He..drinks his tea scalding.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xxx. (1856) 260 Some sugared cranberries, with a little butter and scalding water, and you have an impromptu strawberry ice.
b. Of the sea, etc. [rendering L. torrens]: Boiling, seething. Also subst. = torrent. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 20882 Apon þe skaldand see he [sc. St. Peter] yede.a1300E.E. Psalter cxxiii. 5 Oure saule over-fore scaldand.Ibid. cxxv. 4 Turne, Laverd, our wrecchednesse, Als skaldand in south esse.1513Douglas æneis vi. iv. 59 Schaldand hellis flude, Flagiton.
c. Of fire, the sun, etc.: Scorching. Obs.
1500–20Dunbar Poems xxvi. 23 Mony prowd trumpour with him trippit Throw skaldand fyre.1577tr. Bullinger's Decades ii. ix. 210 Least..hee happ to fall into the scalding lyme kill.1596Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, v. vii. 18 In Summers scalding heate.1621Burton Anat. Mel. ii. ii. iii. 335 Built, with high houses, narrow streets, to keep out these scaulding beames.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iv. 32 The Banks of Brooks will make a cool retreat For the raw Soldiers from the scalding Heat.1707Mortimer Husb. 63 They fallow it when the Sun is pretty high, which they call a scalding fallow.1720De Foe Capt. Singleton vi. (1840) 98 A scalding sand, which..drove about in clouds.
2. transf. and fig. Producing an effect or sensation like that of scalding.
a. Of tears, etc.
a1225Ancr. R. 246 Worpeð ut uppon him schaldinde teares.1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. i. (1621) 13 He, that in Sommer,..Scorched all day in his owne scalding sweat.1667Milton P.L. x. 556 Parcht with scalding thurst.1715Pope Iliad ii. 331 He..From his vile Visage wip'd the scalding Tears.1829Good's Study Med. (ed. 3) V. 469 [Paruria] Ardens. Scalding strangury.1856Dove Logic Chr. Faith v. i. §2. 293 Where is the eye that has forgotten its scalding agonies.1886Hall Caine Son of Hagar iii. xix, Greta..wept scalding tears.
b. Of desire, etc.: Burning, hot, fervent. Obs.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxxvi. (Baptista) 81 In skaldand word luf god sal þay.c1400Sc. Trojan War ii. 1674 A blynd fulische desyre..to pass into þar land With eger willis and scaldand.1589Greene Menaphon (Arb.) 34 To breath out scalding sighes smothered within the fornace of his thoughts.
c. Of utterances: Caustic, stinging. Obs.
1641J. Jackson True Evang. T. i. 74 Our venomous and scalding words, which burne like coals of Juniper.




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