

单词 scallion
释义 scallion|ˈskælɪən|
Forms: 4 scalone, scaloun, 5 scalon, scalyone, 5–6 scalyon, 6 scallyon, 6–7 scalion, 7 skallion, 6– scallion.
[a. AF. scal(o)un = OF. eschalo(i)gne:—pop.L. *escalonia, for class. L. Ascalōnia (sc. cæpa onion), f. Ascalon, name of a seaport of Palestine. Cf. Sp. escalona; also It. scalogno (:—Ascalōnium, sc. allium).]
a. U.S. The shallot.
b. The Welsh onion or ‘chibol’.
c. An onion which fails to bulb but forms a long neck and strong blade; = spring onion s.v. spring n.1 7 b.
d. U.S. = leek 1.
13..Coer de L. 6834 For thy lyff and thy barouns He wyl not geve two skalouns.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. ix. 310 Perselye and scalones, Chiboles and chiruylles.a1400Octouian 1313 He seyde hy ner worth a scaloun Alle y-fere.c1440Palladius on Husb. iv. 635 In oil & Iuce of scalons longe With pepur mixt, ennoynte her pomys.1547Boorde Brev. Health xv. 12 b, They muste eat no salades, garlyke, ramsons, onyons, chybolles, or scalyons.1551Turner Herbal 96 A scalyon differeth from an onyon in that it hath a great deale lesse heade and a longer neck, and thycker.1596Nashe Saffron Walden F 2 Not content to..sustaine his hungry bodie with wythred scallions and greene cheese.1620Venner Via Recta vii. 139 Scallions and Chibols are much of the nature of Onions.1699[see cibol].1786Abercrombie Gard. Assist. 9 Let such as have sprouted be planted for Spring scallions.1855Delamer Kitch. Gard. 39 To supply..a substitute for scallions, whether the term is interpreted to mean the green tops of onions which do not bulb in the spring and the shoots from old bulbs of the preceding or former years, or the Welsh onion.1882Garden 30 Dec. 577/1 Scallions find favour with many who object to Onions generally.1902L. H. Bailey Cycl. Amer. Hort. IV. 1622/2 Scallion, a name for the Shallot; also used for onions that do not make good bulbs but remain with thick necks.1943H. M. Fox Gardening for Good Eating ix. 135 When the [onion] seedlings are thinned, they can be eaten as scallions.1963[see dandelion greens s.v. dandelion 3].1965P. De Vries Let me count Ways xii. 159 Several stalks of crisp celery and a scallion or two left over from my lunch.1969Yearbk. Agric. (U.S. Dept. Agric.) 189/2 Green onions, shallots, and leeks are sometimes called ‘scallions’.1978Chicago June 217/1 Other delicacies might be fresh crab legs..and transparent noodles studded with shrimp, scallions, and black mushrooms.
attrib. and Comb.c1550Lloyd Treas. Health xiii. F iij b, Put oyle & scalion seed together.1580Baret Alv., A Scallion onion, Ascalonia.a1625Beaum. & Fl. Love's Cure ii. i, What a scallion fac'd-rascall 'tis!




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